Thursday, December 26, 2019

Romeo and Juliet A Text to Film Comparison Essay

Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet has been modified numerous times and has been a source of inspiration for many playwrights and directors. Franco Zeffirelli and Baz Luhrmann are examples of directors that use Shakespeare’s legendary tragedy as a basis for their films. In the Franco Zeffirelli version of Romeo and Juliet, produced in 1968, the setting is accurate to the times of when William Shakespeare wrote the play. In the last act of the film a few differences arose. In Zeffirelli’s production Romeo does not request a letter telling of Juliet’s well-being from his friend Balthasar, whereas he did so in the play. This letter was to be given by Friar John, who is not mentioned in the 1968 film. In act 5 scene 3 Paris was laying flowers†¦show more content†¦In the famous balcony scene, the newer version is portrayed in the Capulet’s swimming pool than in the actual balcony. When Balthesar comes to tell Romeo, who was portrayed by Leonardo DiC aprio, of Juliet’s death, he did so on a horse. In the 1996 film adaptation, he comes to Mantua in a 1983 Ford Crown Victoria. In the scene where Romeo is in Mantua, instead of having Friar John ride a horse to Mantua to give Romeo the letter, the letter is delivered by United Postal Service. Romeo missed the delivery of the letter twice. Once because he was in his backyard hitting rocks and the other time was because the UPS man was walking up to Romeos door when Romeo drove away. This letter blew away in the wind as Romeo drove off. After departing Mantua and returning to Verona, nobody was conscious of the fact that he was back. In Baz Luhrmanns movie, a search party was after him. The prince is represented as the chief of police. In the play Romeo kills Paris and his servant. However, in the contemporary film, a blameless bystander is killed. While in the tomb with Juliet, Romeo places a ring on her finger. This detail does not occur in the play. While Romeo is telling Juliet his final goodbye, her finger starts to twitch. Just as Romeo is taking the poison, which he bought with dollar bills not gold, Juliet wakes up and sees her lover die. This is a dramatic modification to the text. Juliet then kills herself with a pistol instead of a dagger. LadyShow MoreRelatedEssay about Film Retellings of Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet1104 Words   |  5 Pageswill compare and contrast â€Å"Romeo and Juliet† by William Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet is one of William Shakespeare’s most famous works. I will compare and contrast the 1968 film by Franco Zefferilli and 1996 Baz Luhrman’s film. It has been adapted into screenplays, and remade countless times. Baz Luhrman’s and William Shakespeare’s versions of Romeo and Juliet are similar in theme, but are different in setting, mood, and character personalities. The character of Romeo is a lovesick man who keepsRead MoreRomeo And Juliet Film Analysis1647 Words   |  7 PagesDavies, Anthony. The film versions of Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare Survey 49(1996):153-162 Web. 22 May 2017. 1. In this Journal articles by Anthony Davies, he attempts to trace, compare, and analyze the play of Romeo Juliet’s life throughout cinema. To do this, Anthony does a close reading of four different films directed by Cukor, Zeffirelli, Alvin Rakoff, and the BBC. With these films, Anthony delves into them while dissecting specific scenes to compare how they are different or similarRead MoreRomeo and Juliet Comparative Essay780 Words   |  4 PagesRomeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare, is a tragic love story about two young lovers who are forced to be estranged as a result of their feuding families. The play is about their struggle to contravene fate and create a future together. As such, it was only a matter of time before Hollywood would try and emulate Shakespeare’s masterpiece. This had been done before in many films. Prominent among them were, Franco Zeffirelli’s 1968 â€Å"Romeo and Juliet† and Baz Luhrmann’s 1996 â€Å"William Shakespeare’sRead MoreRomeo And Juliet Film Analysis884 Words   |  4 Pagescentury tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, appealing to the audience during the time which it was produced. Hence it raises the question of how effective would Baz Luhrmanns 1996 film be as appealing to a 20th century audience? Luhrmann’s form of displaying the original play as a film, is a significant modern appropriation, as the audience can physically see the play unfolding, identifying the films effectiveness. By drawing on the original themes of violence and love, and introducing numerous film techniquesRead MoreComparing The Opening Scenes of the Two Romeo and Juliet Films1154 Words   |  5 PagesComparing The Opening Scenes of the Two Romeo and Juliet Films In this essay I will be comparing two Romeo and Juliet films done by different directors at different times. The first film I will be comparing was directed by Franco Zeffirelli in 1968, which is considered the older version and the other film I will be comparing was directed by Baz Luhrmann in 1996 and this is considered the more recent version of Romeo and Juliet. For each film I will be comparing the openingRead MoreRomeo And Juliet Film Analysis1458 Words   |  6 PagesThe portrayal of adolescence in film is a relatively new concept, and one that many directors have attempted in their career to varying results. Some directors are able to capture the awkward, bumbling phase of adolescence perfectly. However, there are some representations of teenagers that cause much debate, and can generally leave viewers confused about the director’s intentions. On one hand, a director can undoubtedly celebrate teenage culture through a variety of techniques, however on the otherRead MoreComparing The Opening Shots in Baz Luhrmann and Franco Zeffirellis Versions of Romeo and Juliet1551 Words   |  7 PagesZeffirellis Versions of Romeo and Juliet This essay will compare two versions of Romeo and Juliet directed by Baz Luhrmann and Franco Zeffirelli. In order for me to comment on both versions of Romeo and Juliet I will compare the opening shots, the way the main characters are introduced and the types of music and costumes used in each version. Baz Luhrmanns film takes place in contemporary America. The latest version of Romeo and Juliet was filmed in 1997 at VeronaRead MorePost Modernism Of Baz Luhrmann s Film Adaptation Of William Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet3440 Words   |  14 PagesPost-modernism in Baz Luhrmann’s film adaptation of William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet: a comparison of two creative works from two different periods. In 1996, Baz Luhrmann directed â€Å"Romeo + Juliet†, a modern twist on the famous tragedy play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare in 1597, in which the main characters Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet where portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes. While some praise the strange interpretation of the old tale, there are also thoseRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet1209 Words   |  5 PagesMorning/Afternoon Miss Rigby, Romeo and Juliet displays the the nature of love and the reason for its destruction. It is the most common story to associate with love, it has been adapted to film multiple times, even within a modern setting. Within the play lies many different themes, two of which I will analyse today which are love and hate. The deepest principles in human nature are hate and love, these two contrasting emotions are key in understanding Romeo and Juliet. It s a play which dates backRead MoreA Comparison of the Two Film Versions of Romeo and Juliet17 89 Words   |  8 PagesA Comparison of the Two Film Versions of Romeo and Juliet I have been studying the prologue to Romeo and Juliet written by the magnificent playwright, William Shakespeare sometime between 1594 and 1596. Still globally acknowledged

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Essay about Walt Disney Financial Analyis - 4488 Words

Executive Summary The Walt Disney Company (DIS) has a long and prestigious history in the entertainment business covering a period of greater than 75 years. The DIS objective is to be the world leader in production of entertainment using their diversified portfolio to differentiate its brands including Walt Disney Parks, ESPN, PIXAR, MARVEL, and ABC. The financial goals are to maximize cash flow, maximize earnings, and capital profits that will drive longer-term shareholder value (The Walt Disney Company, 2012). The DIS conglomeration offers brand recognition although DIS faces high sunk costs including updates of their parks. Although DIS is faced with a number of industry competitors, it remains the industry leader with a†¦show more content†¦Walt Disney strengths include shareholder reviews of executive compensation; stock incentive plans, and shareholders proposals (Proxy Statement, 2012). While Standards of Business Conduct binds employees, the Board of Directors a re governed by a separate Code of Ethics for Directors (Proxy Statement, 2012). Although Walt Disney determined the roles of Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer as separate roles (Proxy Statement, 2011) in 2004 Walt Disney wanted to separate themselves from the perception of a rubber stamp board (Lieberman, 2012). The reforms improved governance (Palmeri, 2012), shareholder protection, and oversight of the accountability of management. Finally, Walt Disney establishes four independent committee’s including Audit, Governance and Nominating, Compensation, and Executive (Proxy Statement, 2012) that are all 90% independent (Lieberman, 2012) within the standards of the New York Stock Exchange. The independent, outside directors including former Starbucks Corporation chief executive officer (CEO) Orin Smith, ensures Walt Disney CEO Robert Iger provides a system of checks and balances regarding shareholder and stakeholder interest. Although Walt Disney’s them e parks, film, and Television Company’s enjoy a positive public image, the Board of Directors have faced several challenges during 2012. In March 2012, Institutional Shareholder Services

Monday, December 9, 2019

What is an American free essay sample

American. What is a American? Who is an American? These questions raise some of the most biased answers depending on who you ask. Some will say that an American is a fat, lazy, pig who is selfish, and stupid. Others will say that an American is a strong, hard working, upstanding, and prideful person who looks for the American Dream. So which is true? I think that both are true to an extent. I believe that an American is a proud, prideful, person but should they be? Do Americans go for the American dream anymore or is that now in the past? Can they even have a chance now? The American definition has changed significantly over two hundred years but has the American spirit? If you asked an American on the street, â€Å"What is an American†, what would they say? I shall explore what was an American and what changed over the years. We will write a custom essay sample on What is an American? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Then what is an American today? Has the American spirit changed for the best or has it rather slumped down into a disgraceful form? To define what an American is, you must see what Americans were like in the past. So what was an American two hundred years ago and what did they endure to become an American? â€Å"Ubi panis ibi patria.† This phrase written by De Crevecoeur in 1782 means, â€Å"Where my bread is earned is my country†, in Latin. This quote was the motto for immigrants at the time that moved to America in hopes of a better life. Immigrants moved to America for many reasons: freedom of liberties and belongings, freedom from religious persecution, or to escape famine, and death that awaited in their countries. However this phrase means that immigrants should consider a country to be theirs if hard work gets you bread(money/goods). In many countries at the time people were having trouble surviving. In countries like France, and Poland, work was extremely hard and barely paid anything at all. So people from those countries went to the land of opportunity, America. They wished for the American dream, and they built this country up because of it. You see without immigrants like De Crevecoeur, America would not be, nearly as successful as it is today. It does make you think however, are immigrants even immigrants? Afterall this is a country formed of immigrants, and the people of this country consider this to be their own country. If you ask somebody who moved here from China or Brazil where their country is, wouldnt they say that America is their country? In the past though there has been horrible discrimination against immigrants. The Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882 is one example as it did not allow the Chinese to move to America. Then there has even been worse discrimination against the people that originally lived here. The massacre of Wounded Knee is just one of the many massacres committed against American Indians. So if America lets immigrants in freely but tries to get rid of the natives, and after that we almost destroyed their culture through assimilation. So, what was an American back then? An American back then was an immigrant who wanted, like the people who founded America freedom, freedom of Religion, and justice for all. Though some could argue that has changed over the years. Less than one hundred years ago, people could start to say that the American dream was â€Å"changing.† â€Å"Americans look to more than the next meal; they look to the future, the long term, a better tomorrow†, this quote by Edward L Hudgins, written fifteen years ago, embodied what America was in the late 20th century. America after WWII was an economic machine that had no remnants of the Great Depression that struck in the 1930s. Industry was booming, people had jobs, and the world economy(with the exception of Germany and France) was soaring. People were embracing the American Dream that was so hard to reach in the Great Depression more than ever before; it was a Golden Age in America. Suburbia in America was expanding at unseen rates, as it was a great time. This quote emulates the change that was happened in the late 1900s, which was the beginning of the era of the middle class and suburbia. Its also very intertwined and maybe to an extent factually based on the quote by de Crevecoeur as the two are very similar because the â€Å"bread† of this country is the â€Å"next meal.† The Golden Age of America, however, might have sown the seeds of future economic hardship. With what? It was the thing the American Dream might have been based on when it came to industry. Greed. â€Å"Greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right. Greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures, the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge, has marked the upward surge of mankind and greed, you mark my words, will not only save Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the U.S.A.† This rather chilling quote performed by Michael Douglas from the movie Wall Street, shows how people start to think after they enjoy to much â€Å"decadence† in the American dream. He also thinks that this greed will save the US and Teldar paper, a comp any in the movie, which in the movie and in real life did the opposite with Tedlar paper going bankrupt. This leads up to the more important part of the question, â€Å"What is an American†; what is today’s definition. So what are American’s today? â€Å"It is as much your country as it is my country†, is quote by Red Skelton in 1969 during his word by word analysis of the pledge of allegiance. This quote unlike all the other quotes, this quote is more versatile, and what I mean by that is the quote could be taken, and can be meant towards different people. A lot of people will look at this and think about the immigrants, and while this is true I view Red Skelton’s quote in a different light. I view his quote to view wealth inequality in America. It is now an undeniable fact that ninety nine percent of America’s wealth is controlled by one percent of American people. Sure all people in America have the same rights and liberties, but same the opportunities? It is a sad fact that people and poverty tend to stay in poverty and are not able to pursue the American dream because they either don’t have the chance or the education. Not only that, but the middle class; li ke an eroding cliff, is falling into the poverty line. The Great Recession in 2008 did not help either So with all these weights on the American Dream it begs the question, â€Å"Is the American Dream even possible anymore.† I personally believe that it is still possible, though significantly harder. So hard that some American’s have just given up. So an American is a person who has pride for their country and pursues the American Dream but that pride no longer has a place as we have slipped past the point of being looked up to in my opinion. Americans were first immigrants, wanting to come here for the chance of a better life, or better known as the American dream. After the first century of this country’s existence, and WWII, America entered a golden age where decadence and the â€Å"overdoing† of the American Dream sew the seeds of economic catastrophe. In recent years Americans still try to pursue the American Dream and sometimes succeed, but most are unable to deal with the burdens on their shoulders already. So what does the future hold as America’s economy recovers and people’s hope in the government returns? Does this mean that Americans will start to achieve the American Dream even more? Possibly giving into the decadence or wealth once more? Will America take years to recover? Who is to sa y, all I know is the American spirit is still adaptable, even after all of these years and we shall make it. What Is An American free essay sample For fifteen of the past seventeen years, I have lived in the tiny town of Hopedale. Five thousand people, mostly children and the elderly, call this 5.4-square-mile town home. Once a radical utopian community visited by such greats as Ralph Waldo Emerson and Frederick Douglas, Hopedale has now faded into obscurity. It could be described as a bedroom community: its big main street businesses include Hopedale House of Pizza and Jennys, a new coffee shop. And in this quiet community, more than ninety-five percent of the residents are white, Christian, and middle class. As a young child, I naively believed that every American is like the people of my hometown. However, as I grew older and realized how wrong I was, I learned to question whether any stereotype of a typical American is valid. During elementary school, my afternoons where spent at daycare where I met a friend who surprised me by unknowingly confronting my naivete. We will write a custom essay sample on What Is An American? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Unlike the dozens of other children I had played with, she had beautiful dark chocolate-brown skin and black hair done in braids. She did not fit into my worlds neatly organized garden of white tulip people, and suddenly I wondered if my garden was as colorful as it should have been. A few years later, when I was nine years old, I was invited to a birthday party for a new friend, and I was amazed to see the differences between my six-room home, which I assumed to be a universal model, and hers. The party took place in a huge family room filled with lavish comforts such as wall-to-wall carpeting, draftless new windows, and a computer. Though it seemed like a palace, in retrospect I realize that my friends eight-room house was not unusual for a middle class family. My surprise at seeing both her mother and father cheerfully organizing amusing party games and slicing colorfully iced birthday cake has also diminished. But, the experience proved to me that even within a single small town, there are differences in wealth and way-of-life. By the time I entered high school, I experienced many new situations and met many new people. I learned the differences between people are so vast that the minor ones between my life and my childhood friends are insignificant in comparison. Events in my own life easily disproved my early stereotype of the typical American. Now I question whether a typical American exists and, if one does, who that person may be. Though people in this country may be vastly different from each other in many ways, I wonder whether there are common threads that tie the millions of Americans together, uniting our country. Maybe the simple fact that we all live in the same country, learn the same history, and pay taxes to the same Internal Revenue Service is enough to make all of us typical Americans. Perhaps, though, something greater than that links us: our belief in the ideals of freedom and democracy, or our common heritage as immigrants and children of immigrants might be better characteristics to bring us together than our physical, social, or economic characteristics. The more I encounter different types of people and different ways of life, the more I am unsure about what an American really is. What is an American free essay sample What is the American Dream? That has been the question for the past few years and each year the definition changes, but also the American Dream is different to everyone. To some people the American Dream is about money or it’s about family. Some people might even say it’s about being better than their neighbor. The American Dream to me is about being fair/ equal to everyone that lives in America. Certain people get treated unfairly based on colored, sexualitiy, gender, and even how they are ranked in class. What makes a person different from you and me get treated so unfairly? Alot of Americans are racist, sexstist, ect., but that isn’t what the American Dream is about. It’s about treating our neighbors the same as we treat our family. Equal. No one is better than the next, especially based on color, class, gender and sexuality. That is what Red Skelton is saying, that people from different places, and ethnicities should all have equal right to justice. We will write a custom essay sample on What is an American? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page De Crevecoeur is saying that if you work hard enough you can change the world but the only way to do so if people given opportunities. Equality should be something that everyone should get not something that some people get and others don’t. â€Å"and justice- the principle or qualities of dealing fairly with others.† Red Skelton was defining the Pledge of Allegiance by paying special attention to the word choice. When he says â€Å" and justice- the principle or qualities of dealing fairly with others.† he means that everyone deserves equal rights, and every person who lives in America should be treated fairly not just people have more power then the next.He also was saying that justice is something that everyone in America deserves that is why we have trials and no one is found guilty until proven guilty. What I think Red Skelton was saying is that justice is about being fair to everyone who is involved in the problem. What I also think Red Skelton is saying is that justice should be fair to people because America isnt fair when it comes to the justice system. The justice system isnt always f air because some people who work in the system can be racist and judgemental towards certain people even if they haven’t done anything illegal. This act of the justice system is unfair that its to the point where it can take away people’s freedom. Some people get accused of something that they didn’t do and they pay the consequences of someone else fault, which takes away that person’s freedom. In To Kill A Mockingbird is an example that the justice system is unfair because Tom Robinson was accused of raping Mayella Violet Ewell because he was a black man and Mayella is a white woman. Tom got wrongly accused because Mayella’s father Robert Bob Ewell caught his daughter kissing Tom, which isnt allowed back then because of Tom’s skin color.People believed that Tom raped Mayella because she had bruises all over her body from her father. This relates back to the the quote because this shows that the justice system isnt fair by how they just jump ed to conclusion about Tom raping Mayella just because he is black. This also shows that justice should be fair to everyone it doesnt matter if youre a man, woman, black, white, or whatever. In America everyone deserves a chance at a trial to be proven guilty or not, people shouldnt just accused someone because someone else says that person did it or not. America is advertised like opportunities are just given free to everybody, but they are not. Opportunities are actually rarely given. â€Å"whose labors and prosperity will one day cause great change in the world.† De Crevecoeur was describing that any American who works hard enough and doesnt give up can change the world one day. De Crevecoeur was saying that if you work hard enough and try your hardest you can achieve something great, and when you don’t give up even if it gets hard you can achieve great things. In Europe they didnt have many opportunities given to them. People who worked on farms had to give away their food to the lords, so they couldn’t expand their talents, and they couldn’t provide for their families.De Crevecoeur didn’t have any opportunities in Europe and in America, people believe that people get opportunitites all the time which isn’t true. What I think De Crevecoeur is saying is that if people gave more opportuniti es to each other, people could work hard and if they work hard enough we could change the world. I think that not enough opportunities are given to people, especially to certain people. Someone could not give someone a job because of who they are, even though it is against the law it still happens. I also think that people don’t always take an opportunity when they see it. John D. Rockefeller took an opportunity into his own hands which changed his life. Rockefeller, as a child, and his family struggled to put food on the table. and grew up with not that much. When John became old enough him and his brother became partners in Rockefeller, Andrews Flagler. They monopolized oil by making kerosene for lanterns. John D. Rockefeller took an opportunity into his own hands and changed his life himself. He didn’t wait till someone gave the opportunity to him, he saw the opportunity and took it. He came from nothing and ended up changing the world. even if he didn’t kno w how big his company would get. This shows that if people gave opportunities and people took advantage of them, then people who do work hard could change the world in someway. The American Dream to me is about equality. Everyone is America, even if they are not from here, deserves to be treated how we treat the people we love. I don’t understand how someone can treat another human being so badly just because they are different. Isnt that what America is also about, being different? Being our own person? That is what Red Skeleton and De Crevecoeur are saying in their quotes about equality. Red Skeleton explains that justice should be equal to everybody no matter what the situation is, but the justice system isn’t like that. De Crevecoeur says people who work hard will change the world unfortunately not enough opportunities are given to people to change the world. America is still trying to accept everyone for who they are. People get judged every day for something about them like how they dress, talk, act, etc. If people just accepted people for who they are even if you don’t agree with them, it could be a better place. Treat someone like how you would want someone to treat you. What Is an American free essay sample The foundations of American values and traditions began during the Puritan movement. The Puritans determination and unity still echoes in American culture today. Furthermore, Benjamin Franklins thirteen principles of success shows the American principles of self-reliance and Independence. In addition, Franklin also Illustrates the American Dream. Franklins set of virtues that are paralleled today by a multitude of people. For instance, Francisco Jim ©NZ, who grew in poverty, rose from the pure poverty of migrant workers. Like Benjamin Franklin, teachers also strive to share their knowledge with others.It is vital to appreciate the similarities between the Puritans. Benjamin Franklin, Francisco Jim ©NZ, and teachers so that the American nation can carry on modeling unity and determination and delivering virtues such as hope and altruism for others to come. Above all. The Puritan civilization Is one of the basic foundations of American culture. Because of their unity and hardworking ethics, they built the basis of the average American today. We will write a custom essay sample on What Is an American? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Like most Americans, the Puritans came from Europe to escape religious persecution. They found solace in America and created a civilization where everyone Is equal.By mulling together, the Puritans found they could form a society that would thrive in the worst of situations. As Leland Risen states, in Worldly Saints: some of the ethics that the Puritans used and lived by are positive elements In society today. Puritans, such as Anne Broadsheet, portrayed how simplistic Puritan life was. In her most famous poem, upon the Burning of Our House, Broadsheet expressed her feelings towards God and material possessions. The Puritan woman described the moment her house set on fire. l blest his Name that gave and took, / That lady my goods now in the dust: [Yea so it was, and so twats Just. It was his own: It was not mine; Far be It that I should repine. It Is clear Broadsheet feels material possessions are not of Importance. Moreover, Puritans should be credited for their hard work, patience, thriftiness, and organization. They never opposed education, in fact; they looked up to educated people. Learned was one of their most frequently used positive titles for an educated person. If It werent for the Puritans the American people of this century would not have the opportunity to attend Harvard university. Indeed, the Puritan movement has influenced modern America.In addition to the Puritan movement, Benjamin Franklin can be looked to as the OFF dying out. He, like many Americans today, was poorly educated. Surprisingly, he was self-taught. Like America itself, Franklin couldnt be described with one or two words. He was a scientist, inventor, philosopher, and diplomat. He contributed to America by inventing bifocals, the lighting rod, the first library, and the Franklin stove; the list is endless. He never stopped working, or progressing. He created a yearly almanac; Poor Richards Almanac. The almanac contained weather reports, a calendar, poems, and sayings.He did not accomplish so much for himself; this selfless man created all those useful inventions for everyone. Furthermore, in Franklins autobiography he describes thirteen virtues which helped him succeed in life. Qualities such as, tranquility, temperance, order, and industry can be used in this era by Americans. Similar to a variety of Americans, Franklin shows the determination to succeed. In addition to laying the virtues to succeed, Franklin also exemplified the idea of the independent self-made man. This reflects American people today. The poorest person an America can achieve wonders by hard work and diligence.Overall, Benjamin Franklin truly defines what an American is by his hard work and dedication to the American people. Just as Benjamin Franklin reflects American people today by his selflessness, hard work, and diligence, Francisco Jim ©NZ echoes America by his determination and hope. Similar to the Puritans, Jim ©NZ immigrated to America with his family from Tattletales, Mexico. Like the Puritans, his family sought out opportunity and freedom in the land of liberty. As a child he worked in the fields of California. He spent most of his childhood moving around California; having no permanent home.In his best-selling book, Breaking Through, Jim ©NZ writes about life from an illegal immigrants perspective. At age fourteen he, his older brother and mother are caught by immigration police. They are forced to leave their home, and travel all night to arrive at the Mexico-USA border. In Arizona, he, his mother and father, and his seven brothers and sisters fought against the devastating poverty; also worked for drawn- out hours of labor, and obvious procurement. Oddly enough, Jim ©NZ pulled through with hope and determination, and went on to have an illustrious academic career. Graduating from Santa Clara University, he went on to study at Harvard University receiving both a Masters Degree and PhD from Columbia University. He became chairman of the Modern Languages and Literatures Department at Santa Clara University, also as director of the Division of Arts and Humanities. Furthermore, Jimenez shared his many works with the entire world hoping to make an impact. Surely Francisco Jim ©NZ echoes many Americans in history and Americans today because of his determination and hope. While Francisco Jim ©NZ represents hope and determination, American teachers represent the altruism and generosity of America.In the dictionary, a teacher is simply defined as an educator; someone who merely educates others. An American teacher is more than an educator; they are potters shaping Americas future. The young Americans today are influenced by the people who teach them. Instead of choosing a different career for themselves, many decide to teach for the sake of others. Like Benjamin Franklin, teachers have no desire of keeping their knowledge to themselves. Their only wish is to share it with others to benefit, not only themselves his career to advance the education system of the United States.He shows he is leafless and only wants to improve America. Surely, American teachers are a symbol of America because of their altruism and generosity. All in all, America is defined by more than one word or object. It is of extreme importance to recognize the resemblances of the Puritan movement, Benjamin Franklin, Francisco Jimenez, and all American teachers so that American society can continue to model unity and determination, and delivering virtues such as hope and altruism for others to come. It is apparent that many Puritans, such as Anne Broadsheet, showed hardworking ethics and unity still echo in modern America.Benjamin Franklin also reflects Americans today because of his hard work and selflessness. Like Benjamin Franklin, Francisco Jimenez shows the undying hope and determination of a true American. Just like Franklins bigheartedness, teachers also parallel altruism and generosity in American culture today. Overall, America will never be defined with one or two words. America is put together like a puzzle. Each piece containing a unique spectrum of color, but all the pieces fit together perfectly and all of those pieces, no matter how small, have a part in creating what an American is.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Lab Report Separation and Purification of Organic Essay Example

Lab Report: Separation and Purification of Organic Paper If a saturated hot solution is allowed to cool, the solute is no longer soluble in the solvent and forms crystals of pure compound. Impurities are excluded from the growing crystals and the pure solid crystals can be separated from the dissolved impurities by filtration. (rougher. Colorado. Due) A desirable solvent for crystallization has the following properties: 1) dissolves the solute readily at an elevated temperature, but only sparingly at a lower temperature (room temperature); 2) gives no chemical reaction with the solute; and 3) is sufficiently volatile so that it may be removed easily from the purified crystals. The crystallization process consists of two major events, nucleation and crystal growth. Nucleation is the step where the solute molecules dispersed in the solvent start to gather into clusters, on the nanometer scale (elevating solute concentration in a small region), that become stable under the current operating conditions. These stable clusters constitute the nuclei. However, when the clusters are not stable, they rediscover. Therefore, the clusters need to reach a critical size in order to become stable nuclei. Such critical size is dictated by the operating conditions (temperature, superannuation, etc. ). It is at the stage of calculation that the atoms arrange in a defined and periodic manner that defines the crystal structure ? note that crystal structure is a special term that refers to the relative arrangement of the atoms, not the macroscopic properties of the crystal (size and shape), although those are a result of the internal crystal structure. (Wisped. Org) INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS The experiment consist of two parts, Experiment A was the Crystallization of methyl blue. We will write a custom essay sample on Lab Report: Separation and Purification of Organic specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Lab Report: Separation and Purification of Organic specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Lab Report: Separation and Purification of Organic specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This experiment used heating and filtration process as well as rapid cooling process. The methyl blue mixture was boiled then mixed with animal charcoal to purify the solution. Then the filtrate was then labeled in slow cooling and rapid cooling, Ice was used as a catalyst to rapidly cool the solution. The slow cooling solution revealed large and fine crystals while the rapid cooling solution revealed small crystals. Another experiment was the purification of the brown sugar solution. The brown sugar solution also follows almost the same procedure as the crystallization of methyl blue, the only difference is that after the filtration the filtrate of methyl blue was cooled while in this experiment the brown sugar solution doesnt need any cooling process. The mixture between brown sugar ND water was yellowish in color and then it was heated, then animal charcoal was added after it was nearly boiling it was filtered, The filtrate was then observed and it turn a clear colorless solution. According to science. PC. Autobahns. Ca Charcoal (aka. North, activated carbon) is added during a rationalizations to bind high molecular weight, colored impurities. Charcoal is added once you have a hot saturated solution of the desired product, and, once added, needs to be removed (along with the adsorbed colored impurities) by hot gravity filtration. The decolonize filtrate contains the desired product, and the charcoal with the adsorbed colored impurities is retained on the filter paper. CONCLUSION After the experiment and the data that was gathered, the findings have revealed that animal charcoal was essential in purifying the solution thus the concept of crystallization was clearly understood. Also the objectives of the experiment was accomplished and we are able to separate and purify compounds by crystallization, it give us a on hand experience on how to purify the solution thus it turned out enjoyable though there are some miscalculations that was made during the experiment it was researched and learned the mistake that was committed.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

M. Butterfly, a Play by David Henry Hwang

M. Butterfly, a Play by David Henry Hwang M. Butterfly is a play written by David Henry Hwang. The drama won the Tony Award for Best Play in 1988. The Setting The play is set in a prison in present-day France. (Note: The play was written in the late 1980s.) The audience travels back to 1960s and 1970s Beijing, via the memories and dreams of the main character. The Basic Plot Shamed and imprisoned, 65-year-old Rene Gallimard contemplates the events that led to a shocking and embarrassing international scandal. While working for the French embassy in China, Rene fell in love with a beautiful Chinese performer. For over twenty years, they carried on a sexual relationship, and over the decades, the performer stole secrets on behalf of the Chinese communist party. But heres the shocking part: the performer was a female impersonator, and Gallimard claimed that he never knew he had been living with a man all those years. How could the Frenchman maintain a sexual relationship for over two decades without learning the truth? Based on a True Story? In the playwright notes at the beginning of the published edition of M. Butterfly, it explains that the story was initially inspired by real events: a French diplomat named Bernard Bouriscot fell in love with an opera singer whom he believed for twenty years to be a woman (quoted in Hwang). Both men were convicted of espionage. In Hwangs afterward, he explains that the news article sparked an idea for a story, and from that point the playwright stopped doing research on the actual events, wanting to create his own answers to the questions many had about the diplomat and his lover. In addition to its non-fictional roots, the play is also a clever deconstruction of the Puccini opera, Madama Butterfly. Fast Track to Broadway Most shows make it to Broadway after a long period of development. M. Butterfly had the good fortune of having a true believer and benefactor from the beginning. Producer Stuart Ostrow funded the project early on; he admired the finished process so much that he launched a production in Washington D.C., followed by a Broadway premiere weeks later in March of 1988 - less than two years after Hwang first discovered the international story. When this play was on Broadway, many audiences were fortunate enough to witness the incredible performance of BD Wong starring as Song Liling, the seductive opera singer. Today, the political commentary may fascinate  more than the sexual idiosyncrasies of the characters. Themes of M. Butterfly Hwangs play says much about humanitys propensity for desire, self-deception, betrayal, and regret. According to the playwright, the drama also penetrates the common myths of eastern and western civilization, as well as the myths about gender identity. Myths About the East The character of Song knows that France and the rest of the Western world perceive Asian cultures as submissive, wanting - even hoping - to be dominated by a powerful foreign nation. Gallimard and his superiors grossly underestimate China and Vietnams ability to adapt, defend, and counterattack in the face of adversity. When Song is brought forth to explain his actions to a French judge, the opera singer implies that Gallimard deceived himself about his lovers true sex because Asia is not considered a masculine culture in comparison to Western Civilization. These false beliefs prove detrimental to both the protagonist and the nations he represents. Myths About the West Song is a reluctant member of Chinas communist revolutionaries, who see the westerners as domineering imperialists bent on the moral corruption of the East. However, if Monsieur Gallimard is emblematic of Western Civilization, his despotic tendencies are tempered with a desire to be accepted, even at the cost of supplication. Another myth of the west is that nations in Europe and North America thrive by generating conflict in other countries. Yet, throughout the play, the French characters (and their government) constantly wish to avoid conflict, even if it means they must deny reality in order to attain a facade of peace. Myths About Men and Women Breaking the fourth wall, Gallimard frequently reminds the audience that he has been loved by the perfect woman. Yet, the so-called perfect female turns out to be very male. Song is a clever actor who knows the exact qualities most men desire in an ideal woman. Here are some of the characteristics Song exhibits to ensnare Gallimard: Physical beautyShrewdness which gives way to submissivenessSelf-sacrificeA combination of modesty and sexinessThe ability to produce offspring (specifically a son) By the end of the play, Gallimard comes to terms with the truth. He realizes that Song is just a man and a cold, mentally abusive one at that. Once he identifies the difference between fantasy and reality, the protagonist chooses fantasy, entering into his own private little world where he becomes the tragic Madame Butterfly.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Impeachment Process in US Government

The Impeachment Process in US Government The impeachment process in U.S. government was first suggested by Benjamin Franklin during the Constitutional Convention in 1787. Noting that the traditional mechanism for removing â€Å"obnoxious† chief executives - like  kings - from power had been assassination, Franklin glibly suggested the impeachment process as a more rational and preferable method.   Key Takeaways: Impeachment Process The process of impeachment is established by the U.S. Constitution.The impeachment process must be initiated in the House of Representatives with the passage of a resolution listing the charges or â€Å"Articles of Impeachment† against the official being impeached.If passed by the House, the Articles of Impeachment are considered by the Senate in a trial presided over by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, with the 100 Senators serving as the jury.If the Senate votes in favor of conviction by a 2/3 supermajority vote (67 votes), the Senate will then vote to remove the official from office.   Under the U.S. Constitution, the President of the United States, the Vice President, and â€Å"and all civil Officers of the United States† may be impeached and removed from office if convicted of â€Å"Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.† The Constitution also establishes the impeachment process. Presidential impeachment may be the last thing you would ever think could happen in America. In fact, since 1841, over one-third of all American Presidents have either died in office, became disabled, or resigned. However, no American President has ever been forced from office due to impeachment. Taking the vote on the impeachment of President Johnson. Historical/Getty Images Only four times in our history has Congress held serious discussions of presidential  impeachment: Andrew Johnson was actually impeached when Congress became unhappy with the way he was dealing with some post-Civil War matters, but Johnson was acquitted in the Senate by one vote and remained in office.Congress introduced a resolution to impeach John Tyler over states rights issues, but the resolution failed.Congress was debating his impeachment over the Watergate break-in when President Richard Nixon resigned.William J. Clinton was impeached by the House on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice in relation to his affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Clinton was eventually acquitted by the Senate. The impeachment process plays out in Congress and requires critical votes in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. It is often said that the â€Å"House impeaches and the Senate convicts,† or not. In essence, the House first decides if there are grounds to impeach the president, and if it does, the Senate holds a formal impeachment trial. House Judiciary Committee Meeting in 1974 discussing Nixons possible impeachment.   Bettmann/Getty Images In the  House of Representatives The House Judiciary Committee decides whether or not to proceed with impeachment. If they do...The Chairman of the Judiciary Committee will propose a resolution calling for the Judiciary Committee to begin a formal inquiry into the issue of impeachment.Based on their inquiry, the Judiciary Committee will send another resolution composed of one or more Articles of Impeachment to the full House stating that impeachment is warranted and why or that impeachment is not called for.The Full House (probably operating under special floor rules set by the House Rules Committee) will debate and vote on each Article of Impeachment.Should any one of the Articles of Impeachment be approved by a simple majority vote, the President will be impeached. However, being impeached is sort of like being indicted for a crime. The president will remain in office pending the outcome of the Senate impeachment trial. Bill and Hillary Clinton at the start of the Clinton Impeachment trial. David Hume Kennerly  /Getty Images In the Senate The Articles of Impeachment are received from the House.The Senate formulates rules and procedures for holding a trial.The trial will be held with the president represented by his lawyers. A select group of House members serves as prosecutors. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (currently John G. Roberts) presides  with all 100 Senators acting as the jury.The Senate meets in private session to debate a verdict.The Senate, in open session, votes on a verdict. A 2/3 supermajority vote of the Senate will result in a conviction.The Senate will vote to remove the President from office.The Senate may also vote (by a simple majority) to prohibit the President from holding any public office in the future. Once impeached officials are convicted in the Senate, their removal from office is automatic and may not be appealed. In the 1993 case of  Nixon v. United States, the U.S. the Supreme Court ruled that the federal judiciary cannot review impeachment proceedings. At the state level, state legislatures can impeach state officials, including governors, in accordance with their respective state constitutions. Impeachable Offenses Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution says, The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors. To date, two federal judges have been impeached and removed from office based on charges of bribery. No federal official has ever faced impeachment based on charges of treason. All other impeachment proceedings held against federal officials, including three presidents, have been based on charges of â€Å"high crimes and misdemeanors.† According to constitutional lawyers, High Crimes and Misdemeanors are (1) real criminality- breaking a law; (2) abuses of power; (3) violation of public trust as defined by Alexander Hamilton in the Federalist Papers. In 1970, then-Representative Gerald R. Ford defined impeachable offenses as whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history. Historically, Congress has issued Articles of Impeachment for acts in three general categories: Exceeding the constitutional bounds of the powers of the office.Behavior grossly incompatible with the proper function and purpose of the office.Employing the power of the office for an improper purpose or for personal gain. The impeachment process is political, rather than criminal in nature. Congress has no power to impose criminal penalties on impeached officials. But criminal courts may try and punish officials if they have committed crimes.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Disquieting Effects of Global Warming Research Paper

The Disquieting Effects of Global Warming - Research Paper Example Studies conducted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (2007) conclude that the mean global temperature near the earth’s surface experienced an increase of 0.74 + 0.18 degrees Celsius during a period of 100 years from 1905 to 2005. The IPCC has also projected that the global temperature will experience a further increase of 1.1 to 6.4 degrees Celsius through the twenty-first century. (2007) Owing to the rather obscure nature of changes taking place in the atmosphere, this phenomenon remains surrounded by controversy. A portion of the masses refuses to accept the magnitude of global warming and proclaim that the phenomenon is caused by completely natural sources like solar variations and volcanic eruptions. But some very alarming facts stated later will assure everyone of the damaging implications global warming has had on our planet. The IPCC blames the human race for a major part of global warming, â€Å" most of the observed increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid-twentieth century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic (man-made) greenhouse gas concentrations† Greenhouse gases are the gases present in the atmosphere even under normal conditions. These gases, which include (in order of their abundance) water vapour, carbon-di-oxide, methane, nitrous oxide, ozone and CFC’s, are essential to bring about the Greenhouse effect. These gases capture the infrared radiations from the sun’s emission and retain it, thus warming the earth’s atmosphere. If it wasn’t for the greenhouse effect, the earth’s temperature would have been close to –19 degrees Celsius.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Oil Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Oil Market - Essay Example In case the price of oil went down, then the price of such commodities were also stable, and if the price of this commodities went down, then these products also follows such occurrences. If we are to analyze this, one might ask, what is with oil that it has the power to control different scenario On the second thought, analysts particularly economists suggests that it is not only the oil that can have such a trend, but almost every product that is available to the market. This kind of occurrences is dictated by the demand of the customers and the availability of the product. In this case, the law if supply and demand comes into picture. Therefore, what is the law of supply and demand Before analyzing such a law let us first scrutinize the meaning of demand and supply with regards to economics perspective. The Columbia encyclopaedia (2005) described supply and demand as, 'Supply refers to the varying amounts of a good that producers will supply at different prices; in general, and a higher price yields a greater supply. Demand refers to the quantity of a good that is demanded by consumers at any given price. According to the law of demand, demand decreases as the price rises.' Upon analyzing this premise we can now have a clearer picture of what supply and demand has something to do with the oil market. It is now clear that oil will be regarded as the supply and the wanting of the consumers to get the oil to compensate their needs is the demand. Upon looking into this scenario, one might conclude that the oil as a commodity has the power to dictate its price regarding to the demand of world market. As stated on the first page that almost every human activities on earth needs the consumption of oil, therefore, it would be safe to conclude that there is a huge amount of demand for oil. From cooking meals, generating electricity and running automobiles, this kind of activities consumes oil. If we are to base such things with the aforementioned premises, the price of oils would tend to go up and it is due to the law of demand. The law of demand is defined as " a microeconomic law that states that, all other factors being equal, as the price of a good or service increases, consumer demand for the good or service will decrease and vice versa ( 2006)." In this regard, the flow of the prices of oil would tend to go up if we are to base this phenomenon to the worldwide demand of oil. All over the world, oil is a necessity in life. On the second thought, one might ask that why it is that oil can dictate the flow of economics of some countries in the world Why is it expensive than other necessities The answer would be, it is because of the availability of the product. If we are to compare oil's prices in the majority of Middle East countries where oil is abundant against distant countries such as the Philippines where there is a minimal source of the said product, there is a huge amount of difference with regards to the amount of oil. In countries such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait and the likes, oil prices ranges from $20-$30 centavos per liter to judge against $1.2 per liter. This is due to the following reasons: 1) the fact that oil production is limited, then the priorities of the distribution of oil would be in the countries were it was extracted and therefore, counties

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Fourth Amendment Exceptions Summary Essay Example for Free

Fourth Amendment Exceptions Summary Essay The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution requires that no search or seizure shall be carried out unless a warrant has been issued. The exceptions are: searches with consent, frisks, plain feel/plain view, incident to arrest, automobile exceptions, exigent circumstances and open fields, abandoned property and public place exceptions (Harr, Hess, 2006, p. 219). Consent to search any property must be given by t actual owners or, as set forth in the United States v Matlock (1974) by a person in charge of that property. If, for instance more than one person owns a property, only one of those individuals must give consent. There are exceptions to that rule as well. Only commonly shared areas of that property may be searched (Harr,Hess, 2006). Take for instance a family living in an apartment which comprises of a husband, wife and sister to the man. The sister would give consent for common areas, such as the living room, den, kitchen, and bathroom, to be searched and she cannot give consent to allowing the bedroom of the brother and sister in-law to be searched. The husband, on the other hand, could consent to having the bedroom searched because it is there joint bedroom and is not off-limits to him. Other conditions on the searches incident to arrest exception include the use of force, the search of other individuals with the arrested individual, searching the vehicle of an arrest person, contemporaneousness and inventory searches if a government agent has probable cause to believe the vehicle contains contraband or evidence of a crime without a warrant because in the time it would take to get a warrant, the car, driver and contraband or evidence could be long gone (Harr, Hess, 2006. p. 231). The 1981 case of Robbins v. California saw the justifications for searching without a warrant. Those specifications include that the mobility of vehicles produce exigent circumstances.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Eleanor of Aquitaine Essay example -- History Historical Rulers Queen

Eleanor of Aquitaine When viewing the Middle Ages, it is often assumed that women had little if no political power. However, there are certain women that still stand out in the minds of historians, regardless of whether they are queens or commoners. These women ruled vast domains either directly or indirectly, and have influenced many other women to do the same. One such figure was Eleanor of Aquitaine. Although her name is rarely mentioned in history books, her lineage can be found in almost every noble house in Europe. She not only embodied the virtues of a noble woman, but she was also a charismatic strong leader. Her opinion was often heeded in matters of state as well as personal struggles. Truly a remarkable woman, she has shown what being a cunning and graceful queen can do for a country. Eleanor was born in 1122, to William X and Anor of Aquitaine. Eleanorà ­s father, the Duke of Aquitaine, ruled a large plush kingdom that was rich in wine and rolling verdant hills (Dahmus 179). The young Eleanor grew up in a court of Troubadours who sang of courtly love and women. Her grandfather, William IX, is credited as being one of the first Troubadours who brought lyric poetry to life, and her own father continued the tradition (Dahmus 180). Eleanor, having been blessed with good looks, is attributed with being the subject of many of these verses and of inspiring men to sing to women of high station (Consort). These happy times however, were short lived when at the age of five, Eleanorà ­s father died (Troubadour). On his deathbed, her father requested that she be given to Louis VI in order to wed one of his sons (Dahmus 181). This was done, and Eleanor and Louis VII were wed in the summer of 1137. Although this seemed to be... wield power while obeying her husbandà ­s commands. Few men or women in history were able to better utilize their many talents in order to accomplish their goals. Works Cited "Consort of Love and Letters." 1 Apr. 1998. <> (A word of caution to the readers: Lyn Reeseà ­s Women in World History suggested this web-site. It was written by a high school student and could contain errors) Dahmus, Joseph. Seven Medieval Queens. New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc, 1972. Duby, Georges. Women of the Twelfth Century. Great Britain: The University of Chicago Press, 1997. "Eleanor of Aquitaine." Women in World History Curriculum. Ed. Lyn Reese. 1999. 16 Apr. 2000. <> "The Troubadourà ­s Daughter." Suite 101. <>

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

King Lear essay, exploring the notion of hope

In the world of King Lear, being a shakespearean tragedy, suffering, loss, and injustice are all factors often expected before an audience enters the bottomless pit of complicated characters, varying agendas, and Shakespearean english these productions usually employed. However, despite its melancholy undertone and lack of warmer lighting gels on stage, King Lear is not without hope. Shakespeare in Lear, presents the notion that characters in great authority force suffering upon others in an effort to retain power, admiration, and status.Initially, Lear himself demonstrates this, appallingly treating Cordelia with an irrational snap judgement when he is embarrassed in court by his youngest daughters silence and lack of praise; â€Å"Here I disclaim all my parental care. † (1:1:107) This unjust sentence is highly ironic, especially for the audience, as dramatically we see transparent farce of Gonerill and Regan’s dedications of love, and the total truth of Cordeliaâ€⠄¢s.Due to the â€Å"infirmity of his age† (1:1:284) (Lear) the unjust pain Cordelia endures for his mistake is greatened, and due to this dramatic irony the audience is forever hopeful for some form of justice and resolution to come. Hope comes in many forms in King Lear, and at first arrives in the character of Kent. Like the audience, Kent is able to see the mistaken ways of Lear, and is the first to step in and address Cordelia’s suffering. â€Å"See better, Lear†¦ Thy youngest daughter does not love thee least.† (1:1:146-153)In one dramatic interpretation of the play, Kent is positioned between Lear and Cordelia, symbolizing perhaps, a link between the mistaken mind of an old King, and the â€Å"more ponderous† (1:1:73) love of a young heir, furthermore acting asâ€Å"the true blank of thine eye† (1:1:153) for his decrepit King. Kent brings the hope for justice to a tantalizingly close reality, however through Lear’s blind desire f or admiration and respect of status, the audience is left with a even greater sense of bathos, and desire for resolution, when yet again our hopes our berried by more pain and disappointment.This again portrays the notion that authority and all that follows leads to the lower statured characters enduring unjust suffering, and that â€Å"nothing comes from nothing† (1:1:85) linking back to the notion that suffering cant come from nothing. Hope can also presented in King Lear, in the way in which directors stage the characters on set. In one dramatic interpretation of the play, in act 1 scene 1, Lear is sat down solitary with Gonerill and Regan at his side. This not only portrays the Kings increasing age, but also the manipulative power Gonerill and Regan initially have over him.During this first scene we see the gap between Cordelia and Lear increase progressively, again portraying a physical representation for their relationship and love for one another growing further and fu rther apart. After this distancing, Cordelia, positioned front stage right, has both Kent, The Fool, and towards the end of the scene, France. The dramatic effect of this is clear to the audience; it physically highlights the allegiances of the characters, and is used also to portray other various notions in a more physical manner, one of which is hope.Hope is presented in the way in which The Fool, Kent, and France side with Cordelia, implying to the audience she is not alone in her banishment, and that perhaps these characters may have a role in returning Cordelia later in the play. This idea is further backed up in act 1 scene 5 upon where we see The Fool speak the truth to the king; â€Å"Thou shouldst not have been old till thou hadst been wise† (1:5:36) presenting hope in that the king might listen.The allegiances formed in this scene contrast one another, clearly demonstrating to the audience their various agendas, and allows the audience to understand the alliances of characters without any dialogue required. Following on from this notion of unspoken alliances, characters relationships inspire hope in the audience as well. While Lear is initially the main spark of suffering for the other characters, and despite the fact that his own suffering is self inflicted, the audience does sympathize for his position amongst the rest.The â€Å"infirmity of his age† (1:1:284) results in his malicious, self satisfying, daughters manipulating him with ease, and abusing the power he entrusts onto them. But in the same way we see Kent step in for Cordelia, we see him return to aid Lear at this stage in the play as well. The strength of there relationship is seen in Kent’s unfaltering loyalty for his King: â€Å"If thou canst serve where thou dost stand condemned, so may it come thy master, whom thou lov’st, shall find thee full of labours. † (1:4:6) and as a result does instill hope into the hearts of the audience that Kent may in fa ct put things right.Suffering comes in many forms during King Lear, however despite the darkly lit stage, black costumes of the characters, and general tragic story Lear follows – hope is always a present emotion amongst the audience. Dramatic irony, stage setting, character relationships and proxemics are all dramatic devices employed by the director of one particular dramatic interpretation of the play. They contrast the darker elements of Lear and without them, the play would loose the very key to its brilliance.That key, that unlocks the particularly controversial entertainment value, being hope within the audience. Without the subtle hope shakespeare and modern directors try and install into the very weave of King Lear, the audience would find themselves simply enduring this seemingly deepening pit of death, despair, and disappointment. This is why I am able to conclude that by considering a few of the dramatic effects used in King Lear, despite the ever present tone of suffering, hope is always ingrained within the audience. Forever seeking resolution to the slope on which they travel down.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Analysis of Software Services Industry Essay

Q1 – Which industry is being analyzed? The industry that will be a part of my analysis is the software services & consulting industry. I would simplify and constrict it further to consulting services based on a global development model – provide r procure services from anywhere in the world to any part of the world. I have been associated with this industry or business model for over a decade. As a business consultant I provide my services to my client & manage their IT operations, including large programs that align with their strategic needs. Software services industry started gaining a lot of attention since the mid-80s. The reason was personal computing capabilities that democratized the digitized world from large companies to households. Since then advances in networking & technologies have catapulted the world we live in into different dimensions. Since the 90s, as the Eastern Europe & Asian countries opened post-communism, with decrease in network cost & high availability, software services made a paradigm s hift. Q2 – Barriers to Entry Economies of scale The software industry is highly competitive. First we will analyze the economies to scale. Usually with all industries the overhead costs are spread with the scale of operations. However, the fixed cost in the software outsourcing industry is low. The only real fixed costs are those of buildings where industry workers sit and perform their work and sales. In comparison with the revenues, the required assets to perform the work being very low, software industry faces very low advantage related to economy of scale. Everything else, management costs, cost of administration, cost of equipment like computers etc are somewhat proportional to the number of resources employed. However, an entrant into this industry may need to pay higher salary to their employees being new in the industry, since the risk involved in joining a new company from the perspective of a potential employee, is higher compared to established names and large companies whose operations may be diversified geographically or across industries. Similarly, larger companies are able to market the services to potential customers while the cost of the sales team gets proportionately divided across delivery units. Thus a larger company is able to enjoy economies of scale over smaller, new entrants. Distribution Channels Distribution is a critical function in the software industry. Ability to market potential products or services for a particular company depends on the ability of the sales team to grow a relationship with customers. For some companies the relationship is managed by delivery teams who can interact more closely with the customer’s management group. Usually the customers have their operations unit as well as a separate vendor management unit. Usually the larger companies have their sales teams interact with the vendor management group, while the relationship with operations and domain capability groups are maintained by the core delivery group who are more oriented towards the day to day operations of the clients. Essentially, distribution channels towards the customer is maintained both by delivery as well as vendor management units. And building up the relationship with clients is usually a time-taking process and does include costs when a new customer is approached by the sales team with the capabilities of the service or product providers in the software industry. Capital Requirements The capital requirement in the industry is usually low. Small companies can operate by just renting small buildings or some even from home offices. Networking facilities can also be hired with low cost in this age. As such with low capital requirements, the industry offers as ease of entrance. Switching Costs Switching suppliers is not easy in this industry. The primary purpose of every service provider is to build a repository of knowledge sufficient enough to service the operations of the client. And since it takes time and effort to build up this repository, either through people or through documents, it is usually difficult to switch suppliers – in terms of time, cost as well as the risks involved in impacting operations in case of an unsuccessful event in managing operations. The bigger factor of switching is the comfort factor of the customers in this industry in dealing with switching of providers. As a result, this is probably the most important aspect in barriers of entry. Cost disadvantages independent of scale For a potential entrant, there are multiple barriers independent of scale. One is the need to get resources with certifications and a high level of skill. The industry builds competency and certifications usually form a precious measure of it. For eg., customers usually demand a PMP certified project manager or legal-certifications needed for resources supporting compliance related operations or CPAs supporting accounting operations. Also there are certain cost and continuity advantages related to services being sourced offshore (like India & China) as opposed to on-shore or near-shore services. Usually the ability to service clients from Offshore is so strong, it is unusual to open operations without an Offshore unit being able to service clients, just from sheer cost & continuity of service operations perspective. The industry operations are primarily driven by the labor cost arbitrage paradigm. In short, we see a number of barriers of entries in this industry, usually from distribution channels, switching costs and other costs independent of scale rather than prohibitive capital requirements in some other industries. Q3-Substitutes The primary form of substitute comes from the individual contracting as well as permanent staff categories of the clients, being managed by the client’s organization as in-house. Before software or consulting outsourcing services industry was present, all the work used to be performed in-house or with individual contractors being managed by the client’s IT division. On the other hand the mode of operations of Indian software services companies are SoW based; most companies operate in a turn-key mode rather than substituting for permanent employees and contractors. This has enabled client to concentrate on their core processes and business while keeping a lean management structure to enable their IT operations. This has cost savings associated with the expertise that they gain from companies whose primary focus is IT operations. Although the industry has moved away from in-house IT operations, but still this remains as the primary alternative for clients against the outsourced software services providing industry operating under a GDM model. Another possible substitute can be in-sourcing. In in-sourcing a company has a special contractual relationship either with a specific unit of itself or another group which specializes in managing or performing a specific function within itself. An example is that of UPS which repairs Toshiba computers on behalf of Toshiba. The work is done at the UPS hub, by UPS employees acting on behalf of Toshiba. Such in-sourcing capabilities can be performed onshore or near-shore by companies themselves or specific companies working on behalf of another. Although not in vogue as much like outsourcing, specific knowledge &capabilities of certain companies or groups of companies knowing & performing on behalf of another organization or another unit of the same company can form a powerful substitute in the future. Q4 – Pressure of Suppliers The primary supplier in this industry is labor force. Other than labor there are network service providers. The labor market demands in this industry are skill specific. Certain skills demand higher rates since the demands are high. Usually there is a demand-supply mismatch currently in the industry favoring the suppliers. The work in demand much outstrips the skills in supply. As such the suppliers currently have an upper hand over the companies that operate in this industry. As such rates of attrition and volatility of personnel changes are pretty high. As a direct result of such attrition, the cost to source appropriate skills is also high. One of the primary reasons why the industry has seen a boom of offshoring is to reduce the cost of procuring skills on-site or near-shore facilities. Both India & China, with their high number of available educated skilled resources at a comparative lower costs and less benefits is able to provide a better cost alternative to the industry. As days have passed, more and more operations are being sourced at Offshore, now including development, testing, BPOs, KPOs and in some cases architecture consulting too. Increasing costs and heavy demand of appropriate skills has made the industry highly competitive from the supplier side. However, on the other hand, the industry does not have formalized unions (primarily due to demand mismatch) and continues to be attractive in that front. Q5 – Pressure of Customers The presence of large number of customers in the industry has somewhat enabled the customers to put pressure on the service providers. Through competitive bidding, customers are pitted against one another to force pressure. Specially in a multi-vendor scenario, especially with reduction in client’s IT investment, suppliers try to encroach each other’s area of operations leading to greater pressure being exerted by the client’s with relation to cost or quality or sometimes even commanding additional work or some items to be done for free. With the increase in software services outsourcing and freely available resources in the market with specialized knowledge or skill on specific functions of the IT industry, the knowledge-gap between software providers have dwindled. With the customer in recent years cutting back on their IT investment has meant greater pressure to the software providers. In some cases customers even have asked for long term commitment through competitive fixed price bidding for multi-year operations projects without defining scope of the work appropriately. This has caused imperfect and sometimes incorrect pricing situations. With availability of a large number of providers with GDM capabilities have enabled customers exert their will over the service providers. In that respect, both from supplier and customer side, the margins of the service providers have reduced considerably as well as the growth of the industry has diminished also. Q6 – Rivalry in the industry All the factors stated above – lower barrier of entry due to low capital requirements, pressure from customers with reduction in IT expenditure and investment, pressure from suppliers due to higher cost of skilled resources & attrition and the availability of a viable alternative from in-house resources result in a very high level of intense competition. Earlier the outsourcing companies like IBM, PWC, Deloitte used to operate in onshore or near-shore locations only. But with the increase of India, China & Brazil being powerful & intense alternate destinations, the outsourcing industry has taken a powerful dimension of off-shoring resulting in lowering revenues, decreasing profit margins or in some cases being eliminated from competition. The US based companies also face greater pricing pressure from Indian locals since they already have established in USA and Indian workers prefer joining named Indian companies like Infosys, Wipro, TCS who provide them with better opportunities. The current industry does not have any market leaders as the top companies are equally competitive with mostly similar operating model utilizing aggressively the labor cost arbitrage phenomenon between societies in a globalized environment. Even the services that these companies produce are similar with very few differentiating factors (like cost or brand image). With reduced IT expenditure due to great recession companies more often than not poach other’s established customers or employees. Also the growth that was established a decade or so ago with enhanced software services offshoring enabled the companies take a very aggressive growth strategy; but with a rapid reduction of growth as well as margins, the competition has become enhanced between various industry players with higher level of competency to address potential barriers of entry. Overall the industry has been dynamic with priorities shifting across geographies and the access to competition & customers are getting easier while access to resources is getting stiffer.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Slavery and Compromises essays

Slavery and Compromises essays The practice of slavery goes back to ancient time, but as it developed in the United States, the slave system was different. It was different in at least two ways which were the slaves in the United States had no legal rights and the By the 1800, slavery had increased greatly in the United States and was a main issue. It split the United States into two sides, one against slavery and the other was for slavery. The South was the slaves states and the North was the free slaves. Southerners had first defended slavery as a necessary evil. They began looking at it as a positive good. They declared that it was the economic mainstay of a whole region. They also argued that it offered protection for a race that could not provide for itself. They considered it a glorious thing that it was sanctioned by the Bible, and approved by God. The Northerners believed that there was a slave power conspiracy aimed at extending slavery to the whole United States. Many Southerners feared that their property would be seized by wild-eyed radicals who had no understanding of the Southern way of life. They considered African Americans as people and thought that they shouldnt be treated unfairly just based on the color of their skin. Abolitionist were blamed for starting up and attack caused by Nat Turner. Soon after this, abolitionist literature was no longer allowed to go through the mail in the South. Because of the tension among the Nation, the United States were about Before the Civil war there were two compromises that had been dealing with slavery. The compromises were the Missouri Compromise and the The Missouri Compromise allowed Maine to be admitted as a free state, Missouri being admitted as a slave state, and for slavery to be prohibited in the rest of the Louisiana Purchase north of latitude thirty six ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

13 Situations When You Shouldnt Say Im Sorry at Work

13 Situations When You Shouldnt Say Im Sorry at Work Failing to apologize for your mistakes is a big sin in the workplace. It can cost you good coworker relationships- or worse, your job. But on the other hand, constantly apologizing, starting sentences with â€Å"I’m sorry†¦Ã¢â‚¬  or prefacing everything you say with â€Å"Sorry†¦Ã¢â‚¬  can make you seem weak, insecure, or indecisive. Politeness is one thing, being a doormat is another. It’s also not advisable to use â€Å"I’m sorry† as conversation filler, just like you wouldn’t use â€Å"like† or â€Å"um.† Here are 13 particular circumstances in which you should never say I’m sorry:1. When you’re really #notsorryPeople can tell when you’re being insecure. Just like dogs can smell fear. If your sorry is very clearly sarcastic or insecure, don’t even bother saying it.2. When you  didn’t do anythingAka when you have nothing to say you’re sorry for. It’s not polite to throw in a ton of meaningless apologies for normal things like expressing an opinion or ducking into the restroom.3. When you’re sticking to your principlesA coworker, or even your boss, is suggesting you do something off your moral tracks. It’s okay to stand up for yourself. You don’t need to preface your â€Å"I don’t believe it’s right to lie [cheat/steal/defraud/etc.]† with an â€Å"I’m sorry.† You shouldn’t be.4. When it’s your badYou’re late or you didn’t finish a project on time. Don’t just fling out a â€Å"Sorry!† and hope that you’ll be immediately exculpated. In short: don’t abdicate your responsibility too often.5. When it plants a bad seedYou may know that you didn’t spend quite enough time on that presentation, but there’s absolutely no reason to lead it off with that fact and an apology. Do the best with what you have and don’t give them a re ason to doubt your work before you’ve managed to present it.6. When you’re not prepared to own itSometimes we say sorry and consider it the end of the road. Forgiveness granted! If you’re going to wield the word, be prepared for the apology recipient not to get over it immediately. Some mistakes or wounds take time to heal and build back trust. Recognize when someone is perhaps not ready to forgive you.7. When you quitYou’re not sorry you’re taking another job. If you were, you wouldn’t be taking it in the first place. Leading with an apology in this situation also opens the door for your boss to try and guilt you into staying. Better to stand firm and get out the door with good feelings on both sides.8. When you had nothing to do with itIt’s much better to save your apologies for when you can and should assume 100% responsibility for the situation. Throwing ‘sorry’s around about things that were not in your control or in any way your fault will just take power away from you when you need to wield an apology for real.9. When someone asks you to pass their apology alongIf someone tells you to tell someone else that they’re sorry for [insert whatever actually bad thing they might have done], just stay out of it. Pass along the information that so-and-so wanted to say something to them or speak to them, and let it go at that. Don’t do their dirty work. If it’s just an innocent â€Å"Jane says sorry she couldn’t be here; she’s giving birth to her second child!† then that’s probably safe to pass along. Just stay away from the hairier stuff.10. When you’re in the middle of debateYou’re having a heated argument, or a debate full of passion. The last thing you want to do is throw in a â€Å"sorry† to minimize the conflict, i.e. â€Å"sorry, I just don’t agree†¦Ã¢â‚¬  It weakens your position and it will almost always ring in sincere.11. When you’re genuinely upsetSomeone does something legitimately upsetting to you or near you. You object. You’re more than justified in calling them out on their behavior. The last thing you want to do here is to say sorry first. â€Å"I’m sorry, but that was wrong† doesn’t leave enough room for the actual apology that you should be receiving from the wrong-doer.12. When you’re asking for somethingâ€Å"I’m sorry, but could you [help me with/do for me/save the day]† is not a good thing to say when asking for help. If you actually felt bad, you wouldn’t have asked. Instead, after asking simply, humbly, and clearly, say thank you. Which should be what you really mean to say.13. When the moment has passedEspecially if you’ve already apologized and everyone is already over it. Don’t rehash the past. Move forward! If you’re really still beating yourself up over something, then put that energy i nto making sure you never make that mistake again. No need to dredge up old drama. Keep moving forward instead.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Phylogeny Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Phylogeny - Research Paper Example According to recent studies involving molecular analysis of 18S rRNA/DNA, paraphyly was evident in Porifera. It showed that Calcarea (calcareous sponges) appear to have closer affinities to other metazoans than fellow poriferans the siliceous sponges (both Hexactinellida and Demospongiae) which inevitably showed a great amount of radiation between these two groups (Adams, McInerney and Kelly 34). These new findings actually go a long way in supporting earlier calls for the subdivision of the phylum into two. More empirical data on molecular analysis in particular of 18S rRNA/DNA was provided which showed that there is a stronger affinity between calcareans and ctenophorans than that which is between calcareans and other poriferans. Poriferans (sponges) have always been regarded as the basal living metazoans that are monophyletic as far as phylogenetic studies are concerned. The various relationships of organisms at the metazoan tree base remain largely unknown despite the fact that n ew trends of triploblast systematics are emerging which provides a clear picture of the lineage. According to previously done classifications, these basal metazoan organism have been put in different relationships using several markers except one relationship; monophyly. Earlier analyses of the basal metazoans (sponges, placozoans, cnidarians and ctenophores) have almost unanimously agreed that cnidarians and ctenophores have more close ties or relations with triploblasts than they have with the sponges (poriferans) (Hooper and Willenz 11). In traditional phylogenetic schemes the ACANTHOCEPHALA, ENTOPROCTA, GASTROTRICHA, GNATHOSTOMULIDA, KINORHYNCHA, NEMATODA, NEMATOMORPHA, PRIAPULIDA and ROTIFERA were grouped together as aschelminths or pseudocoelomates. Discuss why we no longer support a taxon of ASCHELMINTHES and discuss how those phyla are now grouped. Aschelminthes was used to refer to assemblage of polyphyletic meiofaunal sized animals which included several phyla. However the legitimacy of Aschelminthes as a taxon was questioned on the basis of lack of morphological as well as molecular evidence. Currently, these organisms have been declassified into separate phyla. It is sometimes useful to use the term Aschelminthes to refer to all previously organisms that were classified under it. On top of this, it has not been agreed upon whether the formerly known organisms in this group make up a monophyletic group. To complicate matters further, it has not been decided on which phyla to place the Aschelminthes. According to recent morphological studies, the Aschelminthes was described as possibly having two clades (Aguinaldo 490). The two clades are gnathiferans that are hypothesized to contain a newly formed taxon Micrognathozoa while the other clade is Introverta. The second clade of Introverta is thought to be a possible link between Scalidophora and Nematoida. There is a possible remote relation between the introvertans and the panarthropods but for the gna thiferan clade, it has not yet been established if it falls within the bilateral organisms for certainty. Both gastrotrichs and chaetognaths phylogenetic placements are equally unsettled owing to unsettled issues in phylogenetic analyses. There has been a relation between Gastrotrichs and Nematoida, gnathiferans and introvertans. However, more close affinity between Gastrotrichs and introvertans than the others has been recognized and led to the formation of a clade called Nemathelminthes or

Friday, November 1, 2019

Exam questions Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Exam questions - Article Example Another one is that it is a threat to social freedom. Plato’s study was already revolving around enlightenment, and according to him â€Å"Enlightenment is a Myth and Enlightenment reverts to Mythology†. The criticism more or less conveys the same meaning of critiques made by Adorno. The most powerful claim and argument placed by Mr. Robin Collingwood was â€Å"art is an attempt to achieve beauty†. According to him the physical transformation and appearance is not the beauty but the art, inner self, purity of heart, sculpture is important which defines the beauty. And the one or the thing which looks beautiful is a sublime i-e looks beautiful, inspires you but then evaporate soon. I will go with the second philosopher because Edmund Burke’s view was that sublime and the beautiful are mutually exclusive. So Collingwood’s thought was much better. Beauty is when it rests in the hearts of the people watching or experiencing it and not meant to evaporate or vanish out as the ages fall. Stories Homer and Iliad’s have marked affects on public opinions and shaping ancient Greek values. The reason why Iliad has so much admiration among the ancient’s Greek is because it is an epic poem, which means it was used to speak narrative of â€Å"elevated matters†. Plato also put forward and instruction or an alternative view of poetry as well Aristotle was steeped in Homeric tradition and clearly saw another side which Plato was failed to recognize and analyze. He construed more positively the role mimesis in art opposite of Plato and sees more positivity of homer’s stories in the shaping of Greek culture and values. Robin G. Collingwood has expressed his views in the words that the stories of Homer and Iliad have failed to empathize properly, with the historical actors or comprehend their behavior accurately in their own terms. He also said that they have failed to elucidate the past and they were only used to condemn it. The views by Aristotle were best

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

A Jury of Her Peers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

A Jury of Her Peers - Essay Example Throughout the story, Glaspell clearly depicts how men in those times regarded women as remarks thick with chauvinist undertones are exchanged between the male characters. For instance, while conducting the investigation in the Wright's abode, the county attorney asked Mrs. Peters, the sheriff's wife, to keep an eye for anything that maybe helpful in revealing the real motive for Mr. Wright's brutal murder. To this, Mr. Hale quickly asserts, "would the women know a clue if they did, come upon it" Another example is when the three men overheard Mrs. Hale's query about the quilt, an important evidence missed by the men that would ultimately uncover Mrs. Wright's motive. Mrs. Hale asks, "Do you suppose she was going to quilt it or just knot it" Upon hearing this, the sheriff threw up his hands in incredulity then remarks, "They wonder whether she was going to quilt it or just knot it!" and, "There was a laugh for the ways of women." In light of the chauvinist banter, it becomes evident how the men openly mock the women. These points intend to open the eyes of readers to the reality as to how the society perceives women's ways and undertakings. There is an implication that the society highly values only the activities engaged in by men like their work s. On the other hand, women's activities such as the household chores are given minimal economic significance. These go to show how the chauvinist society distinguishes "women matters" as trivial, thus, of relatively less importance as compared to "men matters." People, even women themselves, fail to realize that women, just like the men, possess the ability and power to contribute to a cause, although in a different manner. As illustrated in Glaspell's story, it is actually Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters, being the way they are, who solved the mystery unbeknownst to the men. With their sensitivity to details and common distressing experiences, they have shed light to Mrs. Wright's real motive for taking her husband's life. Social Pressures on Women Based on Mrs. Hale's recollection, Mrs. Wright, the once vivacious lad "used to wear pretty clothes and be lively-when she was Minnie Foster." When this description is juxtaposed with Mr. Hale's image of Mrs. Wright "pleatin' at her apron", the readers are given the idea on the immense change undergone from Minnie Foster, the pretty lady who gleefully sings in the choir down to Mrs. Wright, the lifeless woman who suffered much from her husband's masculine oppression. All it takes is marriage to an oppressive man. It is then revealed that Mrs. Wright murders her husband for killing the bird, her only source of hope that serves as her constant reminder of what her life used to be. Such scenario depicts how the society imposed social pressures on women, especially those who are married. Married women, as if placed in uniform boxes, are packaged by the patriarchal society as obedient wives who readily do their husbands' every bidding. In fulfilling their domestic roles, what becomes central is that they tend to their families' needs primarily. In a way, these result in women developing an ambiguous self-image, which as Mrs. Peter's describes, "as if

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Innovation in Pizza Hut Dominating the Pizza Sector

Innovation in Pizza Hut Dominating the Pizza Sector Nowadays in organizational innovation is the base of developmental a new system or way product introducing in business sector.. It is necessary for an entrepreneurial practice. Its may start of firm, a big organization, and a public or private-sector company. Innovation is change, something new, its fundamental change. When the opening out of the computer its present incremental revolutionize, such as the conversion computer software. In other hand managements should build up process to motivate and trained to the changes attractive situate. SOURCES OF INNOVATION In business ant innovation comes with strong source. Opportunities are other part of innovation in organizations. Innovation usually from the persistent search for opportunity and source. Management guru Peter Ducker recognized opportunities of innovation be present both into outside or inside of a company or industry. Innovation development requirements sources and opportunities for changes in the marketplace or industry structure. Information is collected in two ways one primary and other secondary .The definition of primary information is the first hand or the original or the principal knowledge. There are many source of primary information these include survey, interview, meeting, observation of object, discussion etc. The secondary information comes from electronic survey. Management and employee research about their sales, cost, production etc. They can find out customers interest and needs by this way. PIZZA HUT: The record of Pizza hut begin in 1958, nowadays the worlds biggest pizza franchise was born. Today the Pizza hut company is part of the YUM, but back then two brothers borrowed $600 from their mother and started to forge the history of Pizza hut. Pizza Hut is the biggest international franchise and restaurant chain store in pizza sector. Pizza hut is division of Yum! Brands Inc. the largest restaurant group with 30,000 outlets in 90 countries. Its providing both dine in and take way service. Pizza hut offers different types of menu; various types of pizza, pasta and salad etc. The first pizza hut was born in Wichita Kansas of America in 1958. Two brothers Dan and Frank Carney borrowed $600 from their mother and open 25 seats restaurant of pizza hut. The Commercial History of Pizza Hut The whole history of pizza hut has been achieved through innovation, but the history of pizza hut really took off with amalgamation into the Pepsi Company and more aggressive marketing techniques especially in the take out market. Not surprisingly over the years Pizza hut had to reinvent the pizza again and introduce a healthier style of pizza. Pizza in itself is not the unhealthiest meal, but it is laden with unnecessary calories and fats when cheese is added. Pizza hut was forced to add new taste combinations to their menus that offered a lower fat alternative. It is now possible to select between three to eight In 1973 pizza hut open their first UK restaurant in Islington, London. Now Pizza hut (UK) is a 50:50 joint venture company between Yum! Brands Inc. and Whitbread Group. PLC. Pizza Hut UK now has more than 650 outlets, including 420 dine-in restaurant all over UK and Ireland and over 270 home delivery outlets. Now Pizza Hut UK has more than 20,000 employees. Pizza hut is the leader of highly competitive pizza business sector. They have lot of branches all over the UK. They have to operate their branches systemically to stand in top position. Pizza hut has a great reputation about their various innovation of pizza, pasta and others foods. They always focus on customer choice. Thats why they provide different foods menu in different area with different taste. Pizza hut always analysis their progress of sales in different store level. They try to make flexible their operational and management level activities. They analysis how to improve in store sale, stock management, productivity, waste control, information updating. Since 1980s pizza hut using POS (point of sale) system to operate their value of store business and create specific business decision. But its not enough for now days. Thats why in beginning of 2000 they try different information systems, But at the end after lot of experience in 2004 MICROS business information systems ins talled in 11 Pizza Hut in UK. Micros systems provide the facilities business operation and management processing level. Julian ONeill, Director of Business Process and IT division of Pizza Hut (UK) Ltd. says Our felling, after pretty stringent testing, was that MICROS had the capability to develop what we needed more quickly and robustly. Their system fitted the UK scenario Pizza Hut (UK) Ltd. And MICROS: MICROS system developed to create a network of point of sale terminal for order entry, series of kitchen display monitor to maintain order of food preparation; its makes easy the complicated cash handling and controlling delivery display in take way section. MICROS have structural activities to store control, production, report making through business process with strong network to store management to regional manager and head office. According to ONeil, benefits get into two categories: financial and operational Firstly, the system has helped drive up revenue by increasing average guest ticket, 0Neill commented. That has happened particularly thanks to the intuitive nature of the system and the way it leads staff through the selling process, in addition to the ability to incentivise individual team members through the use of detailed employee performance reporting. Systems Makeover Re-Energizes, Pizza Giants Sales and Productivity MICROS information technology system is developed to operate in various sector in Pizza Hut store to head office. In store activities totally controlled by this system. Its creating serious improvement in order flow. Its makes faster and easier to taking order from customer by waiter and send to kitchen and delivered on time. ONeill said MICROS supports staff in a contemporary and user-friendly way, putting a lot more intelligence behind the selling process, He estimates average increase in guest check at around 1 to 2 per cent. MICROS system in store function: End of Week Week Forecasting Labour Management Stock General Daily Tasks . Troubleshoot Cash Management Add New Employee . Time Cards Day off Request Holiday Request Table Plan Editor Section Management Drivers commission Deduction TMRI Managers Desktop Figure: Pizza Hut Information Systems. MICROS information system in Pizza Hut generally operate by store management. They doing their daily tasks duties. By this system forecasting for daily, weekly and monthly sales is done. They analysis with systemically and forecast daily product preparation. Inventory and order processing done by this systems. All daily, weekly and period report done by MICROS. Pizza hut all employee have a employee card. They can use it for clock in clock out with MICROS. Management control labour workforce by this excellent system. Particularly MICROS information systems have huge impact in Pizza Hut business sector. By MICROS management done their operational and strategic process. Following some activities of MICROS information system in Pizza HUT (UK): # Labour Management: Management analysis labour scheduling by MICROS. They fine out best way to use the employee hour. Make employee weekly scheduling with this technology. ONeill commented.Store and area managers can -almost in real time monitor how sales are trending and how staff are being allocated, ONeill said.One direct result is more efficient labour deployment. Which has improved by 3-4% in trial stores # Order Processing: MICROS makes comfortable for employee to take order and process it. This system is so quick and efficient. In this system there is lot of option to make job easier. This system has very good interlinked to front of house to back of house. # Payroll Management: Pizza Hut weekly payroll done by MICROS system. Every Sunday is the end of week. Management control every day labour hour by MICROS system. They can analysis how many will be needed. After end of week they send this report to Pizza Hut head office HR department and employee get proper salary regular bases. # Management Control: Every Pizza Hut store has MICROS information technology system. They have own access password to control their restaurant business up to-date. Store management and area manager can easily visit to and get report of every moment sales performance, labour cost etc. MICROS system has lot of facility. By this store management can share there performance, sales report, business mail, online food order, table booking, etc. Every restaurant has my inventory section. They can order online to their regular food supplier 3636 by using MICROS system. ONeil says The ordering process is now much more operator-friendly, and ONeill observed. Rather than receiving a phone call from the distributor and placing an order over the phone, store personnel can now do things in their own time, going into their system whenever convenient and placing an order for delivery at some future point. MICROS system gives management more flexibility to manage their business plan and decision making. ONeill says It allows much more detailed management decision-making and much increased transparency of what is happening with stocks food and consumables in every store, Management Change of Innovation: Management change is very essential concept of the organization. Change mostly depends on corporate structure, technology and people. If there is no change the managerial job would be vary easy. Planning would be simplified because tomorrow would be no different from today. The issue of organization design would be solved because the environment would be free from uncertainty and there would be no need to adapt. Management change is an organizational reality. It is very important job of the manager to handling change management, but now question is which facto create the change? factor is structure, technology, and people. Three categories of change:- Structure:- Authority relationship, Coordinating mechanisms Job redesign Span of control + Technology:- Work process Work methods Equipment + People:- Attitudes Expectations Perceptions Behaviour Change Process: Beginning of any kind change in organization some people doing important rule and responsible for managing change in company. This may any from managements role or organization experts. They called as a change agents. In organization manager cannot innovate any kind of so easily. All change should with rules regulation, logical and realistic. To introduce any process of change management should think about feedback and reflect of change. Management has to prepare to face employee resistance to change. Thats why change process is a important research issue. Researchers have innovate lot of change process model for successful of change. Generally two methods are use for change process. One is calm waters and others is white water rapids. Calm waters: The calm waters metaphor also known as a The Lewin Model. Kurt Lewin change process mainly base of three steps of change. Change about academic, general rules regulation with theoretical and practical related to management in large areas The first one is Unfreezing to everyone that why change is important than the next one is introduce the Change and the last one is Freezing, analysis and modify the change to successful of implement. # Unfreezing: Look after on driving and resistance forces; expenses, internal resource, employee organized. #Change: Introduce two combinations of two factors, implement it briefly. Communication with everyone. #Freezing: Get feedback, analysis, solution and be successful. 0702 Figure: Changing Process (Fundamental of Management-page;233) White- water rapids: This methods focus on doubtful and self-motivated atmosphere. Mainly highlighted the advantages for organization and small facts can be removable for large implements. Management get strong feedback instantly and go for action quick Explain probability and profitability of opportunities Reason of Resistance of change: We may like change and regard it is an essential feature of living; it does not mean that we always welcome it (Hughes, 2006, p.118) Resistance about any kind of change is natural human behaviour. Its a psychological weakness of people to adjust with something new. Resistance of change is common effect for management. So management should reason of resistance and how to reduce it from organization. Why people resist about change in organization its a common and important question. Lets find out some common factor of conflict of change between management and employee. Uncertainty: In general reason resistance of change for organizational people is hesitation. Its a common problem for human being to indecision mentality. Normally employee feels nervous uncomfortable. Thats why they always try to avoid any kind change. They think may their position will be lost. Threatened Self Interest: This type of normally coming from part of management and senior employee. They fear to loss their position, they think when something new introduces their long time experience will be useless. Different Perceptions: Conflict between top management and employee level is one of reason for resistance. Managements want to introduce any upgrade in business from their point of view, but employee does not except it, because the lack of inter relation. Feeling of Loss: Change is effect on work environment. People have own system to work. They dont want come out from his own network. They scared, If they try something new they can loss their dignity, power, co-relation, money, life and social security etc. 0703 Figure: Why People resist (Fundamentals of Management Page: 236) Its expectable management have face conflict of changing from their employee. The management have prepared for this kind situation. When resistance coming management should it take strongly. Resistance about change is always on top form. Ignore any thing this circumstances not a good move. Management have to analysis what the key point that people have resistance with something new. They have to utilise proper process to introduce any kind of change in organizational level. Recover the resistance about change in organization its not so simple. For successful change its really important to overcome resistance of change. Management should be technical to reduce the resistance of change in organization. Management can utilised several technical process like Education, Training and Communication. People resist for new thing because that have lack knowledge idea about that. Corporate training, inter personal communications; seminar can reduce the resistance of change. Management have prov ided proper information about changing process. They have to present the advantages of change in organization. There are some key technical processes to reduce the resistance of change: # Education and Communication: People have lack of idea and information about anything new. They dont know how any change can give them facilities, extra advantages. Impact of change can be successful, they dont understand because of communication gap. If management provide proper education, trained them to get ready of change. Proper Information can reduce the resistance of change in organization. It can give strong confidence to employee. # Participation: Its a real technical and smart process to overcoming from change resistance. Generally people become resist to change because, they expect about losing position, power, they may be underestimate. So management have to make sure employee not ignored, they are part of change, part of success. Contribution has to proper way and honestly. Management should give honour expertise. Participation and contribution give strong feedback about acceptance to change. # Facilitation and Negotiation: In organization always have some strong community. Ignore them its not smart movement. If they dont support it will be difficult to get success to up-coming change. Provide them facilities, benefits, declare change can be beneficial. Negotiate with some demand can solve the conflict of change. There are few more issue can reduce the resistance to change, it could be manipulation and cooptation, force field analysis. Beside these the manager can do other things to make the innovation successful within the organization. Establish the needs for the upcoming change or setup of the innovation within the organization. Define the success in market terms by creating an external focus over the market and the competitors. Be the clear thinker with the deep knowledge of the upcoming change within the organization. Encourage the employee with the imaginary power, to lead the success of the implementation of innovation. Energize team with the communication; make then a part of the change or creating the innovation. Make them proud to be a part of the innovation. Let them think they are doing something which will lead in the future. Give them a dream of innovation. Increase then internal communication with the team member. Obviously the monitoring. All of these could lead to the implement of an innovation successfully within the organization. Role of an organization in innovation or change: For the implementation of an innovation or bring a change within the organization is not a simple task. Here organization must have to involve along with change agent. The main plan to bring of an innovation or change comes from the organizational step huge involvement. Technology management cycle is the core things for any kinds of change or innovation. It starts with the concept of innovation and final stage is reflection of the concept. It is a continuous process. Only the change is unchangeable things. In the management cycle the manager gather different types of idea of change in the concept stage. Then try to find out the best possible action to take on. Then move to the experiment stage. Here management try with the chosen action how they are working. Is it ok to satisfy the management demands? This the experience stage of the management cycle. Finally the monitor and evaluate the actual performance and bring some possible change if necessary. Here, again starts with the generating new idea. To make a successful change or an innovation organization must have some important roles beside the management cycle. Like The organization must have to create a strategic vision Establish process to convert the idea with to innovation They must allocate the resources Reward the innovation result To bring an innovation or create any change the organization must have focus on few important things as well What would be the benefits of the customer or organization or stakeholders Consider the acceptable turn over Consider the value adds to the value chain Role of manager in the innovation Manager played very important role in tesco especially in the innovation process. Every manager in tesco is very sharp thinker. Manager is the team leader of every store. He has extra energetic power to maintain his team work. He is the developer and expertise in function. Innovation is the process of taking a createve idea and turning it into a useful product, service, or method of operation. The innovative organization is characterized by the ability to channel its creative juices into useful outcomes. When manager talk about changing an organization to make it more creative, they usually mean that they want to stimulate innovation. The manager of tesco doing planning, organizing, leading, monitoring and controlling. Technology provides very positive solution in the company, but technology effect the managerial role. At present company has become integrative communication canters. By using faster broadband computer and other utility tools manager get quick information. Tesco also u se their own software in their system, so every manager are well trained about the operate. By using those innovation manager can better formulate plants, make faster decisions, more clearly define the jobs that workers need to perform and monitor activities. In essence, information technology has enhanced manager ability to more effectively and efficiently. In those innovation are working correctly or not manager are the responsible person to complete this. He is the responsible person to implement those innovations. Tesco`s managerial people have creativity, motivate and encourage employees, scanning the environment, decision maker, entrepreneur, fix any problem quickly, handle under pressures, and negotiator. Every manager is the leader of the company. Manager is not the creator of those innovations but his duty is the implement in operation and practice Role of an organisation in innovation Innovation is the main key in tesco for its customer and their business. Companies main focus is equally in product and the process of innovation. From the begening of the company they try to keep their price low. The company also try to keep the shopping experience as easy as possible. Their strategy:- * Good customer service, easy and faster shoping. * Very sustainable price with good quality. * Same price in every store.