Thursday, August 1, 2019

Rectify The Problem Of Formal Communication Commerce Essay

The information shows that the Maruti has faced major work stoppage during the last 13 months and work stoppage is fundamentally because the job of communicating spread between the direction and workers. Till last decennary Maruti is did non confront any major work stoppage except in the twelvemonth 2000. In 2000 the work stoppage tally for around 90 yearss and in past 13 months Maruti has five major work stoppage. The last work stoppage in the maruti lasted for 13 yearss and this work stoppage lead to heavy loss. The chief job is the labour force being divided into lasting workers which constitute about 60 % of the work force and remainder being the contract workers. Around 2000-3000 are the workers who are working in Maruti on a individual twenty-four hours and more than thousand are contract workers. Contract workers are paid less than the lasting workers which was the chief concern. The other major job that Maruti faced was the Communication Barriers between the labor and the direction of the company. It was seen from the statements and the actions of the direction that a communicating barrier was included in both the downward and the upward communicating channels of the company. The major observation of the information is presence of pipeline in the organisation, another job is the closed door policy deficiency of formal communicating.TO RECTIFY THE PROBLEM OF FORMAL COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE MANAGEMENT AND WORKERS IN MARUTI SUZUKIBASED ON A STUDY OF 2011 AND 2012Introduction1.1 Problem StatementTo rectify the job of the formal communicating between the direction and workers in Maruti Suzuki.Factors of the job statementInternal Communication External Communication Upward Communication Downward Communication Grapevine1.3 Framing a HypothesisAre there any barriers which company facing and what they are making to better it. Strikes is the major job or non. How is relationship between the subsidiaries and supervisors.Company PROFILESuzuki Motor Corporation is situated in Japan and it is the Keeping Company of Maruti Suzuki India Limited with the portion ownership of more than 54 % . Earlier Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. was known as Maruti Udyog Limited. Maruti have occupied a big market portion and is the leader of the Indian auto market for over 20 old ages. It has piecing semens fabricating units at Manesar and Gurgaon which have the production capacity of over 1.5 million vehicles yearly. Maruti has about 15 trade names dwelling of more than 150 theoretical accounts. It has a big assortment of autos which includes Swift, Ritz, DZire, Ertiga, The Classic Maruti 800, Alto, Baleno and many others. Maruti Suzuki is a strong truster of eco-friendly vehicles and therefore in an environment friendly inaugural, it introduced in India for the first clip mill fitted CNG option in its 5 Models in August 2010. It is the lone company in India to bring forth over 10 million vehicles since the axial rotation out of its first vehicle on 14thDecember, 1983. Harmonizing to the records ( 31st March, 2012 ) the company employed more than 9000 people. It has besides been given the top place for 12 consecutive old ages in client satisfaction harmonizing to JD Power Survey. Maruti Suzuki besides exports autos to several states in Europe, Asia, Latin America, Africa and Oceania. ( Maruti Suzuki, n.d ) .ATheA Manesar Production Plant of Maruti Suzuki has the country of more than 600 estates and was inaugurated in February 2007. The initial production capacity of this works was of 100,000 vehicles yearly which increased to 300,000 vehicles yearly in October 2008 and eventually the present capacity is 550,000 vehicles yearly. Models produced inA the Manesar works areA Ritz, SX4, Swift, DZire and A-Star.THE HISTORY OF STRIKES IN MARUTI SUZUKI INDIA LTD.Maruti Suzuki has comparatively enjoyed good relationships with the labour force and the brotherhoods. Though the company has faced labour work stoppages thrice in the 10 twelvemonth period from 199 1-2001 chiefly because of demand for more rewards. But in the last 13 months Maruti Suzuki has faced five work stoppages and closure of its production installations in Gurgaon and Manesar.3.1 STRIKES IN THE PERIOD1991-20122002-2012April 1995 Duration 3 Dayss Reason Wages Demand June 2011 Duration 13 Dayss Reason To Form A New Independent Union For Manesar Facility March 1998 Duration 2 Dayss Reason Local Issues Of Workers August 2011 Duration 33 Dayss Reason Workers Refusal To Sign â€Å" Good Behavior Chemical bond † October 2000 Duration 89 Days ( LONGEST Strike AT MARUTI ) Reason Wages Demand September 2011 Duration 2 Dayss Reason Support For The Manesar Striking Workers October 2011 Duration 14 Dayss Reason To Restore The Servicess Of 1100 Contract Workers July 2012 Duration 12 Dayss Reason Castist Remarks Between Management And Workers As It is clear from the above tabular array something has awfully gone incorrect between the direction and the labor in the Maruti ‘s Gurgaon and Manesar Production installation between June 2011 and August 2012. ( KK & A ; Chauhan,2011 ) .3.2 STORY BEHIND THE LAST THIRTEEN MONTHSThe last major work stoppage by the Maruti Workers took topographic point in October 2000 demanding hiking in rewards which resulted in a 3 month closure of Maruti ‘s production installation. For the following Decade Maruti enjoyed a healthy relationship between the direction and the labor. The job started towards the terminal of 2010 or early 2011 when demand for separate trade brotherhood for the Manesar production installation arose. The company persuaded the Manesar workers to be a portion of the present brotherhood. In may 2011 company announced the election for the labors brotherhood with a proposed new chapter for the Manesar workers to be held on July 18th. Though when the election took p laced the Manesar workers boycotted it. The agitation started and the Manesar workers struck work at 4:00 autopsy on 4th June. This agitation and subsequent work stoppage by the workers was called as â€Å" THE FIRST OCCUPATION † which lasted for 13 yearss from 4th June to 17th June. Workers accused that the company functionaries were coercing them to subscribe an affidavit saying that they were happy with the Gurgaon Union and do non desire a new Union for the Manesar production installation. ( The Economic Times,2011 ) . The company denied this and stated that some of the workers were taking the signatures of others for the intent of organizing a brotherhood during the work hours and the supervisors objected to this ensuing in suspension of 11 workers. On June 6th the workers organized a work stoppage as the 11 workers who were suspended included 4 Office Bearers of the proposed Union and this work stoppage went on boulder clay 16th June when the direction eventually revoked the suspension of the 11 workers. After the work stoppage was over Maruti went on a Damage Control Mode. To promote the workers to talk freely about their jobs the company brought in religious organisation Brahamkumari and external trainers to develop them. Management so accused that the 11 workers who were before suspended interfered with the company production procedure and defied all the regulations of the store floors and asked the workers to follow their orders alternatively of the supervisors. Although the workers denied these acquisitions but production of autos fell quickly from 1200 units per twenty-four hours to 700 per twenty-four hours and so farther to 400 units per twenty-four hours on the last 2 yearss of August. Out of the end product produced merely 95 % cleared the quality control cheque and the company accused that the workers were undermining the autos on intent. On August 29, the company locked the mill and demanded workers to subscribe a ‘good-conduct bond ‘ and suspended 18 trainees and 44 regular workers for undermining the production of the company. The workers said that the allegations made by the direction of the company about undermining and damaging the autos were false and were made to coerce the ‘good-conduct bond ‘ on them. The workers declined to subscribe the good-conduct bond and started a 2nd unit of ammunition of protest outside the mill Gatess which finally lasted for 33 yearss. During this period the company started to work on the dialogues with the workers and to supercharge the workers on work stoppage besides started production with 170 workers who signed the bonds and the remainder by hired contract labor. The production of the company at the starting of the 2nd work stoppage was merely 50 % of its capacity i.e. 600 autos per twenty-four hours but it bit by bit increased to 800 autos per twenty-f our hours. By the terminal of the 2nd half of the work stoppage the direction had the upper custodies in the dialogues and the workers were get downing to pall raising serious inquiries about the demand of such a drawn-out work stoppage. Finally when the dialogues were over on October 1st and the two sides reached a decision harmonizing to which the workers agreed subscribe the ‘good-conduct bond ‘ and in return the company reinstated 18 trainees and the 44 regular workers who were before dismissed were now put into suspension and internal probe was put on them. ( KK & A ; Chauhan,2011 ) . When the work started on October 3rd The Company, the direction allowed merely 170 contract workers to come in the Company ‘s Premisess and denied entry to 1200 workers who participated in the work stoppage. This and few other factors such as transportations of workers from one occupation to another and the suspension of coach service made the workers feel violated and exploited from the direction and gave manner to a 2nd work stoppage which was called â€Å" THE SECOND OCCUPATION † and it lasted for seven yearss from 7th October to 14th October. During this period the workers working for Maruti Suzuki in Manesar, Suzuki Powertrain, Suzuki Castings and Suzuki Motorcycles came in support of the impermanent workers working for the Parent Company Maruti Suzuki India limited company At this phase there are around 1500 workers inside and 1000 workers outside the mill gates protesting against the Company. The company suspended 10 workers and 5 trainees and evict another 100 from inside its works premises. The production during this period falls from 2800 units per twenty-four hours to 1000 units per twenty-four hours and later on 12th October falls to 600 units per twenty-four hours. On 13th October the company announced that it will close down the works as does non hold trim parts to bring forth the autos because of the 5 twenty-four hours long work stoppage at Suzuki Powertrain. This in turns leads to closing down of workss of the providers of Maruti Suzuki. At this point the Police enters the works with the strength of 1500-2500 bulls and Late that dark the workers leave the mill and go on their work stoppage outside the mill. On October 15th the workers from Maruti Powertrain and Suzuki Motorcycles besides end their business and go on their work stoppage outside the mill. The work stoppage continues till 21st October until the direction reinstated 64 lasting workers but 33 workers remain suspended. They besides promise to engage 1200 contract workers and restart the Bus Service which got suspended on the 3rd October. The company besides set up a â€Å" grudge commission † and â€Å" labour public assistance commission † with equal representations from the direction and the workers. On 22nd October the production of autos in The Company ‘s Production Facility in Manesar sketchs. Though the affair between the direction and the labor seemed to hold been solved after the dialogues took topographic point on 21st October but hardly eight months after the long work stoppage resolved, the company is faced another agitation between the workers and the direction. This clip it is non because of pay hiking or brotherhood related job, but because of the discord between one worker and his supervisor. It all started on July 18 when a supervisor made a castiest comment against a lasting worker, who belonged to the agenda caste class and when he opposed, the worker was slapped and physically assaulted and was eventually suspended. On the other manus the direction claimed that the worker had beaten the supervisor and the brotherhood prevented the direction from taking any disciplinary action and that they alternatively prevented the executives from go forthing the mill and held them surety. ( Sharma, 2012 ) . After this incident there were violent battles between the workers and the direction which resulted in the decease of the General Manager, Human Resources Mr. Avnish Kumar Dev and hurt of about 100 executives including directors and foreign subjects and damaged the belongings of the company puting fire in assorted parts of the works turning a basic act of stupidity into a public violence. On 21st July after Three yearss of force and work stoppage by the workers the direction declared an indefinite lockout in the works. Till now Police has arrested 114 workers including 10 office carriers of The Maruti Suzuki Workers Union, including its president Ram Meher and Its General Secretary Sarabjit Singh. The Haryana Government has announced the formation of a Particular Investigating Team ( SIT ) to examine into the affair headed by The Assistant Commissioner Of Police Mr. Ravinder Tomar. ( ZEEBIZ,2012 ) . The operations at The Maruti Manesar Plant resumed on 21st August 2012, after a month of lockout. The works opened amidst heavy security, 1200-1500 police officers were deployed for the security of the production installation among which 540 were from India Reserve Battalion ( IRB ) . Maruti itself has taken the security of the direction and labor and formed its ain Special Force of 100 forces which includes veterans. On the opening twenty-four hours of the works the production capacity dropped from 1500-1700 units per twenty-four hours to 150 units per twenty-four hours as merely 300 permanent resumed work in a individual displacement even though there were 3300 employees prior to the public violences among which 1528 were lasting. The company besides decided to end the services of all the workers allegedly involved in force and public violences which includes 500 permanent and 500 contract workers. This incident costed Maruti about 10 crores in works and belongings harm and over 1400 crores in loss of production. There are some guesss that even though this incident looked like unplanned but the workers at the works were be aftering to assail the supervisor for about a hebdomad and have been stacking up rods and sticks, the caste slur was merely the trigger. Though the constabulary denied any such guess. ( Hindustan Times,2012 ) Even with all the agitations between the labor and the direction the company has still non lost it ‘s hope in the Manesar Production Facility and The Chairman Mr.R.C.Bhargava, Managing Director & A ; Chairman Mr. Shinzo Nakanishi said that the production in the Manesar Facility will go on and really shortly will make its full production capacity of 5.5 lakhs units per twelvemonth. ( Hindustan Times,2012 ) .ANALYSING THE PROBLEMThe job at the Maruti Production Facility is non a individual job that can be defined but it is bunch of little issues which has resulted in such a violent and unethical mode which was Earth shattering both to the direction and to the people who are associated with Maruti. The biggest job of the bunch is the labour force being divided into lasting workers which constitute about 60 % of the work force and remainder being the contract workers. There are about 2000-3000 workers working in Maruti on any given normal twenty-four hours, out of which more than thousand are contract workers. Whereas a lasting worker in Maruti earns about 17000 rupees in a month a contract worker merely makes around 7000 rupees a month. Clear from the figures it creates a disparity in income. The construct of contract workers is non merely present in Maruti but it is the world of the whole car industry. The narrative of Maruti can be seen as a worker friendly association to a company which has started to work the workers. To get down with, after the lag of 2008 and 2009 was over in early 2010 Maruti experienced a high growing in demand, while the company someway expected the demand to lift but ne'er expected it to be every bit high as 30 % . What made the state of affairs worse was that Maruti did non put on enlargement during the lag and in the words of Mr. M.M. Singh, the caput of Manufacturing â€Å" † Losing market portion due to deficiency of capacity can turn out to be the decease knell for an car company, † A ( KK & A ; Chauhan,2011 ) . and as a consequence Maruti induced a series of steps to run into the demand and avoid â€Å" DEATH KNELL OF AN AUTO COMPANY † . These steps included frequent care of machinery, reprogramming and presenting better automatons and commanding the assembly line to squash out efficiency. The policy worked and there was addition of 40 % in the production capacity of the Manesar Plant. The production capacity increased from 2,50,000 units to 3,50,000 per twelvemonth. This besides saved the company about 1700 Crore rupees but it resulted in the workers paying the concluding monetary value. It was this policy that eventually resulted in an increased frictional relationship between the direction and the employees. Over the past nine old ages the net incomes of the company has increased by 2200 % ( 2001-02 to 2010-11 ) , the wage of the CEO has increased by 419 % in four old ages ( 2007-08 to 2010-11 ) and the production of the company increased 400 % by merely increasing the work force by 65 % and still the existent addition in the rewards of the workers merely rose by 5.5 % .But this is non the terminal of the narrative, the on the job conditions of the workers are besides tough. During an eight hr displacement a workers gets merely a 30 minute interruption for tiffin and a seven and a half minute interruption for tea. During the tea interruption one has to imbibe tea use the bathroom and caput back to the working station. If late even by a minute one can stop up losing half a twenty-four hours ‘s wage and an opprobrious chiding from the supervisor. This is merely non the job with Maruti Suzuki India Limited but with the car industry and needs rapid reforms. The Government needs to turn to this job of labour development and do rigorous labors Torahs and more significantly implement the same. The other major job that Maruti faced was the Communication Barriers between the labor or the work force and the direction of the company. It was apparent from the statements and the actions of the direction that a communicating barrier was present in both the downward and the upward communicating channels of the company. â€Å" Hum apna connect kahaan kho gaya? Kya gadbad Harkat-ul-Mujahidin? ( how did we lose the connect with our workers? what went incorrect? ) , † Singh said in his gap comments, in portion inquiry, portion self-contemplation. M.M. Singh is the company ‘s caput of fabrication and these were his exact words when he addressed a meeting of the company ‘s functional caput of sections. ( KK & A ; Chauhan,2011 ) . One of the major communicating barriers in Maruti is the presence of internal and external Grapevine. Grapevine is an informal manner of communicating which is largely present in the center and lower degrees of direction of a company. If used efficaciously grapevine can be used by the direction for the benefit of the company, but in bulk of the instances grapevine hinders the company. It is such a powerful tool of communicating as it spreads like wildfire through chitchats and creates rumours which may non be true. In instance of Maruti pipelines played a major function in making confusion between the direction and the labor. Most of these pipelines or rumours were spread by a fraction of the work force and members of the already bing trade brotherhoods like the All India Trade Union Congress ( AITUC ) and the Hind Mazdoor Sabha ( HMS ) for the exclusive ground of personal additions by people in influential places. The company was unable to command these rumours and as a consequence faced bigger jobs in happening the solution to the work stoppages. Other communicating barrier present in Maruti is the Organisational Barrier which includes a closed door policy by the direction. Harmonizing to the labor in Maruti the direction is non interested in the jobs and grudges faced by the workers but is merely interested in doing net incomes and achieving higher efficiency. This may look like a little barrier ab initio but in the long runs it hampers the organisation as it creates a rift between the involved parties. As in the instance of Maruti the direction may non hold considered the little jobs of the workers as really of import but with the transition of clip it created agitation in the workers which resulted in lockouts and work stoppages and finally one of the worst work stoppage state of affairs that Maruti has of all time faced in its history. The last major communicating barrier nowadays in Maruti is the deficiency of Formal Communication between the center and lower direction and the workers. In an organisation every bit large as Maruti formal communicating is of import non merely between the upper and in-between degrees of direction but besides between workers and lower degree of direction. In instance of Maruti formal communicating between the labors and the lower degree of direction such as the supervisors and floor supervisors is absent. Harmonizing to the workers supervisors abuse the workers on a regular footing and sometimes physically assail them. The company denies the allegations about the physical maltreatment but does non deny the fact that the workers are abused by the supervisors. 5.CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Maruti has come a long manner in India from its constitution in 1981 2012, and in this brief period of clip has acquired the biggest market portion in the little and average auto section establishing some of the iconic autos in the Indian Auto Industry. But this journey has had its ain jobs and Maruti was able to get the better of them and go on frontward endeavoring new evidences of success in quality and client satisfaction. Even today the company was able to strike an apprehension between the direction and the workers but to wholly get the better of the labor jobs Maruti needs to take some rough stairss and do some strong reforms in its on the job manner.5.1CONCLUSION FROM THE QUESTIONNAIREFrom the questionnaire answered by the direction, labor, providers and the clients of the company it is apparent that there is a communicating job nowadays in the construction of the company specially between the lower degree of direction and the labors and with the clients. The bulk of the clie nts feel that the company should present new communicating channels and maintain the clients updated about the bringing of the merchandise to increase the client trueness. As of the direction, the company has still non present a new communicating channel, though the direction claims that there is no agitation nowadays in Manesar right now but some workers beg to differ on this point. Some other points of distinction between the workers and the direction was related to the manner direction is acting with the workers. While the workers say that it is still the same and no major alteration can be seen, the direction seem feel that it has changed well. Even the workers feel that the working conditions have improved but there is still a spread in communicating between the direction and the workers.5.2RECOMMENDATIONSuzuki Motor Corporation has established itself as a respectful company all over the universe and is it operates in India from its subordinate Maruti Suzuki India Limited. Suzu ki all over the universe boosts itself as an employee friendly company, but the on the job conditions in India is different and Suzuki has non adapted to these conditions absolutely. In the last three decennaries it has faced some serious labors related jobs and the bulk of the jobs started after 2000. Some of the car Industry companies that have pioneered the art of labour relationships in India are TATA Motors and TVS Motors. These two companies have ne'er faced any serious labor jobs. Tata Group of Industries as a whole group is considered one of the best employers in the state and maintains one of the best employee keeping record. On the Other manus TVS Group Of Industries has ne'er faced a serious labour job in more than a hundred old ages after it was foremost established in 1911. The first company of the group TVS and boies has had a work stoppage free record. TVS motors on the other manus faced a work stoppage in 1992 for a few yearss but these work stoppages were supposed to be organized by the external forces and did non make major jobs between the direction and the workers. The policy followed by the company on labor affairs consists of really little but well-organized points such as following an unfastened door policy, taking labour point of views in major determinations, handling workers like household and seting their involvement in front of the company ‘s involvement, honouring the confidences given to the workers etc. These may look little and inefficient things but they have worked as if by magic for TVS Motor Corporation. Maruti should follow the footfalls of these companies and follow these policies to avoid farther struggles between the labors and the direction to work in complete harmoniousness and peace to recognize non merely company ‘s ends but the persons ends of the members of the company and people associated with it. ( Madhavan,2011 )AppendixsThe replies here shows the bulk of the responses and non the single replies of any individual.6.1 Questionnaire6.1.a FOR MANAGEMENTIS THE LABOUR AGITATION STILL PRESENT IN THE MANESAR PLANT? NO IF YES, HEN IS IT SUCH A LEVEL THAT IT WORRIES THE MANAGEMENT AND THE TOP MANAGEMENT? NO IS THE POLICE FORCE STILL DEPLOYED IN THE MANESAR PLANT? YES HAS THIS AGITATION AFFECTED THE WORKING STYLE OF THE MANAGEMENT PERSONELL? YES HAS THIS RIOT MADE THE LABOUR AND THE UNION MORE DOMINANT THAN IT WAS BEFORE? Yes WAS THERE ANY TRUTH IN THE ALLEGATIONS MADE BY THE LOBOURS AND UNIONS? YES IF YES, THEN WAS THE PHYSICAL ABUSE IN ANY CASE JUSTIFIED? NO Make YOU Think THAT IN THE NEAR FUTURE, THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MANAGEMENT AND LABOUR WILL EVER REMAIN THE SAME AS IT WAS BEFORE? Yes ARE THE PROMISES MADE BY THE MANAGEMENT FULFILLED? YES HOW ARE THE FAMILY MEMBERS OF THE SENIOR HR MANAGER COMPENSATED AFTER HIS DEATH? Harmonizing to his work footings and monetarily HOW HAS THE RIOTS EFFECTED THE OVERALL IMAGE OF THE MARUTI BRAND? Affected A batch and working on the same ARE ANY STEPS TAKEN TO RE-BRAND THE MARUTI SUZUKI AS AN EMPLOYER? Yes IS THERE A NEW POST CREATED TO TACKLE THE LABOUR GRIEVENCES AFTER THIS RIOT? NO ARE THERE ANY STEPS BEEN TAKEN TO SOLVE THE LABOUR GRIEVENCES BEFORE IT TURNS INTO AN AGITATION? YES Be THE EMPLOYEES OF THE COMPANY GIVEN NEW DIRECTONS IN THE WAY TO INTERACT WITH EACH OTHER? YES IF YES, ARE THESE DIRECTIONS ONLY APPLICABLE IN THE MANESAR PLANT OR ON THE ORGANISATION AS A WHOLE? ORGANIZATION AS A WHOLE WAS THE MANAGEMENT SATISFIED WITH THE RESPONSE FROM THE ADMINISTRATION AND THE POLICE? Yes IF NO, WHAT ELSE WAS EXPECTED FROM THE ADMINISTRATION BY THE MANAGEMENT? ARE ANY STEPS TAKEN TO ENSURE THE SAFETY OF THE EMPLOYEES OF THE COMPANY IN CASE SUCH AN INCIDENET HAPPENS AGAIN? YES IF YES, DO THESE PLAN INCLUDES THE SAFETY OF THE MANAGEMENT ONLY OR ALSO THE SAFETY OF THE INNOCENT LOWER LEVEL EMPLOYEES? BOTH Make YOU Think THAT THIS INCIDENT COULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDED? Yes HAS THIS RIOT EFFECTED THE FUTURE PLANS OF THE COMPANY REGARDING ITS OPERATIONS IN INDIA? YES HAS THIS RIOT EFFECTED THE PLAN FOR THE UPCOMING PLANT IN GUJRAT? NO WHAT WAS THE LOSS TO THE COMPANY DUE TO THE RIOTS FINANCIALLY? NO Remarks HOW ARE THE INNOCENT EMPLOYEES OF THE COMPANY WHO HAVE SUFFERED DURING THE RIOTS BEING COMPENSATED? Yes IN WHAT PERIOD OF TIME WILL THE MANESAR PLANT BE FULLY NORMAL? One Financial Year WHAT IS IN STORE FOR THE MANESAR PLANT? IS THERE A NEW COMMUNICATION CHANNEL WHICH IS INTRODUCED AFTER THE RIOTS? NO6.1.b FOR EmployeeARE THE LOBOURS STILL ANGRY EVEN THOUGH THE STRIKE IS OVER? NO HAS THIS RIOT OR STRIKE AFFECTED THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE MANAGEMENT AND THE LOBOURS? YES Make THE LABOURS HAVE A MORE DOMINANT POSITIONS NOW? NO Have THE RIOTS AND STRIKES MADE THE UNIONS MORE POWERFULL? NO WAS THE KILLING OF THE SENIOR HR MANAGER IN ANYWAY JUSTIFIED? NO DO YOU FEEL THAT THE RIOT WAS BASICALLY DUE TO A FRACTION OF THE LABOURS AND THE UNIONS OR WAS IT REALLY REQUIRED? NO HAS THE STRIKE BENEFITTED THE LABOURS IN ANYWAY? YES WERE THE PROMISES MADE BY THE MANAGEMENT FULFILLED? YES ARE THERE ANY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS DONE FOR THE SECUIRTY OF THE EMPLOYEES? YES HAS THE STRIKE AFFECTED THE WORKING STYLE OF THE MANAGEMENT? NO HAS THE STRIKE AFFECTED THE BEHAVIOUR OF THE MANAGEMENT TOWARDS THE EMLOYEES? NO WAS A New POST FOR LABOUR GRIEVENCES MADE? YES Make YOU Think THAT THE ADMINISTATION PLAYED ITS PART APPROPRIATELY IN HANDLING THE MANESAR RIOTS? NO WAS THERE ANY KIND OF POLICE BRUTALITY INVOLVED? NO WERE THE INNOCENT LABORS ASSAULTED BY THE POLICE AND ADMINISTRATION? NO Make YOU Think THAT THE COMPANY WAS CORRECT IN SACKING A SUBSTANTIAL PART OF THEIR LABOURS WHO WERE ASSOCIATED WITH COMPANY FOR A LONG TIME? NO DO YOU FEEL SAFE WHILE WORKING FOR MARUTI NOW? Yes WERE THE WORKING CONDITIONS BETTER BEFORE THE STRIKES OR AFTER THE STRIKES? AFTER WERE THE INNOCENT EMPLOYEES WHO SUFFERED DURING THE RIOTS COMPENSATED IN ANYWAY? NO IS THE LIFE INSIDE THE MANESAR PLANT GETTING BACK TO NORMAL? YES Make YOU Think THE LABOURS WHO ARE BEHIND BARS AND ARE PROSCECUTED DESERVED THAT FOR WHAT THEY DID? YES DO YOU FEEL BAD FOR WHAT HAS HAPPENED AND THE DEATH OF THE SENIOR HR MANAGER? Yes ARE THERE ANY COMMUNICATION DIFFERENCE OR PROBLEMS BETWEEN THE EMPLOYEES AND THE MANAGEMENT? Yes IF YES, WHAT ARE THEY? HOW DO YOU THINK THESE COMMUNICATIONS BRRIERS CAN BE OVERCOME?6.1.c FOR SuppliersHAS THE STRIKES AND THE RIOTS IN THE MARUTI ‘S MANESAR PLANT AFFECTED YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE COMPANY? Yes IS YOUR Assurance IN THE MARUTI COMPANY AS A EMPLOYER OR AS A BUSINESS CLIENT SHAKEN? NO AS A SUPPLIERS OF MATERIALS TO THE COMPANY ‘S MANESAR PLANT DO YOU Think THAT THE STRIKES BY THE LABOURS WAS THE CORRECT DECISION? YES HAVE YOU EVER FACED PROBLEMS OF EXPLOITATION BY THE COMPANY? No HAS THE MANAGEMENT EVER IN ANYWAY TROUBLED YOU WHEN IT CAME TO BUSINESS DEALINGS? NO DOES THE MANAGEMENT OF THE COMPANY EVER ACT UNPROFESSIONALY WITH YOU? NO Make YOU Think THAT THE MARUTI AS A BRAND IS EFFECTED AFTER THE RIOTS? YES IN THE SUPPLIERS MARKET HAS THE CREDIT RATING OF THE MARUTI COMPANY DECREASED AFTER THE RIOTS? YES IF YES, THEN HOW MUCH TIME DO YOU Think IT WILL TAKE FOR THE COMPANY TO ENJOY ITS OLD STATURE? Equally shortly as they recover everything as before HAS THE STRIKE EFFECTED THE SUPPLIER MARKET AS WELL? YES WERE THERE ANY FINANCIAL LOSSES TO THE SUPPLIERS AS WELL? YES IF YES, WERE THE SUPPLIERS COMPENSATED IN ANYWAY? NO ARE THE WORKING CONDITIONS WITH MARUTI THE SAME AS THEY WERE BEFORE THE STRIKE? YES ARE THERE ANY COMMUNICATION DIFFERENCES OR PROBLEMS BETWEEN YOU AND MARUTI? NO IF YES, WHAT ARE THEY? HOW DO YOU THINK CAN THESE COMMUNICATION BARRIERS BE OVERCOME?6.1.d FOR CustomerMake YOU Think THE Strike BETWEEN THE MANAGEMENT AND THE LABOURS WAS JUSTIFIED? YES FROM ALL THE INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO YOU, WHO DO YOU THINK WAS AT FAULT, THE LABBOUR OR THE MANAGEMENT? THE MANAGEMENT. HAS THIS RIOT EFFECTED YOUR PERCEPTION OF THE BRAND MARUTI AS WELL? YES IF YES, DO YOU Think IT WILL BE ABLE TO REGAIN ITS OLD POSITION? NO DID YOU BOOK A MARUTI PRODUCT BEFORE THE STRIKES? YES HAS THE STRIKE EFFECTED THE PRODUCT YOU ORDERED IN ANYWAY? YES IF YES, IS THE COMPANY COMPENSATING YOU IN AN ADEQAUATE MANNER? NO DO YOU GET PROPER UPDATES ABOUT THE DELIVERY OF YOUR PRODUCT? NO IS THE COMMUNICATION BETWEEN YOU AND THE COMPANY PROPER? NO IF NOT, WHAT IS THE PROBLEM? THEY DO N'T Update THEIR CUSTOMER ABOUT THE PRODUCT DELIVERY WHAT DO YOU SUGGEST SHOULD BE DONE TO Get the better of IT? BETTER COMMUNICATION CHANNEL IS THE SITUATIUON BAD ENOUGH FOR YOU TO CANCEL YOUR ORDER AND GO FOR A DIFFERENT COMPANY? Yes

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