Thursday, November 7, 2019

Slavery and Compromises essays

Slavery and Compromises essays The practice of slavery goes back to ancient time, but as it developed in the United States, the slave system was different. It was different in at least two ways which were the slaves in the United States had no legal rights and the By the 1800, slavery had increased greatly in the United States and was a main issue. It split the United States into two sides, one against slavery and the other was for slavery. The South was the slaves states and the North was the free slaves. Southerners had first defended slavery as a necessary evil. They began looking at it as a positive good. They declared that it was the economic mainstay of a whole region. They also argued that it offered protection for a race that could not provide for itself. They considered it a glorious thing that it was sanctioned by the Bible, and approved by God. The Northerners believed that there was a slave power conspiracy aimed at extending slavery to the whole United States. Many Southerners feared that their property would be seized by wild-eyed radicals who had no understanding of the Southern way of life. They considered African Americans as people and thought that they shouldnt be treated unfairly just based on the color of their skin. Abolitionist were blamed for starting up and attack caused by Nat Turner. Soon after this, abolitionist literature was no longer allowed to go through the mail in the South. Because of the tension among the Nation, the United States were about Before the Civil war there were two compromises that had been dealing with slavery. The compromises were the Missouri Compromise and the The Missouri Compromise allowed Maine to be admitted as a free state, Missouri being admitted as a slave state, and for slavery to be prohibited in the rest of the Louisiana Purchase north of latitude thirty six ...

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