Thursday, December 26, 2019

Romeo and Juliet A Text to Film Comparison Essay

Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet has been modified numerous times and has been a source of inspiration for many playwrights and directors. Franco Zeffirelli and Baz Luhrmann are examples of directors that use Shakespeare’s legendary tragedy as a basis for their films. In the Franco Zeffirelli version of Romeo and Juliet, produced in 1968, the setting is accurate to the times of when William Shakespeare wrote the play. In the last act of the film a few differences arose. In Zeffirelli’s production Romeo does not request a letter telling of Juliet’s well-being from his friend Balthasar, whereas he did so in the play. This letter was to be given by Friar John, who is not mentioned in the 1968 film. In act 5 scene 3 Paris was laying flowers†¦show more content†¦In the famous balcony scene, the newer version is portrayed in the Capulet’s swimming pool than in the actual balcony. When Balthesar comes to tell Romeo, who was portrayed by Leonardo DiC aprio, of Juliet’s death, he did so on a horse. In the 1996 film adaptation, he comes to Mantua in a 1983 Ford Crown Victoria. In the scene where Romeo is in Mantua, instead of having Friar John ride a horse to Mantua to give Romeo the letter, the letter is delivered by United Postal Service. Romeo missed the delivery of the letter twice. Once because he was in his backyard hitting rocks and the other time was because the UPS man was walking up to Romeos door when Romeo drove away. This letter blew away in the wind as Romeo drove off. After departing Mantua and returning to Verona, nobody was conscious of the fact that he was back. In Baz Luhrmanns movie, a search party was after him. The prince is represented as the chief of police. In the play Romeo kills Paris and his servant. However, in the contemporary film, a blameless bystander is killed. While in the tomb with Juliet, Romeo places a ring on her finger. This detail does not occur in the play. While Romeo is telling Juliet his final goodbye, her finger starts to twitch. Just as Romeo is taking the poison, which he bought with dollar bills not gold, Juliet wakes up and sees her lover die. This is a dramatic modification to the text. Juliet then kills herself with a pistol instead of a dagger. LadyShow MoreRelatedEssay about Film Retellings of Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet1104 Words   |  5 Pageswill compare and contrast â€Å"Romeo and Juliet† by William Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet is one of William Shakespeare’s most famous works. I will compare and contrast the 1968 film by Franco Zefferilli and 1996 Baz Luhrman’s film. It has been adapted into screenplays, and remade countless times. Baz Luhrman’s and William Shakespeare’s versions of Romeo and Juliet are similar in theme, but are different in setting, mood, and character personalities. 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