Wednesday, October 30, 2019

A Jury of Her Peers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

A Jury of Her Peers - Essay Example Throughout the story, Glaspell clearly depicts how men in those times regarded women as remarks thick with chauvinist undertones are exchanged between the male characters. For instance, while conducting the investigation in the Wright's abode, the county attorney asked Mrs. Peters, the sheriff's wife, to keep an eye for anything that maybe helpful in revealing the real motive for Mr. Wright's brutal murder. To this, Mr. Hale quickly asserts, "would the women know a clue if they did, come upon it" Another example is when the three men overheard Mrs. Hale's query about the quilt, an important evidence missed by the men that would ultimately uncover Mrs. Wright's motive. Mrs. Hale asks, "Do you suppose she was going to quilt it or just knot it" Upon hearing this, the sheriff threw up his hands in incredulity then remarks, "They wonder whether she was going to quilt it or just knot it!" and, "There was a laugh for the ways of women." In light of the chauvinist banter, it becomes evident how the men openly mock the women. These points intend to open the eyes of readers to the reality as to how the society perceives women's ways and undertakings. There is an implication that the society highly values only the activities engaged in by men like their work s. On the other hand, women's activities such as the household chores are given minimal economic significance. These go to show how the chauvinist society distinguishes "women matters" as trivial, thus, of relatively less importance as compared to "men matters." People, even women themselves, fail to realize that women, just like the men, possess the ability and power to contribute to a cause, although in a different manner. As illustrated in Glaspell's story, it is actually Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters, being the way they are, who solved the mystery unbeknownst to the men. With their sensitivity to details and common distressing experiences, they have shed light to Mrs. Wright's real motive for taking her husband's life. Social Pressures on Women Based on Mrs. Hale's recollection, Mrs. Wright, the once vivacious lad "used to wear pretty clothes and be lively-when she was Minnie Foster." When this description is juxtaposed with Mr. Hale's image of Mrs. Wright "pleatin' at her apron", the readers are given the idea on the immense change undergone from Minnie Foster, the pretty lady who gleefully sings in the choir down to Mrs. Wright, the lifeless woman who suffered much from her husband's masculine oppression. All it takes is marriage to an oppressive man. It is then revealed that Mrs. Wright murders her husband for killing the bird, her only source of hope that serves as her constant reminder of what her life used to be. Such scenario depicts how the society imposed social pressures on women, especially those who are married. Married women, as if placed in uniform boxes, are packaged by the patriarchal society as obedient wives who readily do their husbands' every bidding. In fulfilling their domestic roles, what becomes central is that they tend to their families' needs primarily. In a way, these result in women developing an ambiguous self-image, which as Mrs. Peter's describes, "as if

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Innovation in Pizza Hut Dominating the Pizza Sector

Innovation in Pizza Hut Dominating the Pizza Sector Nowadays in organizational innovation is the base of developmental a new system or way product introducing in business sector.. It is necessary for an entrepreneurial practice. Its may start of firm, a big organization, and a public or private-sector company. Innovation is change, something new, its fundamental change. When the opening out of the computer its present incremental revolutionize, such as the conversion computer software. In other hand managements should build up process to motivate and trained to the changes attractive situate. SOURCES OF INNOVATION In business ant innovation comes with strong source. Opportunities are other part of innovation in organizations. Innovation usually from the persistent search for opportunity and source. Management guru Peter Ducker recognized opportunities of innovation be present both into outside or inside of a company or industry. Innovation development requirements sources and opportunities for changes in the marketplace or industry structure. Information is collected in two ways one primary and other secondary .The definition of primary information is the first hand or the original or the principal knowledge. There are many source of primary information these include survey, interview, meeting, observation of object, discussion etc. The secondary information comes from electronic survey. Management and employee research about their sales, cost, production etc. They can find out customers interest and needs by this way. PIZZA HUT: The record of Pizza hut begin in 1958, nowadays the worlds biggest pizza franchise was born. Today the Pizza hut company is part of the YUM, but back then two brothers borrowed $600 from their mother and started to forge the history of Pizza hut. Pizza Hut is the biggest international franchise and restaurant chain store in pizza sector. Pizza hut is division of Yum! Brands Inc. the largest restaurant group with 30,000 outlets in 90 countries. Its providing both dine in and take way service. Pizza hut offers different types of menu; various types of pizza, pasta and salad etc. The first pizza hut was born in Wichita Kansas of America in 1958. Two brothers Dan and Frank Carney borrowed $600 from their mother and open 25 seats restaurant of pizza hut. The Commercial History of Pizza Hut The whole history of pizza hut has been achieved through innovation, but the history of pizza hut really took off with amalgamation into the Pepsi Company and more aggressive marketing techniques especially in the take out market. Not surprisingly over the years Pizza hut had to reinvent the pizza again and introduce a healthier style of pizza. Pizza in itself is not the unhealthiest meal, but it is laden with unnecessary calories and fats when cheese is added. Pizza hut was forced to add new taste combinations to their menus that offered a lower fat alternative. It is now possible to select between three to eight In 1973 pizza hut open their first UK restaurant in Islington, London. Now Pizza hut (UK) is a 50:50 joint venture company between Yum! Brands Inc. and Whitbread Group. PLC. Pizza Hut UK now has more than 650 outlets, including 420 dine-in restaurant all over UK and Ireland and over 270 home delivery outlets. Now Pizza Hut UK has more than 20,000 employees. Pizza hut is the leader of highly competitive pizza business sector. They have lot of branches all over the UK. They have to operate their branches systemically to stand in top position. Pizza hut has a great reputation about their various innovation of pizza, pasta and others foods. They always focus on customer choice. Thats why they provide different foods menu in different area with different taste. Pizza hut always analysis their progress of sales in different store level. They try to make flexible their operational and management level activities. They analysis how to improve in store sale, stock management, productivity, waste control, information updating. Since 1980s pizza hut using POS (point of sale) system to operate their value of store business and create specific business decision. But its not enough for now days. Thats why in beginning of 2000 they try different information systems, But at the end after lot of experience in 2004 MICROS business information systems ins talled in 11 Pizza Hut in UK. Micros systems provide the facilities business operation and management processing level. Julian ONeill, Director of Business Process and IT division of Pizza Hut (UK) Ltd. says Our felling, after pretty stringent testing, was that MICROS had the capability to develop what we needed more quickly and robustly. Their system fitted the UK scenario Pizza Hut (UK) Ltd. And MICROS: MICROS system developed to create a network of point of sale terminal for order entry, series of kitchen display monitor to maintain order of food preparation; its makes easy the complicated cash handling and controlling delivery display in take way section. MICROS have structural activities to store control, production, report making through business process with strong network to store management to regional manager and head office. According to ONeil, benefits get into two categories: financial and operational Firstly, the system has helped drive up revenue by increasing average guest ticket, 0Neill commented. That has happened particularly thanks to the intuitive nature of the system and the way it leads staff through the selling process, in addition to the ability to incentivise individual team members through the use of detailed employee performance reporting. Systems Makeover Re-Energizes, Pizza Giants Sales and Productivity MICROS information technology system is developed to operate in various sector in Pizza Hut store to head office. In store activities totally controlled by this system. Its creating serious improvement in order flow. Its makes faster and easier to taking order from customer by waiter and send to kitchen and delivered on time. ONeill said MICROS supports staff in a contemporary and user-friendly way, putting a lot more intelligence behind the selling process, He estimates average increase in guest check at around 1 to 2 per cent. MICROS system in store function: End of Week Week Forecasting Labour Management Stock General Daily Tasks . Troubleshoot Cash Management Add New Employee . Time Cards Day off Request Holiday Request Table Plan Editor Section Management Drivers commission Deduction TMRI Managers Desktop Figure: Pizza Hut Information Systems. MICROS information system in Pizza Hut generally operate by store management. They doing their daily tasks duties. By this system forecasting for daily, weekly and monthly sales is done. They analysis with systemically and forecast daily product preparation. Inventory and order processing done by this systems. All daily, weekly and period report done by MICROS. Pizza hut all employee have a employee card. They can use it for clock in clock out with MICROS. Management control labour workforce by this excellent system. Particularly MICROS information systems have huge impact in Pizza Hut business sector. By MICROS management done their operational and strategic process. Following some activities of MICROS information system in Pizza HUT (UK): # Labour Management: Management analysis labour scheduling by MICROS. They fine out best way to use the employee hour. Make employee weekly scheduling with this technology. ONeill commented.Store and area managers can -almost in real time monitor how sales are trending and how staff are being allocated, ONeill said.One direct result is more efficient labour deployment. Which has improved by 3-4% in trial stores # Order Processing: MICROS makes comfortable for employee to take order and process it. This system is so quick and efficient. In this system there is lot of option to make job easier. This system has very good interlinked to front of house to back of house. # Payroll Management: Pizza Hut weekly payroll done by MICROS system. Every Sunday is the end of week. Management control every day labour hour by MICROS system. They can analysis how many will be needed. After end of week they send this report to Pizza Hut head office HR department and employee get proper salary regular bases. # Management Control: Every Pizza Hut store has MICROS information technology system. They have own access password to control their restaurant business up to-date. Store management and area manager can easily visit to and get report of every moment sales performance, labour cost etc. MICROS system has lot of facility. By this store management can share there performance, sales report, business mail, online food order, table booking, etc. Every restaurant has my inventory section. They can order online to their regular food supplier 3636 by using MICROS system. ONeil says The ordering process is now much more operator-friendly, and ONeill observed. Rather than receiving a phone call from the distributor and placing an order over the phone, store personnel can now do things in their own time, going into their system whenever convenient and placing an order for delivery at some future point. MICROS system gives management more flexibility to manage their business plan and decision making. ONeill says It allows much more detailed management decision-making and much increased transparency of what is happening with stocks food and consumables in every store, Management Change of Innovation: Management change is very essential concept of the organization. Change mostly depends on corporate structure, technology and people. If there is no change the managerial job would be vary easy. Planning would be simplified because tomorrow would be no different from today. The issue of organization design would be solved because the environment would be free from uncertainty and there would be no need to adapt. Management change is an organizational reality. It is very important job of the manager to handling change management, but now question is which facto create the change? factor is structure, technology, and people. Three categories of change:- Structure:- Authority relationship, Coordinating mechanisms Job redesign Span of control + Technology:- Work process Work methods Equipment + People:- Attitudes Expectations Perceptions Behaviour Change Process: Beginning of any kind change in organization some people doing important rule and responsible for managing change in company. This may any from managements role or organization experts. They called as a change agents. In organization manager cannot innovate any kind of so easily. All change should with rules regulation, logical and realistic. To introduce any process of change management should think about feedback and reflect of change. Management has to prepare to face employee resistance to change. Thats why change process is a important research issue. Researchers have innovate lot of change process model for successful of change. Generally two methods are use for change process. One is calm waters and others is white water rapids. Calm waters: The calm waters metaphor also known as a The Lewin Model. Kurt Lewin change process mainly base of three steps of change. Change about academic, general rules regulation with theoretical and practical related to management in large areas The first one is Unfreezing to everyone that why change is important than the next one is introduce the Change and the last one is Freezing, analysis and modify the change to successful of implement. # Unfreezing: Look after on driving and resistance forces; expenses, internal resource, employee organized. #Change: Introduce two combinations of two factors, implement it briefly. Communication with everyone. #Freezing: Get feedback, analysis, solution and be successful. 0702 Figure: Changing Process (Fundamental of Management-page;233) White- water rapids: This methods focus on doubtful and self-motivated atmosphere. Mainly highlighted the advantages for organization and small facts can be removable for large implements. Management get strong feedback instantly and go for action quick Explain probability and profitability of opportunities Reason of Resistance of change: We may like change and regard it is an essential feature of living; it does not mean that we always welcome it (Hughes, 2006, p.118) Resistance about any kind of change is natural human behaviour. Its a psychological weakness of people to adjust with something new. Resistance of change is common effect for management. So management should reason of resistance and how to reduce it from organization. Why people resist about change in organization its a common and important question. Lets find out some common factor of conflict of change between management and employee. Uncertainty: In general reason resistance of change for organizational people is hesitation. Its a common problem for human being to indecision mentality. Normally employee feels nervous uncomfortable. Thats why they always try to avoid any kind change. They think may their position will be lost. Threatened Self Interest: This type of normally coming from part of management and senior employee. They fear to loss their position, they think when something new introduces their long time experience will be useless. Different Perceptions: Conflict between top management and employee level is one of reason for resistance. Managements want to introduce any upgrade in business from their point of view, but employee does not except it, because the lack of inter relation. Feeling of Loss: Change is effect on work environment. People have own system to work. They dont want come out from his own network. They scared, If they try something new they can loss their dignity, power, co-relation, money, life and social security etc. 0703 Figure: Why People resist (Fundamentals of Management Page: 236) Its expectable management have face conflict of changing from their employee. The management have prepared for this kind situation. When resistance coming management should it take strongly. Resistance about change is always on top form. Ignore any thing this circumstances not a good move. Management have to analysis what the key point that people have resistance with something new. They have to utilise proper process to introduce any kind of change in organizational level. Recover the resistance about change in organization its not so simple. For successful change its really important to overcome resistance of change. Management should be technical to reduce the resistance of change in organization. Management can utilised several technical process like Education, Training and Communication. People resist for new thing because that have lack knowledge idea about that. Corporate training, inter personal communications; seminar can reduce the resistance of change. Management have prov ided proper information about changing process. They have to present the advantages of change in organization. There are some key technical processes to reduce the resistance of change: # Education and Communication: People have lack of idea and information about anything new. They dont know how any change can give them facilities, extra advantages. Impact of change can be successful, they dont understand because of communication gap. If management provide proper education, trained them to get ready of change. Proper Information can reduce the resistance of change in organization. It can give strong confidence to employee. # Participation: Its a real technical and smart process to overcoming from change resistance. Generally people become resist to change because, they expect about losing position, power, they may be underestimate. So management have to make sure employee not ignored, they are part of change, part of success. Contribution has to proper way and honestly. Management should give honour expertise. Participation and contribution give strong feedback about acceptance to change. # Facilitation and Negotiation: In organization always have some strong community. Ignore them its not smart movement. If they dont support it will be difficult to get success to up-coming change. Provide them facilities, benefits, declare change can be beneficial. Negotiate with some demand can solve the conflict of change. There are few more issue can reduce the resistance to change, it could be manipulation and cooptation, force field analysis. Beside these the manager can do other things to make the innovation successful within the organization. Establish the needs for the upcoming change or setup of the innovation within the organization. Define the success in market terms by creating an external focus over the market and the competitors. Be the clear thinker with the deep knowledge of the upcoming change within the organization. Encourage the employee with the imaginary power, to lead the success of the implementation of innovation. Energize team with the communication; make then a part of the change or creating the innovation. Make them proud to be a part of the innovation. Let them think they are doing something which will lead in the future. Give them a dream of innovation. Increase then internal communication with the team member. Obviously the monitoring. All of these could lead to the implement of an innovation successfully within the organization. Role of an organization in innovation or change: For the implementation of an innovation or bring a change within the organization is not a simple task. Here organization must have to involve along with change agent. The main plan to bring of an innovation or change comes from the organizational step huge involvement. Technology management cycle is the core things for any kinds of change or innovation. It starts with the concept of innovation and final stage is reflection of the concept. It is a continuous process. Only the change is unchangeable things. In the management cycle the manager gather different types of idea of change in the concept stage. Then try to find out the best possible action to take on. Then move to the experiment stage. Here management try with the chosen action how they are working. Is it ok to satisfy the management demands? This the experience stage of the management cycle. Finally the monitor and evaluate the actual performance and bring some possible change if necessary. Here, again starts with the generating new idea. To make a successful change or an innovation organization must have some important roles beside the management cycle. Like The organization must have to create a strategic vision Establish process to convert the idea with to innovation They must allocate the resources Reward the innovation result To bring an innovation or create any change the organization must have focus on few important things as well What would be the benefits of the customer or organization or stakeholders Consider the acceptable turn over Consider the value adds to the value chain Role of manager in the innovation Manager played very important role in tesco especially in the innovation process. Every manager in tesco is very sharp thinker. Manager is the team leader of every store. He has extra energetic power to maintain his team work. He is the developer and expertise in function. Innovation is the process of taking a createve idea and turning it into a useful product, service, or method of operation. The innovative organization is characterized by the ability to channel its creative juices into useful outcomes. When manager talk about changing an organization to make it more creative, they usually mean that they want to stimulate innovation. The manager of tesco doing planning, organizing, leading, monitoring and controlling. Technology provides very positive solution in the company, but technology effect the managerial role. At present company has become integrative communication canters. By using faster broadband computer and other utility tools manager get quick information. Tesco also u se their own software in their system, so every manager are well trained about the operate. By using those innovation manager can better formulate plants, make faster decisions, more clearly define the jobs that workers need to perform and monitor activities. In essence, information technology has enhanced manager ability to more effectively and efficiently. In those innovation are working correctly or not manager are the responsible person to complete this. He is the responsible person to implement those innovations. Tesco`s managerial people have creativity, motivate and encourage employees, scanning the environment, decision maker, entrepreneur, fix any problem quickly, handle under pressures, and negotiator. Every manager is the leader of the company. Manager is not the creator of those innovations but his duty is the implement in operation and practice Role of an organisation in innovation Innovation is the main key in tesco for its customer and their business. Companies main focus is equally in product and the process of innovation. From the begening of the company they try to keep their price low. The company also try to keep the shopping experience as easy as possible. Their strategy:- * Good customer service, easy and faster shoping. * Very sustainable price with good quality. * Same price in every store.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Pragmatism as a Philosophy :: Skepticism, Rationalism, Metaphysics

I have often heard people use the word pragmatic to describe actions, laws or feelings, but I never really looked at pragmatism as a philosophy before. As we studied this semester I found myself asking one question about each philosophy we covered. We discussed skepticism and the claim that we have no knowledge (Lawhead, W., The Philosophical Journey, 2009, p. 55). We compared rationalism and empiricism which posit that we do have knowledge, but disagree on whether that knowledge comes from intellect or experience (Lawhead, p. 55). Along with that we covered Kant’s attempt bridge the gap between rationalism and empiricism, known as constructivism (Lawhead, p. 120). We moved on to the different varieties of relativism, and I still found myself asking the same thing. So what? In other words, does any of this really matter? Then we got to pragmatism, and I found that it asked the same question. Pragmatism looks for the practical value of a belief. If I look at the oth er subjects we have studied pragmatically, I can determine which ideas have the most value to me. Apart from the epistemological philosophies, another area we have also covered is metaphysics. Within metaphysics we have covered dualism and two forms of monism, materialism and idealism. Each of these beliefs deal with what reality actually is. Idealism claims there is one type of reality and that it is mental or spiritual in nature (Lawhead, p. 97). If, as Berkeley claims, matter is a useless concept (Lawhead, p. 206), it would be useless for us to try manipulating the world around us. Since we do try to manipulate our world, Berkeley’s idealism does not work with how we live. It is not practical. The other form of monism, materialism, more specifically physicalism, may hold more practical value than idealism. In materialism, reality is entirely physical (Lawhead, p. 205). Physicalism is a materialist view that the mind can be completely explained by the physical makeup of the brain (Lawhead, p. 214). This has practical value because it leads to the ability to study the min d, and allows the mind to interact with the rest of the world. This form of monism seems to be the more practical of the two, but monism is not the only way to look at reality. Pragmatism as a Philosophy :: Skepticism, Rationalism, Metaphysics I have often heard people use the word pragmatic to describe actions, laws or feelings, but I never really looked at pragmatism as a philosophy before. As we studied this semester I found myself asking one question about each philosophy we covered. We discussed skepticism and the claim that we have no knowledge (Lawhead, W., The Philosophical Journey, 2009, p. 55). We compared rationalism and empiricism which posit that we do have knowledge, but disagree on whether that knowledge comes from intellect or experience (Lawhead, p. 55). Along with that we covered Kant’s attempt bridge the gap between rationalism and empiricism, known as constructivism (Lawhead, p. 120). We moved on to the different varieties of relativism, and I still found myself asking the same thing. So what? In other words, does any of this really matter? Then we got to pragmatism, and I found that it asked the same question. Pragmatism looks for the practical value of a belief. If I look at the oth er subjects we have studied pragmatically, I can determine which ideas have the most value to me. Apart from the epistemological philosophies, another area we have also covered is metaphysics. Within metaphysics we have covered dualism and two forms of monism, materialism and idealism. Each of these beliefs deal with what reality actually is. Idealism claims there is one type of reality and that it is mental or spiritual in nature (Lawhead, p. 97). If, as Berkeley claims, matter is a useless concept (Lawhead, p. 206), it would be useless for us to try manipulating the world around us. Since we do try to manipulate our world, Berkeley’s idealism does not work with how we live. It is not practical. The other form of monism, materialism, more specifically physicalism, may hold more practical value than idealism. In materialism, reality is entirely physical (Lawhead, p. 205). Physicalism is a materialist view that the mind can be completely explained by the physical makeup of the brain (Lawhead, p. 214). This has practical value because it leads to the ability to study the min d, and allows the mind to interact with the rest of the world. This form of monism seems to be the more practical of the two, but monism is not the only way to look at reality.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

About a Boy film review

Will Freeman (Hugh Grant; – Bridget Jones's Diary) is enjoying his rich, meaningless life, living off of his dad's Christmas song as a bachelor who lives in London. He is a lazy, self-centred man who thinks about no-one but himself. Will is a player; he joins a single parent group called SPAT (Single Parents Alone Together). He goes to these meetings and ends up going on a date. She has to bring her best friend's son called Marcus Brewer (Nicholas Hoult). When they get back to Marcus's house they find Marcus's mother; Fiona (Toni Collete), unconscious on a sofa after a suicide attempt. Fiona recovers and Marcus realises two people is not enough. Marcus calls up Will and arranges them to go to dinner. Marcus starts to follow Will and finds out his doesn't have a child. Marcus starts coming to Wills; watching television and they become friends. Marcus and Fiona spend Christmas and New Year's with Will. At the SPAT group Will meets another woman called Rachel. She believes Marcus is Will's son and he plays along. He then realises where he went wrong and he tells her and he realises what he is. Fiona starts to cry before Marcus goes to school and he worries for her, and before she had told him, his voice makes her happy. He decides to sing at a school concert to make her happy. The next part is for you to find out. Will invites some people around his flat for Christmas, and Rachel is there. This film was directed by Paul and Chris Weisz; they directed American Pie. About a Boy is quite similar to that film. Also it was written by Nick Hornby who also wrote the book High Fidelity. He has turned lots of books into films and has had his novel published in 1998: Fever Pitch. The music was written and performed by Badly Drawn Boy, Damon Gough, Nick Hornby asked him to provide music for the entire movie. Hornby believes his music had the power to enchant and change people. The main themes of this movie are; Growing up (changing), Consequences of suicide, Family & Friends (Love), Responsibilities, Relationships, Truth & Honesty and Single-parents. The scene that really stood in my mind is when Marcus commits social suicide where he sings ‘Killing Me Softly' for his Mum to make her happy. Will convinces Fiona to go and watch, and Will drives her up to the concert. Marcus had paid a boy in his school to play with him, but he wouldn't play so Marcus goes out on stage himself; Can Will Stop Marcus from singing? The audience claps Marcus onto the stage and then he starts to sing and they laugh at his face is shown by a close-up on him and zooms out changing from time to time. Will comes onstage playing a guitar and plays backup. When they finished Will carried on playing the guitar expressing his, weird but funny, feelings. Rachel notices Will is not just thinking about himself for a change. This compares with the theme of changing people as Will used to think about nobody but himself but now he thinks about helping Marcus. This gives the effect that people can change if they really try to. If you wanted to make the film better, I feel that you wouldn't have to change that much. The thing I would change is the music should be varied, as the same style of music and get repetitive. Most films do not always have the same genre of music in. Other than that, I do not have any other criticisms. This is a really brilliant film and I could watch it over and over again.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Deaths of Romeo and Juliet

The Deaths of Romeo And Juliet December 1st , 2010 The Deaths of Romeo and Juliet William Shakespeare was the spectacular playwright who wrote Romeo and Juliet. The play is about â€Å"Two star-crossed lovers†, Romeo and Juliet, and how they keep their love a secret because their families are enemies. The forbidden lovers must go through obstacles to be together, and go as far as committing suicide because they are apart. Romeo and Juliet die as a result of Friar Laurence, Lord and Lady Capulet, and the couples own poor decision making. Friar Laurence's actions throughout the play resulted in Romeo and Juliet's deaths. First, Friar Laurence led them to their to death by agreeing to secretly wed them in order to potentially bring the families together. Friar Laurence says to Romeo: â€Å"In one respect I'll thy assistant be,/ for this alliance may so happy prove,/ to turn your households' rancor to pure love (2. 3. 97-99). Friar Laurence should have thought about the outcome before jumping to conclusions because he could have caused the feud between the Capulet's and Montagues' to become even worse. Secondly, Friar Laurence gives Juliet a sleeping potion so that she can be with Romeo. Friar Laurence commands Juliet: â€Å"Take thou this vial, being then in bed,/ and this distilled liquor drink thou off† (4. 1. 93-94). Friar Laurence should have thought of a better way for her to be with Romeo because he is putting both Juliet and his own life in danger. Lastly, the Friar leaves Juliet in the Capulet vault all by herself after she sees her only love dead on the ground. Friar says to Juliet: â€Å"Come, go, good Juliet-[Noise] I dare no longer stay† (5. 3. 9-10). The Friar should have stayed and comforted Juliet instead of being scared and nervous that he will be blamed for the death of Romeo. In the beginning Friar Laurence had tried to help Romeo and Juliet but instead ended up being one of the main reasons for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Lady and Lord Capulet also caused troubles that lead to the death of Romeo and Juliet. Firstly, Lord Capulet threatens Juliet to marry Paris which causes Juliet to seek help from Friar Laurence. Lord Capulet threatens Juliet: â€Å"Hang thee, young baggage! Disobedient wretch! / I tell thee what, get thee to church o' Thursday,/ or never after look me in the face† (3. 5. 160-163). By saying this, Lord Capulet weakened his relationship with Juliet. Lord Capulet should have been more understanding and should have listened to Juliet's reason for why she could not marry Paris, before threatening her. Secondly, the Capulet's hate towards the Montagues' causes Juliet and Romeo to keep their love a secret. Nurse says to Juliet: â€Å"His name is Romeo, and a Montague; the only son of your great enemy† (1. 5. 135-136). The Capulet's should compromise with the Montague, so their families can be happy together. Lastly, there is no communication between Lady Capulet and Juliet. At one point in the play, Lady Capulet wants to talk to Juliet in private but calls the Nurse back for extra support. If Lady Capulet communicated with Juliet she would have known about Juliet's problems. Lady and Lord Capulet tried to be the best parents they could be, but instead they lead their only daughter and her only love into an early grave. Romeo and Juliet choose poor decisions throughout the play that cause their own deaths. Firstly, they decide to get married the first day they meet each other. Juliet asks Romeo: â€Å"Thy purpose marriage, send me word tomorrow† (2. . 144). This was a very poor decision by the couple because they are not truly in love and the only thing they know about each other is that there families are enemies. Secondly, Romeo and Juliet did not communicate with each other. Juliet asks the Nurse: â€Å"O God! Did Romeo's hand shed Tybalt's blood? † (3. 2. 77). Romeo should have told Juliet right away because they are married. If Romeo h ad communicated with Juliet right away she would have known why romeo killed Tybalt, her cousin. Lastly Romeo and Juliet both decide to kill themselves without thinking of other choices. At the end of the story, Romeo drinks a fatal potion because he believes that Juliet is dead, but Juliet was still alive and wakes up to see to Romeo dead on the ground so she stabs herself. They both react very quickly to the situation before thinking about their friends and family; they should have thought about doing something else, like finding a new beauty just like Romeo did in the beginning. Romeo and Juliet loved each other but their poor decision making was a big reason for their death. The deaths of Romeo and Juliet are Friar Laurence, Lord and Lady Capulet, and the couples poor decision making.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Guide on How to Write a Cause #038; Effect Essay It Is Easier Than You Think!

Guide on How to Write a Cause #038; Effect Essay It Is Easier Than You Think! A Cause and Effect Essay and Its Structure The cause and effect essays are popular tasks that require accurate analysis of the issue and finding the significant interconnection between reasons and the results. This kind of essay can be used to investigate various topics including nursing, business studies, environmental studies, marketing, and management. The essay is special due to the structure, significant aspects that should be included, the style of writing, and the variety of tips on how to simplify the task completing. The essay often answers questions that start with the words â€Å"How?† and â€Å"Why?† regarding different issues and processes in different spheres of human lives. In general, the purpose of such essay is to analyze and represent interconnections between origins of the phenomena or process and its particular results that influence the surrounding environment. Cause and effect essay is traditionally divided into several parts that explore numerous issues. The first part refers to the definition of the specific issue causes that shape formation of the situation. In these sections, the student has to make a detailed analysis of the problem and identify fundamental reasons for the problem emergence. Moreover, the essay should include an accurate description of these causes and all additional factors that shape the studied issue. The second part is the investigation of the issue itself in order to understand what place it has in the particular sphere. The student has to describe the object or the question defining all its elements, problems, or purposes. In fact, this stage is specific preparation for the analysis of effects that are separated into the next step. The part of Effects includes all impacts of the problem or particular issue on the environment or other determined aspects. Generally speaking, in this section the student is trying to establish interconnections between causes, the issue, and its effects. Such links can be direct or indirect, and the effect can also be immediate or long-lasting. Hence, the essay is aimed at the investigation of logical interconnections between the causes and effects of a particular issue. This essay is based on the complexity of the studied aspect that allows its detailed study. How to Choose a Topic for the Essay? Choosing of a topic for cause and effect essay is the first and one of the most important stages. In fact, in the majority of cases, a topic or several variants to choose from are offered by a professor. Such task aims at checking knowledge of a student regarding a specific topic or subject. However, a student can also be allowed to choose the issue by himself or herself. Several cause and effect essay tips can be useful in the process of choosing the appropriate topic: Analyze the course and all the aspects that you were studying during the semester. If you were notified that you would have to write a cause and effect essay, make notes during the course about the issues that are the most interesting for you to explore. As follows, choose the question that is interesting to analyze from the cause and effect point of view. In order to simplify the process of choosing, write a list of interesting topics. Such activity will provide you with a visual understanding of the number of questions you are interested in. Then decide what sources of information you can use and analyze if the topics you have chosen are supplied with such materials. As a result, select the issue that is the most interesting to you, and that is supported with the appropriate amount of information. Narrow the issue. Make the problem more specific and narrow it down in order to make your study unique and accurate. This activity will provide you with the ability to mark the most critical aspects of the issue and avoid unnecessary work. These tips can be considered as a practical scheme of choosing a topic for the essay that can be implemented by any student. Such steps will provide you with all appropriate conditions that will show you correctly which issue is the most exciting and comfortable for you to write a cause and effect essay about. Examples of possible topics for cause and effect essay: Causes of Global Warming; Position of the Feminist Movement in Modern Society; Causes of the Obesity Problem; Parents Role in the Formation of Children’s Behavioral Patterns; The Role of Unemployment Rate in the Problem of Homelessness; Modern Immigration Policy of the United States; Impact of Globalization Processes on International Trade; Problem of Language Barrier for Minorities in the U.S.; Causes and Effects of WWII; Increasing Traffic-Related Air Pollution as an Effect of Urbanization. Pre-writing Tips Several pre-writing tips can make the writing of the essay more simple and effective. Brainstorming The technique of brainstorming is considered to be extremely useful while creating ideas for the cause and effect essay writing. The direct method is connected with writing all thoughts regarding the issue to explore on the shit of paper. These ideas may be different and connected with causes, effects or links between those. The brainstorming can help to activate your brain and tackle all thoughts that can be useful for writing the essay on the chosen topic. In addition, this activity is helpful to define your personal opinion because it can be formed on the basis of all the ideas you will write. Freewriting This technique is quite similar to the brainstorming, but the last point is connected with writing only particular ideas, phrases or sentences. Freewriting includes writing the full text with complete sentences and developed ideas. However, you should be relaxed and write without any tension or mess. Just try to represent all your thoughts regarding the issue on the shit of paper, include your feelings or fairs about the future essay. As a result, you will deal with stress in such a way and develop interesting ideas that will be helpful in the writing of a cause and effect essay complete variant. Question Asking The method of question asking is also a great way to create writing that is useful in the development of the outline for a cause and effect essay. This technique refers to writing a list of questions that you want to answer in your essay or that you are interested in. Start from the most general questions and then make them more narrow and specified. These questions can be connected with the full issue or with its separate parts. Outline of a Cause and Effect Essay Having chosen the topic for the essay, a student needs to create an outline and in such a way to form the scheme of the essay content. An outline should be appropriately organized due to the traditional structure of an academic essay. After all pre-writing activities, you will have a wide range of ideas that should be grouped into specific sectors. The following is the example of a cause and effect essay outline: I. Introduction: General information about the analyzed issue; The thesis statement at the end of the paragraph. II. Body part: First body paragraph: a. The first main idea of the essay; b. Supporting arguments; c. Conclusion. Second body paragraph: a. The second main idea of the essay; b. Supporting arguments; c. Conclusion. Third body paragraph: a. The third main idea of the essay; b. Supporting arguments; c. Conclusion. III. Conclusion: Restate the thesis statement; Summarize all ideas represented in the essay. Notice that the number of the body paragraphs can be changed depending on the variety of ideas you want to consider in the essay. The outline is used to group all ideas into sectors and in such a way to make it more simple for the reader to realize and perceive. However, the critical aspect to emphasize is that all body ideas should be connected through the thesis statement and in the conclusion part as well. Writing an outline is a beneficial activity because it allows you to visualize the structure of the essay and understand all strong and weak points. You will see where the insufficiency of arguments is or in what order ideas should be represented. In addition, a well-developed outline will show if you answer all the questions or if it is necessary to add information to make the essay more completed. Notice that outline is aimed at simplification of the process, but it is not obligatory to follow this plan. It can be changed at any stage of the cause and effect essay writing. Structure of a Cause and Effect Essay and Its Main Components Title The title of a cause and effect essay should suit the format of the paper that is required by your professor. At the same time, the title should summarize the content of the whole essay in one phrase or collocation. There are several tips on how to improve the title of the essay: Make it simple to understand and available to catch the attention of the reader. Use appropriate words for the official academic language. Avoid use of idioms and abbreviations. Try to choose the phrase that can represent any separate part of the essay. Thesis Statement A thesis statement is a sentence that represents the general idea of the whole cause and effect essay. It should include the main causes and effects marked or one general idea you are going to prove or contradict in your essay. The thesis statement should be located at the end of the first introductory paragraph, and it should be indicated by a particular transitional word. The thesis statement should be specific and accurate representing a defined thought. In addition, it should not be too general; try to introduce all ideas specifically. The thesis statement should be clear and should not include paraphrasing and plagiarism. Examples: Wrong: There are advantages and disadvantages of new legislation implementation. Right: Although the new legislation has a lot of problems, it provides stricter control and the system of penalties. Body Paragraphs Traditionally, the essay should be structured including three or more body paragraphs. It is important to provide a well-structured essay because it is significant to hook the readers’ attention. The structure of the essay can be as follows: Introduction Body paragraph 1: Cause-Effect 1 Body paragraph 2: Cause-Effect 2 Body paragraph 3: Cause-Effect 3 Conclusion The introduction should provide general information about the issue and should include a background of the essay topic. Additionally, it is important to remember that the thesis statement should be a part of an introductory paragraph. Each paragraph should include complete idea and represent clear supporting arguments. In addition, paragraphs should end with a conclusion and should include properly formatted references. The section of the conclusion is aimed at summarizing all findings and ideas introduced in the essay. What is more, it is important to restate the thesis statement proving or refuting this opinion. Post-writing Tips from Our Writing Experts There are several useful post-writing tips that can help improve your text: 1. Read the whole text aloud. Having read the text loudly, you will see all the weak places and grammatical mistakes. As a result, it will be more comfortable to correct all problem places. 2. Double-check the grammar. Check if all tenses are correct and try to stick to one tense in your cause and effect essay writing. In addition, pay attention to punctuation; remove all extra commas and add them where they are missing. Make sure all words are appropriately used and all collocations are correct. Cut too long sentences to make them more understandable for the reader. 3. Check the structure of the essay. Check if all causes, links, and effects were marked in the paper. Pay attention to the arguments and consider if they are enough to prove the idea represented in all body paragraphs of a cause and effect essay. 4. Plagiarism check. Plagiarism is a problem for writing a successful academic cause and effect essay. Of course, you will use the ideas of other authors that should be appropriately cited. There are many useful websites that provide plagiarism check. Ensure to use any to analyze your paper. Plagiarism is a testify to unprofessional work, and it should be eliminated in the essay. 5. Referencing and citing. All external sources used in the essay should be appropriately cited. Ideas of other authors used in the essay should be marked through in-text citations. References should be formatted in accordance with the required format of the paper. There are various formats including MLA, APA, ASA, and others. 6. Proofreading of a paper. Read an essay once more in order to mark all the mistakes you have left. You can make a break having some rest and then try to read an essay. Proofreading will allow to perform an accurate analysis of the text with an emphasis on its content and linguistic problems. This activity is used to check if everything is appropriately cited in the text. References How to Write a Cause and Effect Essay on any Topic. (2018). Retrieved from The Writing Process Creating an Outline Aims Community College. (2018). Retrieved from Writers Workshop: Writer Resources. (2018). The Center for Writing Studies, Illinois. Retrieved from

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Training Issue essays

The Training Issue essays We already said that the Commission was concerned about the level and extent of training provided by Americas businesses. The National Alliance of Business quoted Bureau of Labor Statistics survey data to outline the extent and pay-off from worker training. They found that larger companies are more apt to engage in training than are the medium and small sized firms. Manufacturers are more apt to provide training in basic skills; non-manufacturing training tends to be more job skills oriented. Workers with the most education to begin with are also the workers most apt to receive training from all sectors in the economy. Managers often receive the least amount of train ing of all job classifications. Larger firms are more oriented towards job skills training that are medium and small sized firms. Finally, the use of outside training providers is increasing as opposed to in-house training. From the employees point of view, training does pay. Over 80% report that they gained skills from training. Only 19% reported that training led to higher pay. 40% felt that job training was necessary for future advancement in their particular occupation. It is generally agreed that there is a current skilled worker shortage in the nation. Given that, why isnt there more training by American companies? Since medium and small sized firms are the fastest growing in terms of employment, why arent these firms more engaged in the training process? Cost is a factor, of course. But cost is probably not the major factor. With the reduced loyalty of firms to employees coupled with reduced loyalty to firms on the part of employees, could it be that firms are concerned about paying the costs of training an employee only to lose that employee to other firms? This is of particular concern in tight labor markets. Perhaps smaller firms feel they are particularly vulnerable to the potential loss of skilled employees and ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Continental Divide and How the Rivers Flow

The Continental Divide and How the Rivers Flow Every continent except for Antarctica has a continental divide. Continental divides separate one  drainage basin from another. They are used to define the direction that an areas rivers flow and drain into the oceans and seas. The best-known continental divide is in North America and it  runs along the Rocky and Andes mountain ranges. Most continents have multiple continental divides and some rivers flow into endorheic basins (inland bodies of water), such as the Sahara Desert in Africa. The Continental Divide  of the Americas The Continental Divide in the Americas is the line that divides the flow of water between the Pacific Ocean and the  Atlantic Ocean. Rain or snow that drains on the east side of the Continental Divide flows toward the Atlantic Ocean.Precipitation on the west side drains and flows toward the Pacific Ocean.   The continental divide runs from northwestern Canada along the crest of the Rocky Mountains to New Mexico. Then, it follows the crest of Mexicos Sierra Madre Occidental and along the Andes Mountains through South America. More Water Flow Divides in the Americas To say that any continent, including North America, has a single continental divide is not entirely true. We can continue to divide the flow of water (called hydrological divides) into these groups: East of the Rocky Mountains and north of the Canada-U.S. border, the rivers flow into the Arctic Ocean.Most rivers of the central U.S. flow into the Gulf of Mexico via the Mississippi River. Indirectly, this is an Atlantic Ocean drainage.Rivers on the east side of Mexico and Central America also drain into the Gulf of Mexico.Rivers around the Great Lakes and along the entire east coast of Canada and the U.S. flow directly into the Atlantic Ocean.South America has a true east-west continental divide. Everything east of the Andes flows into the Atlantic Ocean and everything west flows into the Pacific. The Continental Divides of the Rest of the World It is easiest to talk about the continental divides of Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia as a whole because many of the drainage basins span all four continents. The Atlantic Ocean:  Along the entire western coast of Europe and Africa, the rivers flow into the Atlantic Ocean.The Mediterranean Sea: The southern part of Europe, most of the country of Turkey, and many rivers in the northern part of Africa drain into the Mediterranean Sea. Most notably, the Nile River  flows north and has a drainage basin that reaches south past the equator.The Indian Ocean:  Ã‚  The rivers of countries that surround the Indian Ocean flow into it. This includes most of the eastern coast of Africa, the Middle East, India, and Southeast Asia as well as the majority of  Australia.The Pacific Ocean: Along the eastern coast of Asia and Australia, the rivers flow into the Pacific Ocean. This includes China and much of Southeast Asia along with all of the island nations that fill this area of the Pacific.The Arctic  Ocean:  The majority of Russian rivers flow into the Arctic Ocean.Endorheic Basins: Asia and Africa are home to the largest endorheic basins whe re the rivers empty into deserts, large lakes, or inland seas.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

World Wide Project War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

World Wide Project War - Essay Example Principally there are 3 schools of thoughts. The first one introduces the "just war" concept. The second is called Pacifism and the third is Realism. The three are totally different than each other. Pacifism believes that there is no moral justification of war. Realism on the other hand believes that there is no such thing as morals in international relations and a moral justification is not required. The only thing that matters is the country and national interests. The just war theory explains that a nation should justify the war before it wages war and it forms the basis of the present international law. Both the three ideologies play an important role in determining if a country will go to war or not, depending on the relative support to each ideology and the effectiveness of the arguments used by the leadership to rally the masses. Let's take the war on Iraq as the main theme for this project. Pacifist, and those "just war supporters", who think that there was not any justification for launching the war are at the forefront of opposing this war. The anti war movement reflected the basic pacifist belief that war can never be justified and it criticized different war justifications and complained against sending the American children to attack another nation. A nation that had never murdered a single American citizen (according to Michel Moore's "September 11") The reports by the government on Iraqs weapons were dismissed by the war opposition as fraud. They believed that the Iraq war will most probably increase the already existing hatred towards the United States throughout the Arab world. The government was accused of ignoring the main source of instability and anger in the region, which is the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and instead was creating more instability in its quest for "Oil" resources. The anti war activists described the major outcome of the Iraq war. Just like any other war, the results would be a shocking loss. Those who will die will lose their future; their families will lose their beloved ones. Those who are wounded and disabled will lose hope and aspiration. The attacked nation will lose property, environment health and resources. It will be an American responsibility to rebuild what was destroyed and some believed that the money required for the war should be used to improve local conditions in the country and that such a responsibility should be avoided by not avoiding the whole idea of war. This motion was raising proportional to the increased causalities among the American soldiers in Iraq. No weapons of mass destruction were discovered. No real stability in Iraq was created. And the Arab population in the neighboring countries labeled the new formed government in Iraq an American puppet. The anti war activists believe that the American public was misguided by the administration about the real reason of the war in Iraq. In their view, all the justifications presented to justify the war were proved to be manipulated by the government. Anti war officials add several other points to the argument. They believe

Friday, October 18, 2019

Walmart strategy in China Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Walmart strategy in China - Research Paper Example These include cost controls, aiming at neglected niche, employees, suppliers, and distribution system among others (St-Maurice, Claudia, and Hsinhsin, 2008). In reference to Mr. Chan an economist in China, a greater number of businesses emphasis on fresh foods selection, thus visit a Walmart at most twice a day. He also argues that an upscale retailer in the country contrasts with the budget conscious reflection, thus developing at an exceptionally high rate. This is the strategy behind its success in USA (St-Maurice, Claudia, and Hsinhsin, 2008). On the other hand, Caffefour refers to international hyper chains located in Courcouronnes. This is in France. They are the largest hypermarkets in the world. The structure of these stores favors areas with high population than Walmart markets. This is an evident that China will suit the Carrefour strategy. In reference to the SWOT analysis, factors favoring the prosperity of Caffefour companies are more than those favoring Walmart. In reference to China’s politics, there is a sustainable environment, meaning that threats are minimal. However, the two strategies have different strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. China being the nation with the highest population favors hypermarket as consumers will get attendance under one roof (St-Maurice, Claudia, and Hsinhsin,

Indexes and Abstracts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Indexes and Abstracts - Essay Example This simply by putting in the right key and being precise on the topic. And also by checking with the constitution of U.S under Language Act; O'Henry must have witnessed a couple so in love. Visualize him sitting on a park bench watching strolling lovers, moving in no particular destination, stop to kiss and ear-whisper. Perhaps it was a crisp winter afternoon with a dusting of snowflakes that dampened his paper and caused the couples to snuggle together for extra warmth. He watched them wander by and he focused on one pair; she with goddess hair that fell down her back; he, a handsome man who stopped to take out a watch from his pocket to show her. O'Henry saw as she lovingly held her partner's hand with the watch and raised it to her lips and the author settled on that look as the couple held each other, unaware of him, or anyone else, in the piazza Directions: Use print, on-line, CD-ROM, or Internet resources, but remember that the purpose of this exercise is to familiarize yourself with encyclopedias that you would consider authoritative. Be sure not only to answer the question, but also to indicate your search strategy (subject headings used, keywords used, search engine used, etc.). Cite your source using Format N (note) on the CITATION GUIDE provided for the course. One point for each question. ... e watched them wander by and he focused on one pair; she with goddess hair that fell down her back; he, a handsome man who stopped to take out a watch from his pocket to show her. O'Henry saw as she lovingly held her partner's hand with the watch and raised it to her lips and the author settled on that look as the couple held each other, unaware of him, or anyone else, in the piazza Sources: New York World Magazine or In the oldest continuous Pete's Tavern pub in New York, Gramercy area of Manhattan. 4. Libby Gelman-Waxner wrote a play, which was later made into a movie starring Steven Weber and Patrick Stewart. Name the movie and find a review of it. Movie is called: Revenge of the Stepford Wives. Sorce: Encyclopedia Americana Publisher: Danbury, Conn. : Grolier, c2003. PROBLEM SET III: ENCYCLOPEDIAS Directions: Use print, on-line, CD-ROM, or Internet resources, but remember that the purpose of this exercise is to familiarize yourself with encyclopedias that you would consider authoritative. Be sure not only to answer the question, but also to indicate your search strategy (subject headings used, keywords used, search engine used, etc.). Cite your source using Format N (note) on the CITATION GUIDE provided for the course. One point for each question. Fractions of a point will be taken off for incomplete or incorrect answers and incorrect citations. 1. What is Ockham's Razor Ockham's razor is a principle that was created by William of Ockham. A distinguished English philosopher & Scholastic logistician who revolutionized the fundamentals of normalism. As a Franciscan monk he defended evangelical poverty against Pope John xxiii, becoming known as the invincible Doctor. He was imprisoned in Aviguran, France on charges of heresy in 1328 but escaped to

How far would you argue that technology drives change in narrative Essay

How far would you argue that technology drives change in narrative construction Evaluate the relationship between technology an - Essay Example Nevertheless, film-makers, including the viewing audience have accepted that the current developments in technology have made the transition into computer-generated images (CGI) inevitable. This paper shall discuss the extent to which I would argue in the fact that technology drives change in narrative construction. It will evaluate the relationship between technology and narrative, using the central argument that CGI has not really made any difference to narrative structures. This discussion will demonstrate relevant theories and establish a clear relation between theory and practice. The films of James Cameron – Titanic, Avatar, and Terminator 2 shall be used in order to explore this subject matter. This paper is being carried out in order to establish clear relations which would help viewers and film-makers assess the impact of current film-making technology and the narrative construction. Body Contrary to popular belief, CGI is not a recent technology as it can actually be traced back to the mechanical techniques in creating graphic images in the 1940s and 1950s (McClean, 2007). James Cameron is considered one of the pioneers of CGI through his films The Terminator, The Titanic, and Avatar. Cameron always loved films and one of his earliest exposures to the digital genre was through George Lucas and his Star Wars films (Johnson, 2010). He was prompted to study film and to enrol at the University of Southern California in order to secure a better understanding of the filming process. He learned as much as he could about special effects, optical printing, as well as front and rear projection (Johnson, 2010). He went on to purchase the tools he would need in order to start a film career. He also borrowed money from friends in order to finance his ambitions (Hamen, 2011). His conceptualization of visual effects was primarily based on what he was able to watch from other movies with subsequent visions on how to make the most realistic look for films, allo wing the viewers to be transported to a different world, a different planet, or even a different character (Hamen, 2011). The move from analogue to digital has also been a significant development in film, one which Cameron has been a significant part of (Keegan, 2010). Before the movie Avatar, the analogue format was the common format used, however, the digital format gained much strength and popularity after the movie Avatar was released. This move is advantageous for the film-making world because it provides a more life-like movie experience for film-viewers (Keegan, 2010). Moreover, the viewers would also relate better to the digital format, as the digital format provides more texture and life to the movie being depicted. As a tool for film-making however, directors and other film-makers have the burden of ensuring that the shift between analogue to the digital format would be a necessary shift (Keegan, 2010). Even as something is popular, does not necessarily mean that it ought to be used by everybody. In effect, directors need to understand that they do not have to use the digital format for their films; they can use the genre most appropriate for their films. Directors also have the responsibility to be true to the narrative construction and to ensure that the message of the film would be depicted honestly through the digital format (Sickels, 2011). His first venture into film-making was with the movie Piranha 2 which

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Response to Intervention Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Response to Intervention - Assignment Example This is a, â€Å"Tiered system designed to integrate assessment, instruction, and data-based decision making to improve the outcomes for all students in both regular and special education classrooms† (Kubiszyn & Borich, p. 57). There is a set purpose to RTI, along with various benefits and challenges, that are worthy of study and this forms the basis for this paper. The Purpose of RTI Response to Intervention is designed to provide the classroom teacher with a tiered approach to managing classroom instruction. This method is designed to differentiate students and allow teachers the opportunity to determine what interventions, or instructional modifications, might be needed for their students based on past performance. The RTI system is actually geared to combine the areas of assessment, instruction, and data based decision making in an effort to improve outcome for all students, no matter if they are in a regular or special education classroom (Kubiszyn & Borich, 2009, p. 57). Students that do not respond well to the first tier of services would then be monitored according to the second tier. This is usually about 15% of the student population (Kubiszyn & Borich, 2009, p. 57). The second tier would involve teachers monitoring those students and providing them with more intensive instruction. The monitoring of this instruction would be ongoing and would be supplemented with regular formative assessment

Direct TV Strategic Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Direct TV Strategic Plan - Essay Example Customers connected to the internet can access the companys library, restart, and rewind shows and also engage interactive TV programs that provide real time information (DirecTV, 2013). The company’s advanced entertainment will involve an expanded capabilities. The company will provide streaming services outside the home with over 50 on-demand channels (DirecTV, 2013). Customers receive an improved user interface that unifies search across multiple screens. This interface is achievable through smart search capabilities across all platforms including mobile devices, tablets and set-top boxes (DirecTV, 2013). A global viewing history will ensure that subscribers can switch from one device to another and continue a previously paused program. The company’s strategy to transform subscriber experience will involve improving workforce and service quality engagement. Generating and testing of new ideas lead to improvements in products and procedures (DirecTV, 2013). A simplified customer interaction and increased subscriber self-service capability will increase productivity by reducing customer contact rates. Customers will also receive bundled broadband, video, and telephone services to improve customer convenience and cut costs (DirecTV, 2013). Providing a responsible pricing and enhanced productivity improves the customer experience and also the company’s profitability increases. The use of market growth and market share in developing strategies is crucial to our expansion. Suttle (2015) states that a company’s method of development is contingent upon its competition and financial situation. DirecTV currently has a little market share and especially in the private businesses. A firm’s market share is useful in determining the company’s strategy such as developing integrated bundling services and improving customer services like billing and packaging (DirecTV, 2013). A

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Response to Intervention Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Response to Intervention - Assignment Example This is a, â€Å"Tiered system designed to integrate assessment, instruction, and data-based decision making to improve the outcomes for all students in both regular and special education classrooms† (Kubiszyn & Borich, p. 57). There is a set purpose to RTI, along with various benefits and challenges, that are worthy of study and this forms the basis for this paper. The Purpose of RTI Response to Intervention is designed to provide the classroom teacher with a tiered approach to managing classroom instruction. This method is designed to differentiate students and allow teachers the opportunity to determine what interventions, or instructional modifications, might be needed for their students based on past performance. The RTI system is actually geared to combine the areas of assessment, instruction, and data based decision making in an effort to improve outcome for all students, no matter if they are in a regular or special education classroom (Kubiszyn & Borich, 2009, p. 57). Students that do not respond well to the first tier of services would then be monitored according to the second tier. This is usually about 15% of the student population (Kubiszyn & Borich, 2009, p. 57). The second tier would involve teachers monitoring those students and providing them with more intensive instruction. The monitoring of this instruction would be ongoing and would be supplemented with regular formative assessment

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Alternative Forms of work Arragements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Alternative Forms of work Arragements - Essay Example This type of job is home based so I basically I will be working from home. Working from home or having an office at home has a lot of advantages. First, I do not have to beat the morning traffic in going to the office. That would save me a lot of time, effort, gasoline money and stress. I also do not have to dress up just to work. The energy and time I saved from commuting to work can instead be channeled to a productive job making my job output better. Also, I do not have to dress up before I could work again saving me time, money and energy. Above all, I can work right at the comfort of my own home where I am at my optimum best because I am very comfortable with my surrounding. There are few disadvantages to it however. First is technical support. As a Digital Specialist, there might be issues that I would encounter from customers that I am not aware of that they need answers from me. I will not have an immediate support from peers or superior because I am away from the office. Of course I can always ask for help through online facility but the response time may take a while. Also, working from home may jack up my electric bills because I will be paying for the electricity that I will be using while

Monday, October 14, 2019

My Career In International Management Education Essay

My Career In International Management Education Essay The main purpose of this report is a self-evaluation of my skill, attributes and competencies relevant for my career in International Management. Point out skill that an international manager should have, evaluate these skills and see where my strengths and weaknesses are, and also giving evidence of my experience with these skills. Also included is a review of progress made regarding the mid semester SMART development plan, that had to do with targets within a period of six weeks. A smart development plan for a period of six months will be included in this report and it will focus on two important targets that i intend to improve on to help me for the next six months, it will be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound. 2.0 SELF EVALUATION The main aim of this self development plan is a guide in identifying skills, competences and attributes relevant to me for a future career as an international manager. According to MacBeath 2006, self evaluation is a process of discovery, knowing ones self and identifying strengths and capabilities, identifying weaknesses and also improving on them. For a future career in international management i have to first identify some skills and competences that i should have and that are important to be effective as an international manager these skills are: Cross cultural Communication skill Interpersonal skill Cultural intelligence Teamwork Time management Leadership skill Decision making Negotiation skill Cultural empathy There are so many other skills and competences that are not mentioned above, although these are the few that i can relate myself with and show to what extent i have developed in these areas. 2.01 CROSS CULTURAL COMMUNICATION SKILL Personally, i prefer face to face communication which involves direct contact with speaker involved, knowing the speakers facial expressions and gestures and to be able to listen properly and avoid miscommunications, having proper understanding of what the speakers is saying. For example when i started my masters programme i found it difficult to communicate with my lectures, because i had to send emails to them, this was a new experience for me. In communication across cultures contexts is very important, according to Browaeys and Price (2008), Hall (1990) settled firmly on two groups of culture high context and low context cultures. An example of the high context cultures are central Europe, Arabs and Asians who leave their messages unspecified and most of the message is hidden in the text making it a bit difficult to understand, while an example of the low context cultures are Germans, Americans their messages are explicit and can be understood through facial expressions and gestu res. Although communication with Chinese and Indian colleagues and class mates was very difficult a first due to the accent they have but with time, i began to understand them better without having any problems because of the everyday encounter. 2.02 INTERPERSONAL SKILLS Interpersonal skill is mostly regarded as important as an international manager, having this skill will aid integration socially to gain knowledge and also establish relationships with people. I dont think i have any problem fitting into a new environment, i usually observe my environment first to know the kind of people, know what to say and what not to say to them that might hurt their feelings. After doing this most of the time i dont find it difficult getting along well with people. This skill has built my confidence a lot and it has also improved my relationship with people from different cultures 2.03 CULTURAL INTELLIGENCE CQ Cultural intelligence has to do with understanding different cultures by interpreting unfamiliar and ambiguous gestures (Earley and Mosakowski 2004). After taking a test on cultural intelligence from the article from my MCME module guide, the result reflected that i have a reasonable level of cultural intelligence. There were three aspects cognitive CQ, physical CQ and emotional/ motivational CQ. The total points out of 5 where, for Cognitive CQ 4, Physical CQ 4.3 and Emotional/ motivational CQ 4.5. I am confident with this result because before interacting with people i stop to think before acting and i can also change the form of speech like my accent. I scored higher in the Emotional/ motivational CQ i am confident that i can deal with people from different cultures and i can also adapt to the lifestyle of different cultures. When i first came into the UK i had to change my accent for people to understand and i also had to get used to the word love which is used often here. 2.04 TEAM WORK AND PRESENTATION SKILLS Working in teams is no new thing to me and it is a very important skill for an international manager. My course international business and management entails a lot of team work and we are usually put into groups of students from different countries. In these groups there are different people from different parts of the world, Chinese, Indians, Germans, and Italians with different team roles. According to Belbins team roles (Duggan 2009), people have different roles like coordinators, sharper, implementer, completer, specialist, resource investigators, having one or more of this skill will enhance a role in a team. Out of all these roles my preferred role is by coordinating, for example calling my group members and fixing meetings and also a team builder as well. I happened to have done a lot of group work for my masters degree, where we are put into for five to six members and a mixture of students from different cultures, Chinese, Indians and the outcome has been rewarding especiall y through feed backs of marks awarded by my tutors. This also relates to my presentation skill as the outcome for most of my presentations have been good and i have evaluated this form feed backs gotten form the tutors and also my class mates. Since the beginning of my course i have worked on my presentation skill and also my power point skill. I have used the skills online website provided by my school to enhance this skill. It has helped me focus more on main points in the presentation, being confident and making eye contact with the audience. 2.05 TIME MANAGEMENT SKILL This is a very important skill, when there is no good management of time they tend to be a lot of procrastinations, and this affects time because there is a tendency to delay in doing something that has been previously planned. Initially this was a problem for me and it started affecting most of my daily activities due to procrastination, this was really bad at first because it kept on occurring and then it began to affect my school work. I decided to have a to-do-list mapping out things i had to do on a daily bases and followed this list religiously, because as a student in the UK i have keep to time because it is part of the culture of the people to do so. Time is very crucial and important for a future career in international management because in the future, i have to be on time for business appointments and meetings. Developing this skill has been of good use to me. 2.06 LEADERSHIP SKILLS In evaluating my leadership skill, by looking at my role as a team member which is that of a coordinator and it has to do with organising members for group meetings and also building an effective team. I have had an experience in school where i had to take up a leading role because my group members where a bit relaxed and nonchalant about our presentation so i took up the role of coordinating the group and made sure the work was done properly. Out of the six leadership styles which are coercive, authoritative, affiliative, democratic, pacesetting, and coaching leaders, over time i have observed that i am more of an affiliative/ femininity leader in the sense that i tend not to be too hard on people and create an emotional bond with the people around me. Leadership varies depending on the culture, according to Hofsteds findings, there are four dimensions of different cultures, and they are power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism / collectivism, and masculinity/ femininity . Although in Nigeria where Im from leadership is more collective and masculine and also a high level of power distance. With my little work experience a lot of respect is shown by those who are being led. 2.07 NEGOTIATION SKILLS This is an essential skill for most business dealings today. Negotiation styles vary across different cultures. An example is a negotiation exercise i participated in, where we were divided into groups of US negotiators and Chinese negotiators, i realised that the US negotiators are mostly based on getting the deal done and are eager to get as much information they can to make progress in negotiations, while Chinese negotiators mostly try not to give information and this may cause frustration, for example for a US negotiator. The categories of different cultures of negotiation by Richard D Lewis (Rushton 2009 ) are linear active, multi active and reactive cultures. I am from a multi active culture where most people are extroverts, they talk a lot, but personally i am more of an introvert, i tend to be quiet sometimes. Although havent yet had much experience of negotiating professionally, i do have to negotiate at times for example, going to a local market and negotiating on a price for an item. I still need to improve on this skill because it essential for me if i intend to pursue a career in international Business. 2.08 DECISION MAKING AND CULTURAL EMPATHY Decision making is not an easy process although it is required as an international manager to be able to make good decisions for an organisation or business. It is also essential for good leadership. When its times to take decisions on my own, i usually seek advice from family, friend and people around me. Making good decision a times could be a problem for me. For cultural empathy i always try to listen to people, appreciate their views and use my cultural intelligence skill in this as well. 3.0 MID SEMESTER SMART DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVIEW In relation to a review of the progress made in my mid semester SMART development plan which was set at the beginning of my course, Msc International business and Management for a period of six weeks had positive results. Although due to the fact that i had many skills to improve on, it was a bit difficult to achieve all of them. One of the skills i planned to improve on which didnt quite work out fine was the writing skills. The reason why it wasnt too successful was because the period of time given was too short for me to have covered all i wanted to and i was not able to attend the session on writing skills made available by graduate skills programme because some of the sessions clashed with my classes. Although i made some progress on my power point skill, and this skill is relevant for me to produce good visual aids for presentations during my course. I had a lot of practise done on my own and also i also volunteered to produce visual aid for group presentation which was a good outcome with regards to feed backs from my presentations. Also progress was made on my research skills, and this was done by exploring different sources of text books, articles, journals and this was very helpful during my course. I have also been able to manage my time by making use of my to-do-list which i made on a weekly basis . On the to-do-list i put high priorities first before any other activity and this helped me to a great extent. I was able to make time for my research, course work and also create time for myself. My mid semester development plan had both negative and positive outcomes, although it was very useful for me because it helped me identify skills to be developed and improved on. 4.0 SMART DEVELPOMENT PLAN With this SMART development plan, i will focus on a specific goal to be improved on within the next six months. By so doing i intend to take specific steps on improving on skills that will be of good use for both my course and in my professional life. I would like to improve on my writing skill and on my leadership skills, but for the purpose report i would improve on my writing skill, because writing is a very important skill as a student and as an international manager. To justify my reasons for improving on this skill, below is a SMART development plan for the next six months SPECIFIC I plan to improve on my writhing skill within the next six months, given that its a longer period i should be able to work on this skill and accomplish it by the end of the sixth month. MEASURABLE In six months time i should have improved on my writing skill by: Reading relevant books, articles and journals on writing especially on academic writing. Using information from the skills online website made available for me by the school. I should be able to know the appropriate structure and format for both essay writing and report writing because it is very relevant for my course. Properly apply the right grammar and punctuations in my writing. Going for sessions on how to develop writing skills offered by the graduate skills programme of Sheffield business school. ACHIEVABLE This skill can be achieved by putting a lot of effort and by making use of the resources from the library, the internet to help me with this skill, although there might be some restraints due to other commitments in terms of course work. These are the activities that i should be able to achieve in the next six months: 1st Month First month starting from February i will attend class sessions like English for post graduate students by the university English scheme. This will help focus on general language skills like writing and also preparing for my dissertation. I will attend these classes at least 2 times in a week for a month. 2nd Month Make use of the learning centre find books on writing that will enable me understand writing properly. 3rd Month Make use of the key skills online which has been made available for me by my school; explore every option including a skill check on writing which will help me get clearer view off my writing skills. 4th Month Search for books, articles journals that relate to essay and report writing. Look at examples and identify structures, the use of English. 5th Month Get books that can help me with my use of English, punctuations, grammar, vocabulary and also learn how to proof read my essays and reports. 6th Month practice writing on my own, using all the information and knowledge learnt from previous months, show a friend or colleague that is good in writing to double check what i have written and make corrections. REALISTIC The need to improve on my writing skill is realistic in the sense that it will be useful for the remaining part of my course for my assignments and my dissertation. It will influence my assignments by writing proper essays and reports use proper grammar and punctuations and also it help me in the future if i intend to pursue a career in international management. TIME BOUND The time set for my SMART development plan is six months and within this period i will still be undergoing my masters program, writing will be a good skill to develop on because i will be doing a lot of writing and the time of six months is realistic. 5.0 CONCLUSION The self evaluation was mostly about the skills and competences that are relevant to me as i would like to pursue a future career in international management. Hopefully with more work on these skills it wont be difficult for me to work in a multicultural environment. The SMART development plan is about the skill i intend to improve, it is very important to me as a student and also in my future career in international management. BIBLOGRAGHY BROWAEYS , Marie Joelle and PRICE Roger (2008). Understanding cross cultural Management, Prentice Hall DUGGAN, Chris (2009). Multicultural team work. [Lecture hand outs]. From an MCME lecture held on 17th November at Sheffield Hallam University. EARLY Christopher P and MOSAKOWSKI Elaine (2004). Cultural Intelligence. Harvard Business Review, October 2004. GOMAN Carol Kinsey , Ph.D ( 2007) Communicating Across Cultures[online]. Last accessed 26th January 2010 at: MACBEATH John (2006). Self inspection and self evaluation: Working with new relationship, USA and Canada, Routledge RUSHTON, Diane (2009). Leadership skill for 21st century MNCs (lecture hand out) from an MCME lecture held in November at Sheffield Hallam University . RUSHTON Daine (2009). Cross Cultural Negotiation [lecture hand outs]. From an MCME lecture held on 10th November at Sheffield Hallam University SCHNEIDER, Susan C, and BARSOUX, Jean Louis (2003). Managing Across cultures, prentice Hall Skills online website, last accessed 26th January 2010 at:

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Savage Contradiction in Heterotopia :: Culture Cultural Essays

Savage Contradiction in Heterotopia During the 1930's, the myth of "the people" was born. This myth stressed the importance of unity, and glorified the notion of "average," as evidenced in a prize-winning essay describing "the typical American boy," written by an eighth grader named Alfred Roberts, Jr., for a contest sponsored by the 1939-40 Fair New York World's Fair. This document, which claims that a typical American boy should be courageous, dependable, and loyal to his beliefs, was "clearly reflective of the values the Fair held dear" (Susman, 1980, p. 22). Yet, for all the unity the Fair stressed, it was plagued by contradictions - Contradictions that can be closely associated with those found in the 1954 novel Lord of the Flies, by William Golding. To begin, I will provide a summary of this novel, as well as insights into the author's motivations for writing such a book. I will then discuss the contradictions found within the novel, and their relation to those found at the 1939-40 World's Fair and its streaml ined view of human nature. William Golding wrote Lord of the Flies following his experiences in World War II when, after witnessing countless acts of man's inhumanity to man, he became disenchanted with human nature. Golding believed that humans, including children, were inherently evil, and if left without guidance, would revert back to savage ways. This is the premise for his most famous novel which opens on a deserted island following the shooting down of a plane carrying a group of boys. All the boys and none of the adults survive the crash, leaving the boys on an island heterotopia - a physical locale set apart from traditional public life where rules and expectations are suspended. Although the first character, Ralph, is originally excited at the idea of "No grownups!," his counterpart, Piggy is focused on the need for guidance and rules. This is when the boys encounter the conch, which is a type of shell, which if blown into in a certain spot, creates a sound loud enough to signal all the boys scattered across the island to a central meeting spot. The conch comes to represent authority, as it is decided that anyone holding it must be listened to. As the boys gather, Ralph is chosen as their leader, much to the dismay off Jack, another main character, and his gang, who refuse to submit to his authority.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Gender Roles Essay -- Female Male Compare Socialization Essays

Gender Roles   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While I was growing up, gender roles were highly defined by my parents and teachers as well as all other societal influences. Boys were taught to do 'boy' things and girls were taught to do 'girly' things. The toys that children play with and the activities that are encouraged by adults demonstrate the influence of gender roles on today's youth.   Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  In my formative years, the masculine traits that I learned came out because of the activities that my parents had me engage in and the things that they expected from me. The expectations that my parents held for my sister, on the other hand, varied from those that they had for me, and this was made apparent through the different activities that occupied her time. My parents treated us in completely different regard. We had different toys, different friends, and we were supposed to like different things. When I got hurt my parents would say things like 'shake it off,' or 'that didn't hurt that much,' but when my sister would cry, they would give her attention and pull her aside to take care of her. I got into a lot more trouble throughout my life than my sister and this was, in part, overlooked as the boy's mischievous nature. I played with GI Joes and He-Man action figures, while my sister played with Barbie Dolls. I remember when she and I would play together and the GI Joes would be married to the Barbie Dolls. When I made the action figures fight over the Barbie Dolls, my sister would always get ...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Leadership, Power and Politics

Conflict,   Management and leadership Conflict is a natural outcome originating due to individual and group interaction. It is a ‘friction’ produced due to emotions and behaviors of people working closely rubbing against each other. When people from various backgrounds and beliefs work together, consciously or unconsciously they try to pass their own principles in work aspects creates conflict. However, conflict is not always destructive or regressive. When well managed and directed, it has great utility in substantially improving an organization’s functional and production aspects, along with helping individuals to evolve a joint   philosophy of work and cooperation. However, poorly managed conflict situation impairs the organizational outcome, creating stress, introducing   dissatisfaction and reducing efficiency. Characteristics of Conflict The round the clock work schedules, trans-national nature of jobs, and strain in today’s world have worked together to make conflict an unavoidable part in life of people. Work related stress, with pressures of deadline, critical levels of responsibility, problems of resource allocation and management, setting, defining and achieving challenging goals, and all the time trying to coordinate with different individuals give rise to perfect conditions for   conflict to emerge within organizations (Bergman and Volkema, 1989). But before any attempt to resolve conflict it is important to understand the characteristics of conflict that an organization generally faces. According to Baron (1990), a study of various organizational parameters indicated towards five characteristics of conflict . These are 1. Conflict due to contrasting or opposing field of interests between or among individuals or groups. 2. Recognition of these opposing interests by the interested parties 3. Conflict centers on a perception by each side that its opposing party would injure its interests 4. Conflict is not a stage, rather a process and it results from the way individual and groups define their relations through the past interaction 5. Actions and efforts by each party with the intention of negating other’s goals. Conflict management and leadership Leadership has a great role to play in conflict resolution. A leader with qualities with excellent communication, understanding and negotiation can be instrumental in bringing the positive outcome through the issues involved in the conflict. As the business and corporate management has realized, leadership greatly helps to alleviate conflict situation due to its inspirational value. Leadership essentially about encouraging   people to pool themselves together towards achieving common goals and objectives (Rosenbach and Taylor, 1998, 1. Leadership further empowers individuals, helps them to rise above their rank and position within the organization to associate themselves and their colleagues with specific works, duties and responsibilities and enables them to identify and set their own directions, work on commitment and take challenges.   (Day and Halpin, 2004, 3). Its not surprising then that companies are ready to invest hugely in leadership development program, as a guaranteed way to emerge ahead than their competitors. Within every social, institutional or organizational structure, a leader is always looked upon the person with abilities to broach reconciliation and resolution in situation of conflict. Leadership entails elements of power and authority that are critical to acquire influence. There are five power bases for a leader, as identified by French and Raven (1959). They are 1. Legitimate power: the power that comes by virtue of the position and command to control behavior. 2. Coercive power: It is the leader’s control over persuasion and ability to take symbolic punitive actions in case of dissent 3. Reward power: It is the leader’s control over granting rewards 4. Expert power: These are the specialties that a leader attains due to knowledge and experience and that he is expected to possess and use in conflict resolution 5. Referent power: This is the power over over subordinate or group members to identify the leader Leaders may opt for one, some or   a combination or all of these power bases to attain conflict management and resolution by influencing the psychological and social dimension of conflict, trust, and authority (Johnson and Short, 1994 :Leadership (Power and Politics) Leadership is not a characteristic that exists in isolation. As it is defined, leadership implies establishing coordination, orientation, cooperation, and collaboration among the followers to accomplish designated objectives and goals. It is   possible when leaders can inspire their followers with respect, admiration, discipline, confidence in the abilities of the leader while being helped to envision themselves as empowered individuals (Brown and Lord, 2004, 2). A good leader has the ability to take over even most complex, demanding and otherwise impossible condition by exhibiting personal integrity, ethical and moral traits and values that other can relate to and aspire to imbibe in their own conduct (Laurie, 2000, 53). Here it is important to distinguish personal charisma from leadership, as personal charisma, being an person specific phenomena, can awe people but hardly give them impetus to follow in the footsteps of the leader. Leadership is also means natural acquisition of power and potential to change its equation affect over the leaders and their followers. There inherent dangers associated with power, and for most of the people, the timeless adage-‘power corrupts’ suits justly. Power contains a temptation that is hard to resist and has potential to become the ultimate goal for a person rather the tool that was designated in helping to achieve the goals.   But a genuine leader understands this irony of power and therefore believes that power should be shared with others so that it can grow. The real power of leaders is their   ability to inspire others with a sense of power and confidence (Champy and Nohria, 1999, 165). According to Reigel’s (1979) theory of development, the relevant categories to leadership practices and conflict management are: 1. Optimism-faith in goodness of humanity. It works on the principle of faith in inherent goodness of humanity with a sense that goals and objective are achievable. 2. Interconnectedness-responsibility for the whole. The principle is extension of sense of responsibility to greater issues affecting the world that connects individual with the entire humanity. 3. The contradictory nature of things. It teaches about recognizing and respecting that contradiction occurs in people, their experience and circumstances. 4. Life is characterized by crises. Recognition that crises and conflicts are inbuilt of component of life and progress is achieved by incorporating them in the philosophy towards life. 5. Kinship with others. It stresses on building associations and help in realizing that every one is important and deserves equal respect from others. 6. The opposition. It teaches about taking opposition as contradiction, instead of viewing it in negative perspective. 7. Acknowledging other’s contribution. It stresses on frank and appreciative acknowledgment of success and achievements of others Reference Baron, R. A. (1990). Conflict in organizations. In K. R. Murphy & F. E. Saal (Eds.), Psychology in organizations: Integrating science and practice (pp. 197–216). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum Bergmann T. J., and   Volkema R. J. ( 1989). â€Å"Understanding and managing interpersonal conflict at work: Its issues, interactive processes, and consequences†. In M. A. Rahim (Ed.), Managing Conflict : An inter-disciplinary approach (pp. 7-19). New York: Praeger Brown DJ and   Lord, RG,   2004, Leadership Processes and Follower Self-Identity,   Lawrence Erlbaum Mahwah, NJ. Champy J, Nohria N, 1999, The Arc of Ambition: Defining the Leadership Journey, Perseus Books (Current Publisher: Perseus PublishingCambridge, MA. Day DV and Halpin SM, 2004, Leader Development for Transforming Organizations: Growing Leaders for Tomorrow,   (edit) David V. Day, Stanley M. Halpin, Stephen J. Zaccaro, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,   Mahwah, NJ. French, Jr., J.R.P., & Raven, B. (1959). The bases social power. In Dorwin Cartwright (edit.), Studies in social power (pp. 150-157). Ann Arbor, MI: Researc Center for Group Dynamics, Institute for Social Research, The University of Michigan Johnson, P.E and Short, P.M (1994). Exploring the Links among Teacher Empowerment, Leader Power and Conflict. Education. Volume: 114. Issue: 4. Page Number: 581+. Laurie DL, 2000, The Real Work of Leaders: A Report from the Front Lines of Management, Perseus Books (Current Publisher: Perseus Publishing, Cambridge, MA Riegel KF. Foundations of Dialectical Psychology. New York: Academic Press, 1979. Rosenbach WE and Taylor RL, 1998, Contemporary Issues in Leadership, (edit) William E. Rosenbach, Robert L. Taylor, Westview Press,Boulder, CO.                   Leadership, Power and Politics Leadership is the process of influencing others to act to accomplish specific objectives. Leaders are the key movers of an organization and they are able to inspire and motivate their members to work towards the attainment of goals. In the past, leadership have been thought of as a quality that only the elite managers possess, however reality is, each one of us possess and may develop our leadership skills. Being a leader is not an easy job, it takes creativity, innovativeness, discipline, passion and an open mind. It is said that leaders emerge in times of change and turmoil; it is a fact that when the going gets tough, leaders are there to get things done. Opportunities for change however must be sought out and seized by the leader. It is a necessary element in the exercise of leadership, for leadership is at its best when there is an opportunity to grow, innovate and to improve. A leader can accomplish this by treating every job as an adventure, by deciding that each day is an opportunity to learn something new or to discover better ways of accomplishing things, the leader is more able to initiate changes that would be for the greater good of the group. When a leader seeks meaningful challenges, it allows the leader to work with passion and commitment that is personally gratifying and hence is able to effectively work for the group. With that, the leader also find and create meaningful challenges for others, when members feel that they are valued and trusted by their leaders to be able to accomplish realistic and challenging goals, they become more committed and become better workers. This means that the leader provides his/her members too become intrinsically motivated to rise to the challenge. As a leader, it is important that he/she make the workplace fun, happy people are more productive and they like going to work everyday because it is a happy place. as such, when an organization is so used to doing things in the same way, it leads to complacency and even deterioration, thus a leader must be able to question the status quo, this would mean that as a leader he/she must actively look for systems or programs that have outlived its usefulness and be creative enough to provide new ideas. Renewing teams in any organization is necessary in order to breathe new life to the team, a shuffling of departments or the movement of positions would reenergize the team and possibly generate new ideas and opportunities. Lastly, the leader should adopt an open approach to searching for opportunities. It is an acceptance of the leader that he/she does not have the monopoly of ideas and it is necessary to be aware of what is happening outside and inside the organization. Being an effective leader also takes the ability to experiment and takes risks and to learn from mistakes. Leaders if for some twist of fate have always been thought of as someone who can transform any organization form the brink of death to greater heights. But in reality, it is the scientific and objective leader who is able to appreciate the importance of carrying out mini experiments of new processes that would in the end be more cost-effective than to rush and implement a program or process that have not been tested. Experiments are for introducing new products while creating or developing models in specific departments of new processes will give the leader an objective assessment of the possibility of success or failure of the new process. The leader is not the sole experimenter, he/she must encourage other to experiment also, but at times it is faced with fear and apprehension, thus the leader should assure the members that it is safe to experiment. When a person is so set in his/her ways then it is difficult to initiate change, the leader therefore must be able to break the mind set of its people, to become more open to new ideas and change. An enormous change may be anxiety provoking for members, the leader thus should break up the changes into small challenges that members can accomplish one at a time. People work better if they know that their ideas and feelings are respected and that if what they are doing is of their own choice, a leader should give each person the opportunity to make their own choices. A leader must learn how to say yes to the ideas and opinions of its members, by saying yes more frequently than but or no, it would be easier for the leader to also solicit the cooperation of its people. A leader is not a Greek hero who has supernatural powers, he/she can make mistakes and a true leader has the grace and humility to accept his/her mistakes and to learn from it. Lastly, a leader should also be able to evaluate the effectiveness of the new programs or changes that he/she has carried out in the company and this exercise should be a collaborative effort with input from the different members of the organization. Knowing what may cause the failure of an innovation would go a long way in improving that product or process. It is true that leaders emerge out of the difficulties or major changes in an organization, and being a leader is no easy job, and one can always make use of information that would help enhance or develop our leadership skills. I found this as the advantage of the concepts, it provides true-to-life examples of how a leader is able to seize opportunities for change and why it is important to experiment and learn from mistakes. The disadvantages of the concepts however is that it is too abstract and sometimes it is difficult to relate to a job as mundane as selling cigarettes and that most of the examples involve large organizations wherein leaders are often the head of the department or the organization. Although the chapters do provide pointers on what an ordinary person could do to become a leader and it is a practical guide. The chapters present the concept as a series of things to do or things to learn, and not all could be applied at the same time to a single organization. In my experience as a cigarette store owner, I am limited by the products that sell the most; I may provide my customers with new brands or novel cigarettes but since smokers tend to stick to one brand. I may be able to innovate probably in giving freebies to loyal customers or be creative by using bonus coupons that they could exchange for premium brands. Moreover, I do not have a staff and hence my leadership skills are not harnessed. On the other hand I work part time in a gasoline station and work with other people but again a gasoline station is one of the most normal and stable organization there is. Thus, unless if the gasoline station gets sold or merged with another store, then maybe it would be time for me to rise to that challenge. On the other hand, learning about leadership has been exciting and very challenging, it tells me that I can be a leader someday; it also made me become aware of some of my personal characteristics that is akin to leaders. I would like to share to others what I have learned about leadership, sometimes we do not know that we possess the ability to be leaders if other people don’t acknowledge it, I would also tell them of the things that a good leader should be able to accomplish. That said, there are different leadership styles which a person may favor and use in different situations. Leadership styles include autocratic leadership, bureaucratic leadership charismatic leadership, participative leadership, Laissez-faire leadership, relations-oriented leadership, servant leadership, task-oriented leadership, transactional leadership and transformational leadership. Personally, I think that participative leadership is the best among the styles because although the leader has the final say in the decisions concerning issues on organizational change; it allows the members of the organization to contribute their ideas and thoughts. This communicate that the leader value and respects its members and thus increase job satisfaction of members and cultivates a culture of collaboration and cooperation that every organization needs to get things done. Reference Kouzes, J. & Posner, B. (2002). The Leadership Challenge.   California: Jossey-Bass    Â