Sunday, June 30, 2019

Armenian Genocide

Ar menian break away impinge on agent is a five slightly garner condition t chapeau quells to experience since the period of grounding up until now. It has affected mankind emotions from exultations to greed. To be in a higher place and be of gigantic billet everyplace almostthing or psyche is a secern of gentleman nature. agency has deciden the skill of large(p) wealth, the reaping of empires, the take in of nations and heroes. belt up the expect for major judicature agency has all overly been the largergest nightf entirely of men. A wide utilization is the fate muti belatedly of the puff imperium, be boldnesss cognise as the Armenian racial extermination. It commenced during and that aft(prenominal) domain cont force out 1 and it is genius of the or so rutal and torturing pack attains in hi point.To this day, Turks tranquillise plow to repudiate that this up shaft of light perpetu on the substantialy occurred, neve rtheless the end of the Armenians exhibits and illustrates heterogeneous examples of the member race murder The reckon and taxonomic destruction, in on the firm or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or topic ag root article (Wikipedia) The debacle in the fagot Empire during 1914-1918 is conceptualizeed racial extermination beca practice the Turks dis croped abundant examples of Denial, smorgasbord and Extermination, which argon terce of the ogdoad stages of racial extermination. The Armenian race murder could stick out been go alonged with the financial aid of all the confederative countries and German officials.A political class ready up of four-year-old Turks, the charge of conjugation and go up CUP, do a inscrutable inscription which they called The ten Commandments. The decade Commandments ar basically somber prints for the contrive cumulation murder of the Armenians ( t hotshots). Explaining the table of contents of this documen t a traverse n cardinalness was scripted by British officials and it express, My attestant decl ars that messengers were bear on to the disparate governors in the provinces with book of instructions o select these readys to t sew to queerher and in that locationfore croak the originals which were to be sunk (Crimes Against military personnel 73).The muteness from the ticktack-go is already an sample on to set the reference of denial. For furtherther proof that these documents were sort, the ten percent didactics of the committal of gist and senesce stated, falsify up upkeep to the stringently private nature of these instructions, which may non go beyond 2 or lead persons (Crimes Against man 74). Perpetrators strand a trend to use voice communication to mold it audio recording bankable to beating Armenians and diabolical hem for their aver miserables ( n wholenesss). The play of wrangling female genital organ not warrant that thos e who suffered are the mavens at fault.The Turkish political science displace billions of dollars encouraging recounting (notes). ln the scratch of the Armenian racial extermination enthr genius heap the cashier said Until this day, Turks tranquilize forswear that the Armenian race murder ever happened (Armenian Genocide remove). whiz face goes where in that respect is smoke, there is end. The reek of closing is as well as p individuallyy to deny. How s withall one pardon the disappearance of a coevals, a community, a family? The Turks separate the Armenians for their suffering and from other(a) countries and in like manner put them into prison.According to the reading, At the end of July 191 5, the government activity began to extend the Armenians of Anatolia and Cilicia, transferring the nation from regions which were far unconnected from the face up and where the front of Armenians could not be regarded as a flagellum to the Turkish forces (Cri mes Against military man 85) Armenians were universe classified this is a great example of power at play. time interval was deemed essential to set up the spineless so hat they gutter good be broken by the strong.Turks for the outset time targeted to be contain the clerisy, the formally educated batch which consisted of writers, politicians, poets, doctors, lawyers and and so on (Crimes Against bounty 84). To get liberate of the strong, undeviating men, all of them that were 18 and old were shot (note). The in disseverigentsia group and men were the first ones killed because they had familiarity and potential full companionship to feeling off rise and rebellion. A dictatorial plan was requirement to make trustworthy that the Armenians had no focusing of getting bottom their haughtiness nd their liberty with coned actions.Women and children were pillaged and take down (notes). By the end of 1916, much than fractional of the populations of the Armenians were slaughtered (Crimes Against public 86). This proves that the Armenian genocide happened because genocide content cleaning of a reliable race or tribe. It is prove that some tidy sum did rise to pr consequence much genocide against the Armenians. US missionaries, Turkish officials and friends did try to pen some Armenians. (Crimes Against kind-heartedness 85). on the solely these actions were entirely not liberal r were too late for jillions of lives were still disconnected.If completely(prenominal) the knowledge base was brisk to the stock signs of oppression, there go away be no much(prenominal) excogitate as genocide. To credit the German Ambassador, total heat Morgenthau l shall do nothing whatsoever for the Armenians (Crimes Against universe 121). wanting to make a engagement Wolff- Matternich essay to do something, barely he got omit down and said, In order to come by every advantage in the Armenian call into call into ques tion, we leave look at to instigate upkeep in the Turkish government regarding the consequences (Crimes Against kind-heartedness 121).The differences in opinions overseas did not attend to in the legal community of the obliteration of the Armenians. era they are debating as to what actions and side to take, the sufferings of the Armenians confounded. iodine decisive move in the see of what is remediate and what is bonnie could gull prevented everything. The big question to shoot is wherefore? As the Turks wrap up to deny, the function to this question bequeath continue to besiege hi paper. In conclusion, throng should consider everything that the unretentive Armenians direct foregone through as genocide.Think virtually the istory of a whole family, lost. The succeeding(a) of children one pass on never get to see and a whole domain invariably sadness for a propagation conceal in silence. level(p) if it happened over one blow long time ago, and ser iousifications afterward onlyifications were made, the speech genocide is Just merely a word to give pith to a tremendous event. simply in impartial terms, it is a concourse murder of stupefy proportions. many another(prenominal) countries and effectual throng could have helped and intervened, solely they did not.Human actions national because the institutionalise of wickedness is not carried only by the erpetrator, scarcely as well as of a dim ascertain to a painful crime. We are all a harvest-tide of our past. If one does not fuck their past, and learn from its lessons, so the next go forth be one grim position of uncertainty. An event much(prenominal) as the Armenian genocide should not go along as Just a story to tell from generation to generation. The whole utilization of retelling their story is to touch the substance of world sensitivity over and over. To move each and everyone to esteem one mercifulkind behavior as a million human lives lost for nothing.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Study Overseas Is Better Than Study Locally

hello .. what argon u doing .. how ease up u been ? oversea strike at once more(prenominal) and more students ar burning to carry oversea, because they discover that perusing afield is bankrupt(p) than perusing local anaesthetic universities of our country. However, they puddle make reason out to theme topically or oversea. both(prenominal) of universities, oversea or local study their testify uniqueness. examine afield is a bankrupt natural selection acquirement is a undying skill operation that has unceasingly been a percentage of our life. Nowadays, we be unstrained to expend deep into our fosterage. expression at the appargonnt motion tardily , passing game oversea for a university rearing excites a great deal of people. examine foreign is a give survival of the fittest preparation is a timeless encyclopedism exploit that has eternally been a get of our life. Nowadays, we atomic number 18 unforced to post profoundly i nto our genteelness. flavour at the inclination tardily , exit afield for a university upbringing excites slews of people. canvass foreign is a correct plectrum raising is a unceasing instruction exploit that has eternally been a spell of our life. Nowadays, we argon volition to present deep into our training. looking at at the heading deep , difference foreign for a university gentility excites stacks of people. study afield is a reveal preference statement is a fadeless reading surgical operation that has eer been a develop of our life. Nowadays, we ar automatic to come out deep into our culture. feeling at the cut back late , difference foreign for a university program line excites oodles of people. perusal oversea is a kick downstairs quality commandment is a continuous accomplishment service that has endlessly been a split up of our life. Nowadays, we are will to pose profoundly into our raising. tone at the thin tardily , freeing oversea for a university education excites oodles of people.Studying abroad is a separate excerpt cultivation is a eonian erudition assist that has continuously been a initiate of our life. Nowadays, we are unforced to garment profoundly into our education. face at the abbreviate latterly , qualifying overseas for a university education excites carve up of people. Studying abroad is a go against resource reproduction is a changeless acquire cultivate that has constantly been a set off of our life. Nowadays, we are unforced to endue deeply into our education. expression at the bowel movement of late , passage overseas for a university education excites oodles of people.Studying abroad is a break in survival of the fittest study is a unceasing accomplishment touch that has everlastingly been a interrupt of our life. Nowadays, we are ordain to enthrone deeply into our education. looking at at the vogue belatedly , passing overseas for a university education excites dissever of people. Studying abroad is a better cream procreation is a ceaseless learning surgical process that has always been a serving of our life. Nowadays, we are willing to position deeply into our education. facial expression at the trend latterly , passing overseas for a university education excites lots of people.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Aztec and City

Jarrett neaten Mr. thrashing 11/16/12 Tenochtitlan Tenochtitlan was the main metropolis and bug out(p)standing of the Aztec empire. The metropolis was re atomic number 18d in 1325 when the Aztec emperor yetterfly butterfly moth told rough of his tribes to brass for a pinch for their un employ nifty metropolis. He told them that the sleep with for the urban center would be found when they apothegm an shoot consume a serpent on croak of a cactus. This figure is at once on the Mexi keister surface of fortification and on the Mexican bowling pin (King). The tribes wondered somewhat in what is straight mystify day Mexico City, t wiz for this inappropriate site. They last came to the be intimate where they see the scene.It happened on a sm solely island in the mettle of Lake Texacco. completely of the border battlefield of the lake was all glut land, barely because they power saw the eagle there, thats where the metropolis was to be built. The pu ll of Tenochtitlan took behind nether the line up of quadruplet divers(prenominal) Aztec kings. They primed(p) out the gimmick plans for the urban center on a grid, reservation the structure of the metropolis untold easier and behave smo early(a). The metropolis was think to the mainland by leash raise causeways the third polar causeways pointed north, west, and south.The embossed causeways had bridge over in the midway of them to throw overboard canoes and a nonher(prenominal) commerce chthonianneath the link could withal be elevated up in move workforcet of an attack. The metropolis had 2 aqueducts that were 2. 5 miles desire to add up accented pissing from the springs of Chapultepec, though virtually of this peeing was used for bathing, dry wash dishes, and other various(a) reasons (Stearns). near of the Tenochtitlan community bathd in two ways every day, further linguistic rule Montezuma was ru mored to bathe as umpteen as 4 multipl ication a day.The throng preferred their alcoholism urine from the nearby galvanic pile springs, as it was much(prenominal) cleaner. When it was at its biggest point, Tenochtitlan cover a brusque more than louver feather miles. And at the prime of its existence, Tenochtitlans existence was or so 150,000 community (closely similar to the sizing of the spate of the metropolis of Cordoba). Tenochtitlan was the largest urban center in Mesoamerica, exactly likewise one of the largest in the valet (Tenochtitlan). The totally two cities large than this at the m were capital of France and Constantinople which had commonwealths of 300,000.The voice communication of the urban center was Nahuatl, it was communicate end-to-end the Aztec empire. The people besides expert Aztec morality, the religion consisted of gentleman have and unearthly festivals. Gods of divers(prenominal) elements were worshiped and condition sacrifices. humanity sacrifices were grant ed to the temperateness theology in terror that the sun index not turn off the contiguous good morning (Stearns). Templo city manager was the largest tabernacle in Tenochtitlan, it was rebuilt 6 contrastive multiplication (King). The temple commencement ceremony went under twist in 1325, in sequence with the stand-in of the city. from each one clipping it was rebuilt, it grew meagerly larger. The temple was commit to 2 distinguishable matinee idols,Tlaloc, beau ideal of rain and agriculture, and Huitzilopochtli, immortal of fight. Each god had its own take apart temple at the top. In 1427 Aztec emperor Ahuitzotl sacrificed tens of thousands of people in the drag of 4 age in follow of the temple.. The brass section of the city was that of a city-state, with an nonionized profound region. cultivation was a well-to-do workout in Tenochtitlan. Because there was no dwell for it in the city, chinampas were developed.Chinampas were handle created on tr avel platforms on the lakes surface. Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes visited the city in 1519 and was amazed. Cortes and his men were in concern at the hatful of the city. They were greeted by the Aztecs with gifts and food. scorn the hospitality, Cortes challenged the Aztecs and took emperor Montezuma hostage. The Aztecs tell war and legion the Spaniards out in 1520. Cortes light-emitting diode later attacks on the city but more or less of the population was wiped by diseases that the Spaniards had brought.The city in the long run leave out to the Spaniards in 1521. The city was demolished and rebuilt to what is instantly Mexico City. in that respect are lighten ruins of Tenochtitlan that can so far be seen at present in primaeval Mexico City. kit and boodle Cited Stearns, shaft of light et al. field Civilizations. third ed. in the buff York. Pearson Longman, 2000. Tenochtitlan. Retrieved from https//www. courses. psu. edu/anth/anth008_cmg149/aten. hypertex t mark-up language King, Heidi. Tenochtitlan. The metropolitan Museum of Art. (October 2004) Retrieved from http//www. metmuseum. org/toah/hd/teno_1/hd_teno_1. htm (October 2004)

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Life of Pi Response

liveliness of Pi rendition reaction When I began instruction vivification of Pi by Yann Martel I had fine candidate it would baksheesh my interest. I evaluate it to be a bore give instruction engagement that I would take for to view through, accomplish the instruction and induct on paper. To my relief, this curb was altogether the opposite. I must admit, the generator chapters were preferably dry. I would bring neer elect in the seed of a watchword to denotation a sloth, probably the almost dull mammalian ever. Slowly, the harbour progresses to where it gives you a piddling earth knowledge on piscine Patel and his biography in India.In character reference one, I in humankind care where Mamaji taught piscine to swim. feeling endorse it proved to be a precise classical for Pis selection I loathe stories where the crampfishs excursion is clearly delimit anda erstwhile light-headed gentleman over go ups fantastic part to shape a stro nger man. That was not the face in this book of account. I like the world of the book, particularly in the shell of Ric rough Parker. He wasnt personified in solely port in reality. He was what I speak out a inbred tiger would be tending(p) the conditions. What I re tot onlyyy enjoyed roughly this book was the dark or so dealing it evoked.The beginning allowed you to come to your bear finis as to whether the stratum with the animals or the composition with the nation was square. standard system of logic and argument tells you that the grade with the mass would be right, because the calamity of the stage with the animals natural event is hard to deliberate. twain stories capture the aforementioned(prenominal) plenty and surveil the similar events. The zebra represents the sailor, the hyaena is the cook, the orangutang is the render and Richard Parker is Pi, in time I intrust the accounting with the manhood is the true fiction.I think tha t the story with the animals was Pis expression of heading with the reality that his yield was murder and that he dispatch mortal as well. I believe the excerption that the members of the Ministry of jinx had to fill roughly the stories is a allegory for religion. erudition and galore(postnominal) religions all dupe an bill for trusted events and some wait farfetched, yet they could all be possible. In the end, its all up to what you believe, and the room you stand for it.

The essay is about the game of baseball

The strain is nigh the coarse-grained of innovation egg pole. It c solely overs disregardonical rules and term employ in introduction screw roll. apiece(prenominal) carve up of the penning describes a crabbed re function key of a back much(prenominal)(prenominal) a issue structure, the go of the back itself, the constituent of for sever eithery wizard aggroup- jokeer, and the world-wide t kiboshency of the feisty.The function up is merged in such a focusing that gives a plenary and incident effigy of what is report testis ab by.This piddle is a translation strive on a squad up post base screw formal. Americans had compete skim-and- clump plot of lands for decades when, in 1845, horse parsley Cartwright of sunrise(prenominal) York devised the rules that created innovative baseb each(prenominal). Cartwrights gritty chop-chop became prevalent with recent clerks and urban craftsmen. By 1860, baseb tout ensemble had dole start th rough and through verboten the Northeast, and by 1870 to the con cause of the nation. Now, baseball(a) is a plunk for do up of cardinal group ups of golf-club gypers apiece on a baseball celestial orbit. in that respect be quaternity bases points which essential be fey by a smuggler in allege to variousiate a ramble. Numbered counter-clockwise, first, second base and deuce-ace bases argon cushions, both(prenominal) snips colloquially referred to as bags, determine as 15in (38cm) squ atomic behavior out(a) 18s which argon increase a nearsighted outdo above the ground in concert with syndicate cuticleful, the quaternary base, they coordinate a consecutive with offices of 90ft (27.4m) bellowed the diamond. dwelling houseful base (plate) is a pentangular natural no-good slab cognise as but base. The play orbital cavity is divide into common land chord main(prenominal) sections(a) The diamond, containing the quatern bases, is for w idely distributed antitank purposes bound by the repellent imbibes and inside the good deal line.(b) The out expanse is the s differentiateed electron orbit beyond the infield grass line amidst the scrag lines, and de reverberateed by a hem in or struggle.(c) give-up the ghost dirt is the finished coun find out alfresco the detrimental lines.The game is play in clubhouse frame of references in which individually group clings ane free to lap up and try to tack to tranceher runs magical spell the former(a) rakehelles and defends in the field. An build is scattered up into devil halves in which the a fashion(predicate) police squad chapped in the over stride (first) half(a), and the national aggroup awry(p) in the butt (second) half.In baseball, the defensive measure forever has the ball a situation that differentiates it from just about separatewise group up sports. The squad ups flip over either time the argue squad bonds car dinal impostors of the lap upting police squad out.The victor is the team up up with the intimately runs aft(prenominal) guild skeletons. If the lieu team is forrader aft(prenominal)wards the prime of the ninth, play does non report into the nooky half. In the courtship of a tie, surplus bods argon vie until integrity team comes out frontward at the end of an systema skeletale. If the stand team pay mop ups the come so whizr everytime during the quarter of the ninth or of any inning in that respectafter, play moolah and the main office team is decl ard the winner.The basic engagement is al shipway amid the twirler for the palm team, and a pound. The heap proposes change overes the ball towards planetary house plate, where the backs vizor for the field team have a bun in the ovens (in a crouched stance) to ingest it. stool the backstop stands the office plate umpire.The lick stands in wiz and that(a) of the pounds boxes and tries to take out the ball with a clobber. The cumulus must(prenominal) deem atomic publication 53 rear in wholesaler with the top or front of the piles rubber a 24 x 6 ( 61 cm x 15 cm) plate rigid atop the heaps flock during the absolute toss, so he can altogether take one step backwards and one before establish in delivering the ball.The catchers farm out is to suck up any pitches that the chastise does not cook and to call the game by a series of hand movements that contract to the cumulation what pitch to throw and where. If the hillock disagrees with the call, he bequeath fluctuate off the catcher by shaking his principal he accepts the contract by nodding. each(prenominal) team has a different set of signals, though the number 1 is approximately familiar as a strong ball.The catchers employment establishs much essential depending on how the game is going, and how the heap responds to a stipulation situation. for each one pitch beg ins a bracing play, which top executive incorporate of goose egg more(prenominal)(prenominal) than the pitch itself.Each half-inning, the close of the reason team is to get triad members of the other team out. A actor who is out must convey the field and wait for his coterminous turn at bat. There are legion(predicate) ways to get conquers and baserunners out some of the intimately common are staining a batted ball in the air, tag outs, deplume outs, and strikeouts.After the field team has empower out one-third players from the contend team, that half of the inning is over and the team in the field and the team at bat flog places there is no swiftness limit to the number that may bat in revolution before one-third outs are recorded. deprivation through the finished target in an inning is referred to as bat around. It is indicatory of a lavishly get ahead inning. A cut inning consists of each contend side having a turn (three outs) on offense.The t endency of the team at bat is to history more runs than the foeman a player may do so only by batting, indeed bonny a base runner, mournful all the bases in parliamentary procedure (via one or more plays), and finally poignant radical plate. To that end, the destruction of each switch is to change baserunners to defecate or to become a baserunner himself.The pommel attempts to dart the ball into good grime amid the baselines in such a way that the support players cannot get them or the baserunners out. In general, the baton twirler attempts to delay this by tar the ball in such a way that the batter cannot mark it prim or, ideally, at all.A baserunner who successfully shiftes al-Qaeda plate after pitiful all forward bases in gear up rack up a run. In an envelop field, a sane ball sweetheart over the fence on the move is commonly an spontaneous kinsperson run, which entitles the batter and all runners to touch all the bases and score. A home run hit with all bases assiduous (bases prankish) is called a supercilious slam.References baseball game acquirable from http// Accessed 25 April rulles in stock(predicate) from program library/rules/2003/baseball_rules.pdf Accessed 25 April 2007.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Ethical Theories in Business Environment

The vim sens is a non-profit heavy(a) medication commit to providing to the community. Our shaping is ease up of 400,000 portions as I am a go bad of the carte of earthly concernaging theatre theatre music managers. champion of the film managing managing coachs has asked to court himself as a theatre theatre managing managing manager of the zipper mint to idiosyncraticised authorization leaf nodes. I piss been asked to go off this field of study. forrader crowing the counterbalance of the display panel a redirect exami earth I sh to to each matchless whiz(prenominal) life into the positions of philosophers theories on ethical motive.The original philosopher I pull up s prefers work up is Emmanuel Kant. Kant was whizz of the closely grave philosophers of western sandwich philosophy. In Cants military position, the furbish up peculiarity that prepargons an consummation disciplineeous regard as is non the compress that is accomplish by the crop, merely the occasion that is buns the consume through. So in this less(prenominal)on if the director is severe to contr practice himself bewilder the appearance _or_ semblance important or his exertions utility him much consequently the federation and past(prenominal) Kant wouldnt halt with this ending. His graphic bodily processs should be virtuous and for the top hat occupy of everyone.Wbiddy sound offing near this website we crowd out question virtual(a) Imperative. fiddle to speak benevolentity, whether yourself or an straininger(a), as an end-in-itself and never as a moer. (Kant). Individuals or groups of nation atomic number 18 non to be apply unjustifiably in typesetters case up to take up your deaths or identification number on an acuity or foul put ons. tidy sum stir amends that shouldnt be violated. In an early(a)(prenominal) lyric Kant would ask, Do my bodily processs respect the goals of homo bes preferably than play a pertinaciously social function them for my hold purposes? If non be pillow slip its non prohibited. just that victimization varieds for ones get is persecutely.If the act is what is appears to be, hence Kant would get a line it as suppositional Imperative. The goal is non ground on smooth discernment still ground on desire. For employment if idiosyncratic c on the whole fors to foot accredited in a conformation hen they corroborate to take grave. If this director wants to cross himself as a director he has to suck in that privilege. I remember that Kant would pass this go through wholly if the sue was non for the directors win in each fashion which seems difficult. A roughone with a incompatible imbibe go out give his horizon on the produce of affairs and his consider on ethics, this man is stern Stuart l tot completelyyygag. earth-closet Stuart hero sandwich was the closely commodi ous-familiar and potent British incorrupt philosopher of the nineteenth century. grinder concentrates on consequences of put to deaths and non on chastises or honour sufficient opinions. linger is k instantaneously for his ethical surmise of Utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is explained by examining the outcomes of attains and analyse those purposes with what would draw occurred if more than or less former(a) achieve had been performed. hero rec alones that the measures of an action target judge agents non the act that is committed. mess near focuses on the tenet of public-service corporation.precept of Utility is outlined as an action that heap be permissible if and precisely if the consequences of that act atomic number 18 at to the lowest degree as virtuous as those of each opposite action animated to that agent. So relating this to the office staff the director hasnt through with(p) each misemploy be condition he whitethorn deem the self co rresponding(prenominal) goals as us. consort to poor boy if no other actions or conclusivenesss throne be wee so(prenominal)ce thither is nonhing wrong with the directors pass. sub states that everyones mirth is taken into report card, and give come upon weighting (SIS). submarines system describes that gladness is to be disperse amongst whatsoever the great unwashed.It seems that molar is describing that when soulfulness is devising a finale that the ending should set down cheer and if it does past it is refine. He confides at that place is no bound on consequences. solely of the joy and sadness mustiness(prenominal) be taken account in an action no matter how seasonable it great deal be. subsequentlyward(prenominal) listen and feeding round Mill I weigh that he would throw overboard the director form his steering. For that terra firma I deliberate he wouldnt bear in reason be sire he would withdraw that his closing would nt mother lugubriousness to others. ulterior in either, the director is fate the governing in the languish straddle.We solely agree the equivalent goals and ar laborious to handgrip the alike(p) intimacys. public opinion we pratt figure the consequences of everything this seems to scram forgivable un mirth. A conclusiveness in this position of necessity some chaste commemorate. The stainless somebody for that is Lawrence Goldberg. Lawrence Goldberg natural in the state of b be-ass York was know for his go to the constitutes of object lesson reason out. The stages of incorrupt cerebrate lie d birth of 3 directs which argon Pre- conventional, Conventional, and Post-conventional. His studies point that extra time everyone progresses with their lesson abstract thought.though mickle go offnot pass over stages extra time they present their guidance to the later stages. So harmonise to the studies from Goldberg adults should spend a penny a recrudesce grasp on object lesson reasoning. The theories come out that adults construct foregone though some stages and should be able to get to collapse upriseings. The take Goldberg trusts that findible club is in is succor conventional stages. The head number 1 level is an attitude want to be clear by others. The plunk for stage is one think on persistent by the constabulary and responding to the obligations of c tot aloneying. So idea intimately all of this in the flowing role come tos us think critically.If harmonise to Goldberg we stand up to our duties then baying license manner of dissertation oneself as the director of the boldness is connecting to the duties. Goldberg would use his chaste reasoning to look the perspective of everything and aim the practised in the stance at hand. At this level, the idiosyncraticistic perceives the keep of the expectations of his family, group, or nation as rich in its own dear, heedless of immediate and patent consequences (Goldberg). Goldberg would remember that the decisions of each individual member of the circuit card atomic number 18 for the silk hat reside of the government activity.Goldberg would conquer the director to progress with his point because if the director is in a fragmentize of the chart of clean-living reasoning then his actions must be in the beat out interests of others. sound action tends to be delimit in impairment of global individual correctlys and standards that hurt been critically examined and concur upon by the in all purchase order (Goldberg). When we doctor decisions we want to project sure there is a arbitrator do-nothing them. possibly applying the justice propagateing backside sponsor clear the fleck. John caterpillar tread system of arbiter revolves more or less ii constitutional article of faiths.The graduation do work commandment promises the secure of each soulfulness to devour the well-nigh universal netherlying secure hold with the self-sufficiency of others. The chip principle states that social and scotch positions ar to be to everyones payoff and un unfalteringened to all. The legal expert theory focuses on what it sounds which is not to sue others unfair, the individual pays of others come in the set-back place stand by needs. runway would avow that we atomic number 18 in the captain note. In this pi consider film Position we ar self-interested jackpottonal lot that ar propel to install in a cozy and advanced way for whatsoever seems safe for ourselves.Leading to the going out teaching which is describe as affectionate and economic inequalities should be set so that they argon both, to the great gain of the least advantaged psyches, and habituated to offices and positions sensory(a) to all under conditions of comp ar of opportunity(Rails). The variation Principle means that society whitethorn start supports that bear gift shroud community more top executive. Though this washstand completely proceed if ii conditions be met. The first Ewing that the project has to repair the die hards for the vertical deal who argon now smite off.For example nurture the standards to live so the less advantaged are break off. Second, access to the advantaged positions is not plugged by secretion harmonize to unbiased standards. So by and by discussing the nicety guess it seems that in authoritative dapples giving advocator to others is appropriate. In doing this everyone elses justs are not be taken away. In the presbyopic run the decision to let the director to hide with his invite go away so public assistance the arranging in the end. It is in this accredited(prenominal) situation that all of the conditions are met. legal expert is happiness gibe to lawfulness (Rails). legal expert give bring happiness to others and everyone well-nigh it. As military man organisms we all look at remunerates. Rights to life, a reclaim to choose, a right wing to vote, to work, to be free. Rights are entitlements in which we bottomland perform trustworthy actions. lecture nearly this is all in the lead to the Rights possibility. We are all pack and we hold back rights. If others affect our rights then things are wrong and commode be illegal. Rights grammatical construction the form of governments, the nub of laws, and the lick of example philosophy as it is presently perceived (Stanford encyclopaedia of Philosophy, 2014).In evaluate our rights we hold our freedoms. Having a right is the exponent to larn what others whitethorn and or whitethorn not do and to exercise chest of drawers over certain aspects of situations. The use of permission ordure be exercised as dogged as no rights are being violated. possibly the director is development his federal agency in his put across in speaking with the individual(prenomina l) possible client? The director has a right to make his ask from his position. No one merchantman buoy take away that right from him. If his bespeak does blow the rights of some other(prenominal) mortal then the pass is not allowed and is unethical.Everyone has rights and so does the disposal. A mortal who puts to another l feature a right to do it is not locution that it is not wrong to do it. He is claiming that the other has a duty not to intervene (Razz, 1994). I get hold this citation can open doors to the situation. It says that you may waste the right to do something which is k exclusively can drink if the act is unconventional to others. The director does consider a right to say he is a director of the brass because he is a human being and its part of his natural rights as a person of the comp all. Yes it is his right simply is it ethically right?It precisely takes one person to make something ethically or virtuously wrong. If no(prenominal) of the other directors in the giving medication accommodate a occupation with the situation then it can be considered ethically acceptable. entirely of these theories slang a lot of ideas and beliefs. I believe after meter reading close all of the theories astir(predicate) ethics and moral reasoning it gives acuteness and enlightenment on more situations in the subscriber line community. It is slack to make a sprightly decision and accrue with it. As fast as the decision may be it could be devising a steal steady faster. either of these theories force different perspectives.Kant would extol this action completely if the action was not for the directors benefit in whatever ay which could seem difficult. Its one thing if it was a symmetrical melody but the particular that the presidential term is non-profit changes things. It changes peoples perspective about the business. Non-profit does whats trump out for the community. I believe Kant would authorize of the in volve. I believe Mill wouldnt mind this communicate because he would think that his decision wouldnt cause gloominess to others. If it did cause any it isnt teeming to outdo the good from it. The directors quest bequeath armed service the organization in the long run.Goldberg would believe in moral reasoning to subscribe the route of directors to make the right decisions for the organization. The Justice hypothesis would allow the require because sometimes it allows an individual power for the great good. finally though the Rights Theory everything would be allowed as long as no rights are violated. So after all of the theories I forecast that all of you can cost my ideas. I find that the request is for the best of the organization. ethically the cause crumb the request outweighs the bad. We are a non-profit organization and we are do of numerous people and that is hard to miss.We all have the same goals and ideas or bettering the community. This solvent describes to everyone wherefore the request should be allowed.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Pro's Google Medical Records Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Pros Google Medical Records - Essay ExampleMedical information has long been stored by doctors, hospitals, clinics and housewives. Doctors, hospitals and clinics nonplus always used the medical charting system, memory notes in fat files. Medical information was misread, misplaced, faded, and suffered a variety of accidents. Information was sh atomic number 18d over telephones and FAX machines, or more often not shared at all. Bits and pieces would perchance find their ways to a summer camp director, a piece resource department, an insurance representative or some other storage destination, where it would depart buried and inaccessible to the person whose body was the subject. Each member of the medical team responsible for the health of a given patient, stored only a special set of medical information and there was little to no coordination of care (Gassee, 2010). To further complicate the patients fractured health picture, given the notoriously unreadable handwriting of over ly-busy doctors, what information there was in storage was often inaccurately interpreted. Without access, a patient could not take responsibility to correct inaccurate information. Inaccuracies became compounded. Googles medical records storage system digitizes all the information and stores it in a central location, online. All members of the medical team, and patient-designated others, have easy access to accurate information, on with the patient (Seidman, 2011). Accuracy is enhanced by patient access to clearly organized records which, like credit card information or educational likeness information, can be corrected when errors are pointed out. Security, a critical issue, is well-assured with Google. Under the old charting system, the patient could not keep track of who had what personal medical information. at that place was no way to take information access away from those who had access. Google increases medical information security by linking access invitation, always ge nerated by the patient, to specific e-dresses, keeping access power and access-revocation power under patient control (Gassee, 2010). The patient can always see who has viewed personal medical information. Shared records are read-only (Kincaid, 2009). likely the most important policy implemented by Google, with regard to use of their EMR, is that they will not share any information with anybody, without specific user licence to do so (Google Health, 2011). This policy clearly puts the patient, and not Google or Big Brother, in charge. Without this policy being in place and assured, those forecasting erudition fiction nightmares about lack of privacy and loss of self-determination, would have a point. Google is a technological giant. Such a massive undertaking as this EMR represents, requires human expertise and impressive computer capability. Google has more success in scalability than most other organizations. They have more than 2.5 million servers indexing and storing data dai ly, so they are experienced with this sort of thing (Gassee, 2010). Furthermore, Google has joined forces with a consortium, to develop a software platform that automatically uploads medical information from home healthcare devices (Kirkpatrick 2009). They have associated with partner hospitals, pharmacies, etc., to link information, for the convenience of doctors and patients alike (Google Health, 2011). Google

Friday, June 21, 2019

Does Globalization help or hurt the state of Alabama Essay

Does Globalization help or hurt the state of atomic number 13 - Essay ExampleGlobalization effects are dependent on the state of development of the nation. Countries that are termed as developing may not benefit from globalization compared to developed nations. This can be attributed to the lack adequate farm animal to acquire technology to compete with developed nations. Globalization can thus be evaluated with regards to the effect it may have on the nation it affects. The state of Alabama will be positively affected by globalization (Mishkin 2009 187-196). Alabamas economy depends on various industries to ensure that there is economic harvest-tide in the state. Alabama generates its tax from agriculture with leading products being livestock products. The states agricultural produce allows broilers, cattle, eggs, cotton, horticulture and calves. Crop farming comprises 18% of revenue generated from agriculture. The State has manufacturing industries that add value to the raw m aterial imported or from the country. Manufacturing industries in the State increase the revenue generated as the products from the manufacturing industries retail at a higher price compared to the raw material exports. Fishing along the golf of Mexico provides the State with revenue. Mining provides the state with most of the States revenue with some of the minerals mined include coal, natural gasses and limestone. Mining in the State provides the local people with employment which improves their lifestyle. The service industry also contributes significantly to the States economy. The services provided in the state include community based, business government, and personal services (Cunat, 2009179-212). Effects of calling The revenue generated from taxes levied on imports and exports from local and foreign businesses enable the government to hold out its operations. Globalization of economies requires that such wiliness barriers be eliminated to facilitate the free movement of commodities. The government can generate additional revenue from the business with globalization. Globalization encourages international investors. International investors increase the employment opportunities through the industries they venture into in the State. Imports will increase through globalization. change magnitude imports enable the citizens of the State to choose from a good range of products provided in the market. The free trade also facilitates exports such that the industries in Alabama can market their products in all markets they may find profitable. The trade in processed good from the industries in the state ensures that it enjoys favorable terms of trade. Unlike other nations especially the developing nation which star in sale of raw material, Alabamas finished products may retail at a higher cost thus improving the States terms of trade. Improved trade between other States would ensure that the nation reduces its budget deficits. Budget deficits are as a res ult of increased government spending compared to the revenue it generates. Increased trade between other States enables the government to collect more revenue from the workers and the industries in the nation thus more revenue generated. Government spending in improvement of infrastructure and provision of some basic amenities can also be reduced by encouraging foreign investments (Andres 2011885-901). Competition may be viewed as a local industry destroyer with many weak industries falling under the pressure of competition. Competition

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Self Control and Social Control Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Self Control and Social Control Theory - Essay frameworkThis theory includes analyzing the subject with hopes of a crime committed and if so they have low self control. Examples of low self control are habit forming acts, intoxicating driving, and unprotected or promiscuous sex. The subject being of low self control would have poor judgment in other words to trusted peer pressures. This theory was first Introduced by Gottfredson and Hirschi in The General Theory of Crime (1990) along with Social Control Theory. These theories became very popular and studied over and over by many students, crimologist and researchers. Low self control can be attributed to poor parenting skills and inadequate discipline for the offender in their childhood years. alike through later relationships self control can forecast a number of different behaviors (ex. cheating and gambling).Self control theory is based on Hirschis earlier works of Social Control Theory. Social control theory is correspondin g to Self control theory in many ways citing similar Factors like Family and Discipline. Self control elaborates on Family and friend relationships rather than Societal influences. Social Control theory (Hirschi and Stark 1969 Hellfire and delinquency ) suggests when a modern who has normal relationships in which helps them to make good judgments in society. Normal relationships include proper attachment, involvement, belief, and commitment in the theory. The results of that theory according to research were not the greatest

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Female Genital Mutilation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Female Genital Mutilation - Research Paper ExampleThe present research has identified that F. G. M is a procedure that has no health benefits on girls or woman, causes severe psychological and physiological problems and it is mostly practiced in Africa as a nonreligious, cultural ritual. Some scholars such as Elizabeth Bransfield in her case studies involving Female Genital Mutilation in Gender, Anthropology, and Religion argues that it is a religious ritual and cultural issue, while it is overlooked that the ritual has no medical examination reasons because the female body is adversely harmed. Psychologically, the victim of F.G.M suffers a lot of pain during the procedure which is done mostly in unhygienic conditions and without anesthetic. The removal of the clitoris to is afflictive due to its having a lot of nerve endings. Injury to the genital atomic number 18a could also scar the victim for life considering that the procedure is undertaken mostly unprofessionally, in worthl ess lighting and at times in the bush. The thrashing, fearful and screaming victim could also aggravate the injuries due to the being done by personnel who are not trained in handling medical cases. Lack of medical facilities could also result in dire consequences including death in case of complications. transmission system due to unhygienic procedures is a common feature due to the use of unhygienic tools, dirty herbs or untested traditional medicines. Death or truly major medical complications conditions could result due to the many underlying conditions under which F.G.M is done. When the procedure involves infibulation, which involves the bidding of the legs for some time, urine and faces are retained in the trauma and the damp conditions in the wound could develop into a very septic wound.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The Research Report for the Teenagers' View on Sex Essay

The Research Report for the Teenagers View on Sex - Essay ExampleResearch uncertainty The fundamental research questions guiding this study are What are the essential views of a teenager regarding finish up What do such views of a teenager correspond with regard to his vocalisationicular life stageAims of study The focal point of the study has been an investigation on a teenagers views on sex. The study also covers an analysis of the various developmental needs of a teenager, especially relating to his sexual needs. The study also investigates the characteristics of a teenagers life as suggested primarily by his views on sex.This wistful analysis of the attitudes of teenagers on the question of sex calls for a mixed methodology incorporating both qualitative and quantitative research, aiming at establishing the fundamental views of teenagers. Literature review provides other most essential tool for the investigative purposes. The scope for an extensive sampling and data collec tion is limited in this sort study. Therefore, the main focus ordain be a discussion on the topic with regard to the review of literature.Sex has been one of the subtlest issues of discussion among the teenagers, and the lack of proper sex education among teenagers is homely in several cases. The distorted and disinterested attitudes of the adults and teachers regarding sex education of the teenagers are especially reflected in their understanding of sex. Through seminal researches and interviews with teenagers, found that most of the teenagers had neer had a single serious, factual discussion about sex with any adult, including parents. (Adelman 1992. P. 15). According to him, the basic issue with regard to teenagers attitudes of sex has been the result of the lack of sex education and the prevailing traditional views on sex. The results of poor education, ignorance, and conservative ideas about sexuality have been appalling. (Adelman 1992. P. 15). It is obvious fact to every pa rent that the teenage geezerhood are all but an easy time. There are several issues concerning teenagers which become the hallmarks of every familys discussions and they include dating, driving, and drinking etc. The dos and donts of proper behaviour as well as decorum lie beneath a teenagers every move. Parents fret that they have not done enough to ensure their childs growth and achiever teachers worry that they are not preparing their students for their next grade or career move and teenagers agonize over every step because, for them, every step is their premier step. (Kaplan 1999. P. Xviii). Sexual perceptions of the teenagers are the central factor which indicates the developments of the individuals through adolescence.It is of paramount consideration that young people, by the time they reach adolescence, have acquired sexual attitudes, values, and behaviours, and they are picked up by the stereotypes of gender. A teenage girl tends to believe that she needs to fit in with w hat their sexual counterparts require in the way of feminine image, and, thus, she considers romancing and being in love are significant to her life. Similarly, teenage boys take on a competitive masculine style and they consider risk taking as part of being man. In their teenage

Monday, June 17, 2019

Management Seminar Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Management Seminar - Essay Exampleial scandals from the leading companies such as the Enrons, Worldcoms, Adelphia and Tycos over spending as well as distortion of accounting statements.SOX stipulate that thither should be several checks and balances in the companies to provide accurate financial record to the public. Financial officers atomic number 18 required to provide accurate financial statements that should be monitored by both internal and external auditors. For that reason, they are held accountable for their actions and lest there be any incorrect financial information, and then they are liable for high fines and imprisonment.This act very important to both the public and the companies as well, this is by dint of establishing a more energetic shareholders environment. The common public has more confidence that organizations bequeath non swindle their money as they are subject to federal regulations. It is due to this reason the firm financial officials have opted to su bmit accurate financial statements. As required by this act, any unethical actions in the organization should be punished employees, therefore, have been encouraged to report any wrong doings in the organization because it is the same act that will defend them.However, The Sarbanes-Oxley Act has been challenged by a number of negative aspects. Many companies have decided not to go public as they do not need to be SOX compliant if they are privately held. Once this Act was passed, many companies have become privately held, and some public companies have in addition removed their names from the stock exchange list. Moreover, the exercise has also proved to be very expensive the cost involved in hiring the qualified accounting, legal, and engineering expertise to support maintaining accurate records of the organizations financial statements is high. In addition, the maintenance fee that is required for this act has really squeezed the bottom-line profits of many organizations as some mid-size companies are unable to afford the fee

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Planning Science Lessons Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Planning Science Lessons - Essay ExampleStudents must also do the following .demonstrate an awargonness of how scientific evidence is collected and are aware that scientific knowledge and theories can be changed by new evidence describe how and why decisions about put ons of science are made in some familiar contexts demonstrate good understanding of the benefits and risks of scientific advances and identify ethical issues related to these. Students should be able-bodied to address these issues better if they are able to argue and support their points. While claiming how to do this, savants must be aware that their arguments must have a clear goal. Thus, the teachers need to make sure enough the students are taught how to approach this when doing argument lessons and combining them with science lessons. Using argument to teach science should also help to usefully stimulate the students since most students enchant debating, and this enjoyment usually makes the learning much eas ier. Learning how to argue scientific concepts is an important concept for students to learn because science is based on facts therefore, students must use facts to back up their arguments and prove their points. ... In order to stimulate thought-provoking questions that have to do with science, teachers need to make sure that they use open-ended questions or statements while allowing the students to interact in groups. Therefore, Shakespeares book demonstrates fantastic concepts and lesson ideas that will help get students interested in learning about science, and to help them adequately learn science so that they can meet and pass expectations in the subject. The lesson plans and ideas offered help to stimulate student thought and unfavorable thinking. In the researchers opinion, this is a very effective book, and can greatly assist teachers with getting their students interested. Science has always rated as one of the more difficulty subjects for teachers to teach, simply becaus e of lack of resources, and many times, because of lack of student interest. However, by using Shakespeares approach of asking questions and getting the students ready to participate in a discussion by argument, it should be easier for the teacher to both gaining control and retain the attention of the students. This book is well formed and would help the UK science student gain a better understanding of the concepts of science through critical thinking and argument. These lessons could truly help many UK secondary students prepare for the debates and other arguments that may come to light when they are in college. Thus, this practice will not only help to develop their understanding of science, but it will also help to develop their critical thinking skills. Rosalind DriverRosalind Drivers book Making common sense of Secondary Science was inspired by the fact that she understood many students had a lack of understanding regarding the

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Choosing the right personal to work with the elderly and handicap in Essay

Choosing the right individualized to rick with the elderly and handicap in Assisted Living Facilities - Essay ExampleIt is for this power that the processes that go into the weft of people to take up the task of taking fretting of the elderly and handicap in our various care homes and institutions motive to be done with a very high level of precision, effectiveness and mastery. The process must never be done with the aim of just filling up vacancies. If this happens, square pegs sh both be used to fill round holes and this will cause a lot of inconvenience. Research has shown that the effect of wrong placement into vacancies for personal to work with the elderly and handicap results in a lot of repelling effect and fashions a viscous cycle. For instance the personal become prone to high levels of employee turnover because they find themselves unfitting to the task. The elderly and handicap also become affected in the sense that they become deprived from the basic care and supp ort that they need and this may affect their health and longevity. Administrators and managers of various home cares also suffer the consequences of employee turnover. 1.1 Problem Statement There is the specific need for the selection of personal to the shoes of elderly and handicap care givers to be well scrutinized, structured and monitored. The problem at hand therefore has to do with effective recruitment and selection for care givers to take up the social responsibility of taking care of the elderly and handicap. In the opinion of the looker, a well managed recruitment and selection exercise for personal as care givers would need to improved health and general longevity for the elderly and handicap in society and make such people more useful to society. It is for this need that the present problem is very important to be studied. 1.2 Rationale for the Research The present study will seek to eliminate all forms of incompetence and ineptitude in the social work department, esp ecially those that has to do with the care of the elderly and handicap. The rationale that was used to determine the importance of this study was godlike by recent reports on the impact that knowledge, skills and experience has on care giving for the elderly and handicap. In recent times, reports have been made of how the need to create employment has resulted in the recruitment of graduates into care homes when those graduates actually studied nothing about that field in school (Altman, 2001).). These researches have also outlined the expiry consequences of such acts. It is with the need to eliminate all these inadequacies that the researcher finds the current research very useful and important to undertake. By every indication, such as research would not just derive the inmates of care homes who will be assured of the best of care from competent professionals but the society in general shall benefit because these elderly and handicap shall become very useful integrated members of society. 1.3 Statement of the Research Objectives There is a general aim of improving recruitment and selection of personal to work with the elderly and handicap. To achieve this general aim however, it is important that certain specific objectives be set. The exploit of these specific objectives would constitute the eventual achievement of the research aim. The objectives are 1. To identify specific inappropriate practices that go on as far as the recruitment and

Friday, June 14, 2019

DHS Homeland Security Advisory System and DoD FPCON Research Paper

DHS Homeland Security Advisory System and DoD FPCON - Research musical composition ExampleIn order to protect military and civilian targets, the Department of Defense (DoD) devised two separate terrorist response systems. FPCON is devised to protect military personnel and facilities temporary hookup the Homeland Security Advisory System is implemented by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Alert take aims in these systems could last for weeks or months depending on the perceived situation by authorities. Aside from the laws implemented to deter, detect, and punish terrorists after 9/11, the federal government has devised warning systems to guide civilians and military personnel on how to suffice to terrorist terrors. HSAS was implemented on March 11, 2002, to make the dissemination of threats faster and more efficient. To avoid confusion with its military counterpart, the existing THREATCON was renamed to FPCON by the military (U.S. Defense hold, 2009). The advisory syst em is primarily designed to inform government agencies and department (federal, state, and local) public and private sectors, and citizens in general of an imminent or perceived terrorist threat in the country. Established on March 11, 2002, the Advisory System is organized into five color codes, each code of which corresponds to descriptions of a terrorist threat level. The lowest encounter of terrorist threat is coded green. This warning signals minimum threat but it calls for the refinement of preplanned preventive measures to deter an attack. It further calls for the assessment of vulnerabilities and to take measures that these vulnerabilities are safeguarded and secured against terrorists. The next threat level is coded blue, with guarded as its corresponding descriptor. In code blue, there is a general risk of terrorist attacks and emergency response communications and systems are assessed.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

The Coercion used in Continental Army Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

The Coercion used in Continental Army - Essay ExampleVery little scholarly work had been make on military discipline and enforcement in the American army during the rotatory War. The neglect is not for lack f source material. Thousands f orderly books, globeuals f instruction, court martial transcripts, and other elementary sources exist in private collections and in local and national repositories, including the National Archives and the Library f Congress. approximately f this material is readily available to researchers, and some f it, most notably in George Washingtons papers, has appeared in print. Ward is the first historian to examine the primary sources in depth, however, and he has pen a pioneering study f a very important element in the military history f the Revolutionary War.Washington was no touchy-feely general. As Ward explains, he developed his to a lower placestanding f military discipline from study and observation f British practices during the French and In dian War. Discipline during that war followed standard eighteenth-century practice. Penalties were cruel--from whipping and riding the wooden horse to public hanging--and intended to terrify rather than to correct. Washington was as enthusiastic as any other officer in applying this discipline, often more so. And in the Revolutionary War, he made tough discipline a centerpiece f his military philosophy. The relatively democratic, easy-going methods common to the New England militia in early 1775 were not for him and on taking command f the Continental Army later that year, he quickly instilled an authoritarian, hierarchic system that came down hard on everything from cowardice and desertion to foul language, gambling, and female camp followers.Wards concenter is less on policy formulation than on the effect that Washingtons discipline--developed in consultation with Congress and the generals--had on the common soldiers. This emphasis on the average man helps to keep the book far mo re fresh and exciting than any purely administrative study. At all in all levels, from officers guards, pickets, and police, to provost guards, executioners, and field musicians, Ward explores what it meant to live under Continental Army discipline, making use f numerous interesting anecdotes. At times, Wards tendency to hop from one topic to another makes for haphazard reading, nevertheless the narrative, though at times awkwardly written, never loses interest. What is missing is a coherent overall sense f how military discipline evolved during the war, and particularly f how lessons learned during the course f the conflict influenced the development f U.S. Army discipline in succeeding eras. The book lacks a concluding chapter to bring all f the loose ends together, instead ending rather abruptly with a discussion f military executions. Still, there is no question that Ward has written the definitive study f American military discipline during the Revolutionary War.The inability to adequately equip the troops stemmed from the structure f the Commissary Department, and its adjunct, the Quartermaster Department. forces officers normally headed these departments, but

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

A part of an outline for security on campus paper Essay

A part of an outline for security on campus paper - Essay ExampleIt is discerning to enquire what other campuses have done to deal with insecurity and boost the security of their schools. at that place are professionals who have studied crime, criminals and psychology. They can help recognize the weakest areas in security on the campus. Moreover, they can appraise and audit the campus security apparatus and staff against the crime in the campus area.This will provide video records of the sweat of students around the campus. Students or other people showing suspicious behaviour will be easily noted by security personnel from the manipulate centre who will remain on high alert. Students will complain about their privacy. However, they will be issued with a privacy policy from the campus that will evidence the records will only be used for security purposes (Phaneuf 48).Criminals like lurking in the dark. The dark conceals their identities and thus evidence of a crime cannot be tra ced back to them. There should be enough lighting. Lighting will increase surveillance by security personnel and movement can be easily noted in the dark.Vulnerable rooms are those that are easy to get. Vulnerable rooms on campus, especially those that contain valuables such as university electronics, exam papers and so on should not be easily accessible. The doors should be made from metal and cameras should be installed so that any suspicious movement or attempt to determine in is traced back to the criminal.Police officers are implementers of the law. When a crime occurs, they should be informed so that they restore law and order. Criminals are then arrested. Early reportage can help prevent a crime from taking

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Drug and Alcohol Abuse in Teenagers Research Paper

Drug and Alcohol Abuse in Teenagers - Research Paper ExampleSome researchers have retained that in the society, the percentage of cutters and percentage of individuals with eating disorders are similar. Compared with non-mutilators, self-mutilating teenagers were significantly more likely to have an eating disorder, and about 61% of the self-injurers may report authorized or past eating disorders. In a study of 2525 Australian teenagers Patton et al. (1997) found psychiatric comorbidity to be the clearest factor associated with perfect dieting with 62% of extreme dieters reporting high levels of both anxiety and depression.With the literature demonstrating evident relationships between these three disorders, namely, cutting behaviour, eating disorders, and alcohol and drug abuse, it appears these are comorbid conditions which originate proterozoic on life. If the parameters of these conditions and their interrelationships can be elucidated through the literature, this would enhan ce knowledge about these conditions. This enhanced knowledge can be then used in the schooltime programmes directed to the teenagers, where the counsellors and teachers can make use of this information through specially designed fosterage programmes for support in dealing with these issues in their students.AimThe repoint of the study is to explore the comorbidity of three classes of self-harm within teenagers cutting behavior, eating disorders, and alcohol and/or drug abuse. As a result of the study, develop a training program for school counselors and teachers to utilize for support in dealing with these issues.Objectives Identify the relationship between cutting behaviour, eating disorders and alcohol/drug abuse. Increase sentiency and understanding between the relationship between cutting behaviour, eating disorders and alcohol/drug abuse. Develop an innovative training program with the aim of improving client outcomes. Evaluate the effectiveness of school counselors as a m ethod of support to those who self harm and have eating disorders.Review of LiteratureStrategy methodology is important to fill in the intellectual vacuum that may be associated with a research question, and therefore, there is a need to pinpoint the context of a research within the existing knowledge base. Since there is a considerable body of existing literature depicting the studies in several areas of science and practice, era performing a literature review, it is pertinent and important to perform the review in a systematic

Monday, June 10, 2019

Oracle and Machiavellian Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Oracle and Machiavellian Philosophy - Essay ExampleFor instance, when a sure increases it prices by few cents, the consumers may want to fight back by making many complaints towards the social club or deciding not to buy the goods. However, on the other hand, when a firm increases the prices at the heightser range, the consumers entrust be surprised but still purchase the goods as they do not ca-ca any choice. The company is dedicated to creating quality products and services and as a result, the company has introduced unified process automation systems, services, and products. Its goals are to have products and services that will ensure that they give automated systems integrated with diverse business analytic functions for the consumers. Oracle has focused on pampering all its stakeholders. The key stakeholders that the company has dictated them to the center of their operations are the customers. Oracle has implemented a Led-innovation strategy that ensures that the company all its services and products are aligned with the consumers requirements contrasting the internal company goals. Before introducing any product or services, the company tends to research on the customers needs. For its standards, the company has implemented the ethical principle of honesty that is upholding the high standards for the Oracle Corporation. The principle provides honesty for the corporations and its employees as they deal with partners and stakeholders along with the companys customers. The company has embraced the ethical business ethics of honesty and with this code.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Water gate scandal and Frost Nixon Research Paper

Water gate scandal and Frost Nixon - Research Paper ExampleThe News reputations resolution The nonable newspapers took this story by its horns and both the editorials, cartoonists, columnists and every person who could contribute contributed in their own manner to discuss this topic in every way possible. Some of them went quite far in extent to criticizing the overall debacle and directly termed the parties involved as guilty. This incident was noticed in case of consequence by Donnesbury comic strip which directly pointed finger at the then Attorney General John N. Mitchell. To somewhat newspapers this was quite harsh and blunt and trenchant not to display this directly nor point finger directly by terming them guilty in open words. Washington post was one of the newspapers that decided to recitation discretion and not to go all fronts war and open against the people involved in the murky episode that had frosted the political setup of the country. To some critiques, severe rules and norms of ethical codes and conduct would be violated and in fact were violated by displaying cartoons that directly pointed at individuals. Washington post was one of the newspapers that took this way out into account and decided not to publish content indiscriminately. Los Angeles times and Newsday were two other newspapers that took into account the matter of ethical codes and conduct consideration and decided not to publish everything that may come to hand. The one post that caused stir all over was the one in which attorney general was termed guilty, however since he was not proven as one as the entire case was on trial therefore most of the newspapers took back the cartoon section and decided not to publish it(Lemann, nicholas).While the cartoon did gain a lot of interest and attention,... The research paper makes sure we know that the depoch in the history of American politics is termed as one of the most disturbing, unwarranted and un afforded one which cost all th e members involved in it heavily. The impact of the overall episode was so intense that it led to the yielding of an elected President and which had never happened in history before as in case of a similar political scandal. Then the paper introduces us to the term such as Frost Nixon interview. Frost Nixon interviews were part of the entire script and they were conducted by British members, after the incumbent president had taken repair in his private life, he devoted considerable amount of time to this series and hence this series is named as frost Nixon interviews series. The paper also shares information, where the renowned newspapers took this story by its horns and both the editorials, cartoonists, columnists and every person who could contribute contributed in their own way to discuss this topic in every way possible. The paper also shows us the consequences of the situation. The things did not end here, many dozen members of the governmental office were deprived of their ranks, various others imprisoned, thorough investigation stemmed in and at the end of it a lot was disclosed which none of the involved parties would have ever desired coming out to front. In conclusion, we see that what started off as a mere speculation by the security guard was something that would become a Hydra in longer run and would not extinguish until it took along with it the high ups of the day.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Stress and Personality Types Essay Example for Free

Stress and Personality Types EssayIts now widely accepted that thither argon three basic character casefuls. These have the wildly original names of Types A, B and C. We all have elements of each type in our makeup. One, or perhaps two, however, will dominate. Its very useful to find out which personality type best describes your personality because this can tell you a great pot some how likely it is that youll become tasteed and, if you do, why and how youll handle it. Note weve used he throughout this article please take this to mean she as well.Type AThe Type A personality traits are impulsiveness, competitiveness and the need to get things, lots of things, done quickly. Type A is always in a hurry, lives by timetables and deadlines, is a perfectionist and has difficulty delegating any tasks, and therefore ends up trying to do everything himself. He is also likely to be enthusiastic and can be aggressive. Such a person is very unlikely to undertake too much self-analysis everyone else has the problem, not him Anyway, he hasnt got the time to foul up in worry out about much(prenominal) things. The Type A individual is ofttimes driven by feelings of insecurity. Such a person often becomes one of lifes high achievers, in the belief that by achieving their goals and ambitions they will gain the level of control they feel they need in order to overcome their feelings of insecurity.Generally, a Type A person has no idea why he is so driven. You can see from all this that Type A people are prime candidates for stress and stress-related illnesses. The Type A personality is the energetic one who suddenly has a breakdown when he finally uses up his reserves of energy. This personality type also has the highest risk of heart disease. Because the problems which give rise to stress are part of his personality are personality related, the only way such a person can truly de-stress themselves is by acknowledging the problem and being prepared to change some as pects of their personality and their behavior. That doesnt, of course, stop them from trying to control their stress levels by using exercise, aromatherapy or whatever, but many Type A people have good intentions and then find theyre fairish too agile to find the time to go to the gym or see their therapist.Type BType B personalities are not as likely to miss from stress as much as other personality types unless there is a specific cause, such as bankruptcy or divorce. They are the effect opposite of the Type A personality. If you had to find one phrase to describe a Type B person, it would be laid back. They are more relaxed about things, less driven and generally content with their lot, and are less likely to try to achieve unnecessary aims and objectives. Type B personalities have enough pledge in their fellow human beings to be able to delegate. They are calm and rational and not likely to damage their health long term collectable to a stressful lifestyle. If you have a Ty pe B personality, say a prayer of thanks.Type CThe Type C personality type has difficulty expressing emotion and has a marked tendency to bottle things up, especially anything in their life which is bothering them. He will rarely or ever photocopy any stress by throwing a cup against the wall or shouting at someone whos annoyed him. Hell feel like doing so, just like any other person, but even when his emotions are almost overwhelming hell keep an awesome control over his words and behavior. This is a perfect recipe for severe stress problems What is interesting is that the existence of the Type C personality was first mooted in studies of cancer patients. Were all a variety show of these personality types

Friday, June 7, 2019

Nurture Your Childs Self-Esteem Essay Example for Free

Nurture Your Childs Self-Esteem EssayKids start developing their sense of self as babies when they see themselves through their parents eyes. Your smell of voice, your body language, and your every expression are absorbed by your kids. Your words and actions as a parent affect their developing self-esteem more than anything else. value accomplishments, however small, will make them feel proud letting kids do things independently will make them feel capable and strong. By contrast, belittling comments or comparing a child unfavorably with another will make kids feel worthless. Avoid making loaded statements or using words as weapons. Comments same What a stupid thing to do or You act more like a baby than your little brother cause pervert just as physical blows do.Choose your words carefully and be compassionate. Let your kids know that everyone makes mis offsprings and that you still love them, even when you dont love their behavior.Catch Kids creation GoodHave you ever s twe etped to think ab by how many times you react negatively to your kids in a given day? You may find yourself criticizing far more often than complimenting. How would you feel about a boss who treated you with that much negative guidance, even if it was well intentioned?The more powerful approach is to catch kids doing something right You made your bed without being asked thats terrific or I was watching you play with your sister and you were very patient. These statements will do more to encourage good behavior over the long run than repeated scoldings. snitch a point of finding something to praise every day. Be generous with rewards your love, hugs, and compliments can work wonders and are often reward enough. Soon you will find you are growing more of the behavior you would like to see.Set Limits and Be Consistent With Your DisciplineDiscipline is necessary in every household. The goal of discipline is to help kids choose acceptable behaviors and specify self-control. They ma y test the limits you establish for them, but they call for those limits to grow into responsible adults.Establishing house rules helps kids understand your expectations and develop self-control. Some rules magnate include no TV untilhomework is done, and no hitting, name-calling, or hurtful teasing allowed.You might require to shake off a system in place one warning, followed by consequences such as a time out or loss of privileges. A common mistake parents make is failure to follow through with the consequences. You cant discipline kids for talking backwards one day and ignore it the next. Being consistent teaches what you expect.Make Time for Your KidsIts often difficult for parents and kids to get together for a family meal, let alone communicate quality time together. But there is probably nothing kids would like more. Get up 10 minutes earlier in the morning so you can eat breakfast with your child or leave the dishes in the sink and take a walk after dinner. Kids who ar ent getting the attention they want from their parents often act out or misbehave because theyre trustworthy to be noticed that way.Many parents find it rewarding to schedule together time with their kids. make out a special night each week to be together and let your kids help decide how to spend the time. Look for other ways to unite put a note or something special in your kids lunchbox.Adolescents seem to need less undivided attention from their parents than younger kids. Because there are fewer windows of opportunity for parents and teens to get together, parents should do their best to be available when their teen does express a desire to talk or participate in family activities. attend concerts, games, and other events with your teen communicates caring and lets you get to know more about your child and his or her friends in important ways.Dont feel guilty if youre a workings parent. It is the many little things you do making popcorn, playing cards, window shopping tha t kids will remember.Be a Good Role ModelYoung kids learn a lot about how to act by watching their parents. The younger they are, the more cues they take from you. Before you lash out or blow your top in front of your child, think about this is that how you want your child to behave when angry? Be aware that youre constantly being observed by your kids. Studies have shown that children who hit usually have a agency model for aggression at home.Model the traits you wish to cultivate in your kids respect, friendliness, honesty, kindness, tolerance. Exhibit unselfish behavior. Do things for other people without expecting a reward. Express thanks and offer compliments. Above all, treat your kids the way you expect other people to treat you.Make colloquy a PriorityYou cant expect kids to do everything exclusively because you, as a parent, say so. They want and deserve explanations as much as adults do. If we dont take time to explain, kids will begin to wonder about our values and mot ives and whether they have any basis. enhances who reason with their kids allow them to understand and learn in a nonjudgmental way.Make your expectations clear. If there is a problem, describe it, express your feelings, and invite your child to work on a solution with you. Be sure to include consequences. Make suggestions and offer choices. Be open to your childs suggestions as well. Negotiate. Kids who participate in decisions are more motivated to carry them out.Be Flexible and Willing to Adjust Your Parenting agencyIf you frequently feel let down by your childs behavior, perhaps you have unrealistic expectations. Parents who think in shoulds (for example, My kid should be potty-trained by now) might find it helpful to read up on the matter or to talk to other parents or child development specialists.Kids environments have an impact on their behavior, so you may be able to modify that behavior by changing the environment. If you find yourself constantly saying no to your 2-year -old, look for ways to restructure your surroundings so that fewer things are off-limits. This will cause less frustration for both of you.As your child changes, youll gradually have to change your parenting style. Chances are, what works with your child now wont work as well in a year or two.Teens tend to look less to their parents and more to their peers for role models. But continue to provide guidance, encouragement, and appropriate discipline while allowing your teen to earn more independence. And seize every available moment to make a connectionShow That Your Love Is UnconditionalAs a parent, youre responsible for correcting and guiding your kids. But how you express your corrective guidance makes all the difference in how a child receives it.When you have to confront your child, avoid blaming, criticizing, or fault-finding, which undermine self-esteem and can lead to resentment. Instead, strive to nurture and encourage, even when disciplining your kids. Make sure they know that although you want and expect better next time, your love is there no matter what.Know Your Own Needs and Limitations as a ParentFace it you are an imperfect parent. You have strengths and weaknesses as a family leader. Recognize your abilities I am loving and dedicated. Vow to work on your weaknesses I need to be more consistent with discipline. Try to have realistic expectations for yourself, your spouse, and your kids. You dont have to have all the answers be forgiving of yourself.And try to make parenting a submissive job. Focus on the areas that need the most attention rather than trying to address everything all at once. Admit it when youre burned out. Take time out from parenting to do things that will make you happy as a person (or as a couple).Focusing on your needs does not make you selfish. It simply means you care about your own well-being, which is another important value to model for your children.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

A Little Cloud typical of Joyces maturity stories Essay Example for Free

A unretentive Cloud typical of Joyces maturity stories EssayRefer to themes, lyric poem and setting.A Little Cloud is the first of the maturity stories in capital of Irelanders, preceded by Counterparts, Clay and A Painful Case. The story is archetypal of Joyces style and embraces every(prenominal) the rouge themes of, class, materialism, escapism and above all the paralysis and struggle of Ireland.The opinion that Ireland is a country lowly in comparison to the rest of Europe is enforced at the beginning of the story when Little Chandler says it was something to declare a friend like Gallaher because he worked for the capital of the United Kingdom press. The emphasis here is on the great city of capital of the United Kingdom and Little Chandler has immeasurable respect for Gallaher as he has escaped the paralysis of Ireland in favour of this thriving city.The environment Chandler lives in is lacklustre and uninspiring, his writing dull the nurses he sees are untidy and the old men dozing on benches are decrepit. When Little Chandler thinks of his situation in Dublin a gentle melancholy takes pigheadedness of him which he feels is useless to struggle against. In A Painful Case a number of adjectives are used to convey the environment, such as disused, dingy and shallow. Joyce has subtly emphasised the burden of being a Dubliner and in particular the feeling of restriction which the constitutions are unwilling to challenge and from which they feel escape would be futile. There are recurring references to the colour br accept (not just in the maturity stories) and Maria in Clay wears a brown raincoat, thus inadvertently resigning herself to the drab and motionless life of Dublin.Joyce contrasts two worlds in the story the domestic, insular and paralysed Dublin with the fast-moving, energetic, cosmopolitan London and Europe. Little Chandler desires to belong to the wider, modern world and begins to pooh-pooh his life with his family in Dublin. By ju xtaposing Little Chandler with the successful, exuberant Gallaher, Joyce sets up an antithesis between the two worlds which they represent.The Act of Union of Great Britain and Ireland in 1800 abolished Irelands political centre, resulting in Dublin being a city in limbo, without a clear purpose and with a confused identity. This is observable throughout Dubliners, with inhabitants such as Little Chandler and Farrington all feeling trapped by the narrowness of Dublin life. There is a pervasive feeling that to be glamorous, like Ignatius Gallaher, one has to leave Ireland. Little Chandler believes London to be the key to his dreams and that if you wanted to succeed you had to go away. You could do nothing in Dublin.The attitude of Little Chandler to social class is indicated throughout. He encounters children in the slums of nitrogen Dublin as he passes on his way to meet his glamorous friend, Gallaher. The children are described as a horde, grimy and populating the street and depi cted as vermin who crawled and squatted like mice. Little Chandler, like Duffy in A Painful Case feels himself to be superior to the people whom he passed, above the parochial, narrow interests of Dublin.He aspires to be a poet, loved by the more affluent English people. Chandler is shallow and materialistic, obsessed with appearance and class, excited about going to Corlesss because he knew the place of the name and the richly dressed ladies caught his eye. Gallaher says if he ever married, his wife must have a good fat account at the bank other she wont do for me. If he marries he intends to play his cards properly and secure one of the thousand of rich Germans and Jews. He dismisses the sacrament of marriage as just business that could go stale, emphasising the immorality of London.The maturity stories all contain the presence of resentment in the main characters at the inevitable situation they have resigned themselves to living in. Joyce conveys Little Chandlers temper with a number of adjectives such as trembled, burst, convulsively and a paroxysm of sobbing. His cheeks later suffuse with shame which gives way to rupture of remorse at his failure not only to fulfil his dreams but for the resentment he feels towards his family for thwarting his freedom. In Counterparts there is an established mood of anger with a bell rung, a heavy step and Farringtons spasms of rage.Joyce uses the symbol of the little mist over as an image of entrapment, not just hope the little cloud of unhappiness hovering over his marriage to Annie, which restricts him from being the fun-loving bachelor like his idol Gallaher. Joyce incorporates the fantasy and captivation of exoticism and wealth in the dark Oriental eye of the Rich Jewesses. Similar to fantasies of the East Joyce uses alcoholism as a method of escape from the stifling lives of the Dubliners and this is particularly prominent in A Little Cloud. Gallaher states that he drinks his whisky neat and that Little Chandl er, who drinks very little doesnt k now whats good for him. Sobriety is here seen as the reason why Chandlers life is so inartistic and colored in comparison to Gallahers.Ireland is belittled and viewed as an engaging absurdity by the English when Gallaher says theyve got a great feeling for Ireland and the English were ready to eat him because he was Irish. Little Chandler wishes his name was more Irish-looking so as to endear the British with his book he dreams about publishing in London. This is ironic as Little Chandlers wishes to flee the restraints of Ireland yet feels dependant on his heritage. The story is highly symbolic of Irelands historical state how the rest of Europe refuses to treat Ireland with respect symbolising Gallaher continually refusing Little Chandlers invitations to come for supper and to meet his family.Gallahers visit gives rise to an epiphany within Little Chandler, a feature Joyce includes in each of his stories, an anti climax when a character realises his escape to be defective. In the maturity series it is through the characters own personality flaw they render themselves incapable of escaping the life they constantly bemoan. In A Little Cloud Gallahers visit evokes a dull resentment within Little Chandler he was useless, useless A prisoner for life and he feels aggressively the loss of his life is next to Gallahers.Little Chandler believes the only way of escape is if he publishes a book in London, but he cannot complete this because the roar of the child permanently permeates his ear. Little Chandler projects the resentment he feels at his lack of achievement in comparison to Gallaher, onto his wife and he is repelled by her passionless eye and fantasises of the dark Oriental eyes of the Jewesses which Gallaher mentioned earlier in Corlesss.Little Chandler begins to feel a little disillusioned and Gallahers accent did not please him. London, which Gallaher hitherto represents, is now seen as gaudy and vulgar imprinting its elf upon his original old personal charm and his vagrant and triumphant life upsets the equipoise of Chandlers sensitive nature. Little Chandler believes that Gallahers assert friendliness to him is in fact patronisation just as he was patronising Ireland by his visit. He has been too consumed with his own anger and resentment at his own entrapment and the failure of his own dreams, to see through Gallahers version of an exotic, successful life.In A Painful Case Duffy becomes disillusioned with escaping, when Mrs Sinico caught up his hand passionately and too Little Chandler begins to wildly question Could I go to London?, is it too late? But Duffy bids his only distraction from the paralysis of Dublin Mrs Sinico, goodbye and is blatantly scared of commitment. The reunion with a conceited Gallaher reminds Little Chandler of what he hasnt achieved and he feels resentment which he thus inflicts on those around him. A Little Cloud is an evident example of Joyces maturity stories in keeping with the aspect that binds them together, the characters comprehension that all endeavours to escape are fruitless.Little Chandler and Duffy lacked conviction and ignored the opportunity that was once effrontery to them for escape, something they blame everyone but themselves for. The characters Joyce writes of do not appreciate what they have, mourning instead for what they do not. The Dubliners are, like the city, reluctant to change and yet are embittered by the injustice of their paralysed lives.Duffy does not appreciate until the death of Mrs Sinico, that he will never have a chance of marriage, or to love, through which he could have forgotten the sameness of the city he cannot escape. Congruously, Little Chandler dismisses his family throughout A Little Cloud and when his personal epiphany dawns on him he realises his failure to his family, his cheeks suffuse with shame and he cries with snap of remorse as much out of guilt at the egocentric way he has behaved, as for his hopeless venture of escape.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

The Aircraft De Icing Engineering Essay

The Aircraft De Icing engineer EssayThis report explains the results of seek into how de-icing operations at Minnesota Saint capital of Minnesota could be repaird. The findings were that this airdrome should utilization a combination of infr ared genus Oestr utilize and antifreeze spraying in launch to de internal-combustion engine aircraft in a fast, safe, cost effective and environmentally friendly way. The de-icing process is called the admit through manner and this report has backed up its investigation through detailed calculations and the habituate of a closing matrix to compare the benefits of the drive through method against using others. Although there are some problems such(prenominal) as its relatively long payback time of 2.5 years, convinced(p) risk the airdrome may have to pay l scumnce fees due to patents on the applied science, the benefits of the drive through method outweigh these drawbacks. One occasion for this is that subsequently the payback p eriod the drome get out make an annual legal transfer of approximately $7,080,000INTRODUCTIONRationale for the researchThe process of removing ice, frost or lead by the nose from the surface of an aircraft is known as aircraft de-icing. This is an essential procedure be suffice if these substances accumulate on an air two-dimensional they lead amplify the drag force that the plane experiences. This will centralize the ability of its wing to produce decent lift force to al first it to take-off or manoeuvre whilst in flight. Also, damage could be pretendd if a large tack together of ice dislodges from the plane and hits sen sit downive components like its engine. This could lead to passengers losing their lives in a crash and others losing their properties. The Federal Aviation Administration, FAA, regulate all major civil breeze operations in America. One of their rules is that aircraft must be free of ice in advance takeoff and during flight.BackgroundThis report uses M inneapolis Saint Paul (MSP) airport, Minnesota, as its native fictitious character direct. This is because aircraft at this airport frequently needs to undergo deciding as a result of the cold climate before, during and after winter in that region. MSP airport spans 3,400 acres, has five runways, five de-icing pads and served more than 32 million travellers in 2009 making it 15th in the United States and30th in the world in terms of number of passengers served annually. (MSP Airport, 2010)De-icing is currently carried out at MSP airport by operators who spray an ethene- dihydric alcohol based aircraft de-icing fluid onto planes. Storm water drains to collect the waste fluid, before it is transported by a truck to a recycling facility to be treated. It needs treatment because its high Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) makes it harmful to the environment. seek Aims and ObjectivesThis investigation aims to find a method and chemical to use for de-icing planes which is more environmen tally friendly, cheaper and faster than that which is currently apply in MSP airport.It should be a summation solution engineering science which eliminates/reduces all the problems that the current de-icing method causes without producing detrimental side effects.These aims will be achieved by completing the following objectivesIdentify a reticence de-icing fluid which has the same/better de-icing functionality but costs less and is safer than the one currently used in MSP airport.Find a better way to cycle the waste de-icing fluidEnsure that the mod substitute chemical allow de-icing fluid to be recycledFind another way to remove black eye from aircraft generic wine DESIGN PROCESSOrganisations often use a generic design process as they turn a reaping idea into a make item. Using a systematic, well organised designed process helps to reduce the research and development time that a novel product experiences. The design aggroup for this project used a generic design process and the actions that they took at severally stage are detailed below harvest-tide Planning initial the team used product planning to help make that reliable and valid research was carried out straight away. This started this by withholding a intelligence in which they clarified the aim and objectives of the project. Then they identified their strengths and weaknesses in relation to these objectives to help them choose which duties they were responsible for. Finally they agree upon timescales in which to achieve each objective.Identification of Customer Needs Customers needs guided the teams product innovations that were found. The team held interviews with a representative from each major stakeholder group in the airline industry, such as the airline manager and spray operator, to allow them to voice their needs. This made it easier for the team to set product specifications and design a product that they would approve.Establishment of Product Specifications The customer needs were ranked in order of their importance. The rank of each need was proportional to a weighting, w, which was later used in a decision matrix. This information was used to generate product specifications which were further defined using metrics.Generation of product ideas A brainstorm was held to generate product ideas. This was useful because it encourage the team to build ideas on top of one another. From this they saw exchangeableities between ideas and linked some of them to define a total solution engineering.Selection of product ideas A decision matrix was used to quantitatively compare the importance of each customer need in relation to the product ideas. The product with the highest grievance was selected for testing.Testing The total solution technology was further evaluated in terms of its performance and economic viability. Because it was very beneficial its specifications were was sent to manufactures so that they could build a prototype. count on 1 An illustrat ion of the generic design processFigure 1 illustrates the product design methodology which begins with product planning and ends with testing and manufacture. The continue lines show that if one stage of the design process did not give advantageous results the team would go one or multiple stages back in order to refine their previous intentions. Then they would advance through each stage of the process again until they reached the final testing and manufacturing stage. This procedure of priseing and re-assessing product developments ensured that unretentive designs were eliminated or improved before they reached the testing and manufactures stage.NEEDSVarious customers have an interest in aircraft de-icing operations these individuals are referred to as stakeholders. The success of this venture will depend on how well it meets the needs of these individuals. Hence, the team evaluated each stakeholders need using an interview and ranked it harmonise to its importance.Information GatheringThe stakeholders were identified on the basis on who will pay for, sell, use and operate the de-icing technology, these included airline pilots and passengers etc. They were interviewed and their responses are summarised below.Spray operatorQ1 How do you deice a plane?A container on a truck is filled with de-icing fluid which is mixed with water to a 50% concentration by volume. I sit in an enclosed cabin and genus Oestrus the fluid onboard the truck to 70oC before I spray it onto the plane until all the ice un eludes.Airport managerQ2 How classical is the BOD of a de-icing fluid?Very important, we pay the treatment works about $0.35 per US gallon and the price goes up if the BOD increases. Our airport is fined if the BOD5 execute to the environment exceeds 900 tonnes per year.Q3 How long would you expect to wait for a pitch on your investment?1.5-2 yearsQ4 How much does ethylene glycol cost?The average is $5-7 per gallon.Q5 What precautions were taken since your las t incident?We thought of retraining staff, but now operations are run by an outsourced business.De-icing pads and a drainage system were installed.Aircraft managerQ6 What do you think of compound a heating system onto aircraft?Not exaltation for commercial planes because its expensiveAir traffic controllerQ7 How severe is the disruption caused by aircraft de-icing?During the peak of the winter season there are regular delays. Aircraft must be de-iced again if they exceed a holdover time of 5 minutes.rank of needs and sanity checkThe team identified the most important stakeholder needs and ranked them as listed below.Each need was given a weighting, w, according to its rank as part of a sanity check.Table 1 The rank of each stakeholder need and its weightingNeedWeight-ing, wReasons1) Safety4Safety was the top concern of every stakeholder.Aircraft at MSP airport arouse only carry passengers if they obey safety regulations set by the FAA.2) Lifetime constitute3Some stakeholders dis agreed on financial issues regarding how much cash should be spent on certain items. e.g most spray operators would like luxury de-icing cabins whereas airport managers would kinda invest the money. However, all stakeholders agreed that no de-icer with a high lifetime cost would be acceptable.3) Speed2Slow de-icing can cause profit losses due to delayed flights.4)Environmental impact1Although the airport will be fined for causing excessive pollution these costs are median(prenominal)ly absorbed by customers.ESTABLISHMENT OF PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONSMost of the needs highlighted by stakeholders were expressed in a qualitative manner. They needed to be reborn into specifications in order to avoid trivial yet expensive improvements being made to MSP airport. To do this the worst case de-icing conditions that could potentially take place at MSP airport were defined and as part of sanity check. Next metrics were used establish specifications for product and process design methods that co uld cope with the worst case de-icing scenarios at the airport.Specification 1 Annual length of operationThe dates in which the planes will need to be de-iced ranges from November to early April because on these dates the temperature in Minneapolis Saint Paul is below freezing.Therefore, any new de-icing method must be able to operate through this period of 5 months and 1 week (157 solar days) every year. (Figure 2)Figure 2- The average lowest temperature in MSP every year from 1971-2000Specifications 2 The case study aircraft and its ice come up toageThe mass of ice on a plane was cipher using a worst case scenario, which was that one of the biggest commercial passenger planes the Boeing-747 (BBC, 2007) needed to be de-iced.It was assumed that the top arena of both its wings was covered by a 1cm thick layer of ice.Wing celestial orbit (Boeing-747) = 541.2 m2 (Airliners, 2010) applesauce Thickness = 0.01mIce Coverage 100% Volume of ice on wings, Volice = 5.412 m3 (App. 1, Eqn 1)Density of ice, ice = 917kg/m3 (Kotz, 2009) Mass of ice, = 4962.8 kg (App. 1, Eqn 2)Specifications 3- Heating DutyLatent heat of fusion of ice= 333 kJ/Kg (Bird, 2003) Minimum heating duty = 1652.6 MJ (App 1, Eqn 3)Specifications 4 The substitute de-icing fluidThe atmospheric temperature in MSP airport during the de-icing season is 20oF (-29oC) therefore the substitute ADF freezing point must be less than 20oC in order to maintain its functionality. Additionally it must provide a freezing point effect of more than 20oC as a result of this ambient temperature. All the stakeholders agreed that product safety is of upmost importance, so the substitute ADF should be less toxic than ethylene-glycol. Additionally they agree that the annual raw material costs of the new dicing method should be less than that of the current method. Two ways to do this are to use less dicing fluid per plane in the first cause this should be less than the 408 gallons per aircraft needful by the current de-icing method (App. 1, Eqn. 9), or to recycle the de-icing fluid.GENERATION AND SCREENING OF IDEASThe team worked individually and brainstormed together to help exploit the number of good ideas that were generated. Whilst doing so they reflected upon the product specifications to and stakeholder needs to help screen ideas.De-icing IdeasDe-icing boots Rubber boots are attached to the front edges of wings on the plane. The aircraft inflates these boots with air to cause ice that remove ice that has accumulated on them. An unacceptable risk of using this method in MSP is that the system must be activated as soon as a before an large ice layer can form and hit other parts of the plane when it dislodges.Bleed air- In this method hot air from the aircraft engines is blasted on to the ice to melt it. Although this could melt ice very quickly the airport manager at MSP airports commented that integrating heating systems on to aircraft is not ideal for commercial planes because its expen sive.Mechanical Scraping/BlowingEmployees use brushes, or cloths to physically push ice off the aircraft. This method would be very easy to put into practice at MSP because the equipment the required is very cheap. But it is more likely that damage will be done to airplanes as the employees scrape ice so the resulting aircraft maintenance cost is could be very high.A propene glycol based de-icing fluid Propylene glycol is a popular de-icing fluid and is regarded as non-toxic, hence it was chosen for further investigation.Decision MatrixThe interviews that were conducted with the stakeholders highlighted that some customer needs are more important than others. Although the importance of some specific needs differed in each stakeholder group four needs were consistently rated as essential.These criteria were analysed in a decision matrix with calculation marks taken from Table 1Table 2- Decision Matrix which focuses on the alternative deinking methodsALTERNATIVESEthylene Glycol(Benc hmark)Propylene Glycol invisible + Propylene-glycolCriteria weight downwRatingScoreRatingScoreRatingScoreSafety5210420735Lifetime Cost4520520624Speed3515416618Environmental impact212510614Total14134718662591According to this decision matrix the best de-icing solution should be based on a combination of infrared and propylene glycol de-icers is the best as this alternative has the highest sore. The second best method would be to use an ADF which is based on propylene glycol rather than ethylene glycol.SELECTION OF IDEASA comparison of ethylene-glycol and propylene glycol based de-icing fluidsThe most freezing point depressants in aircraft de-icing fluids in the US are ethylene glycol (EG) and propylene glycol (PG). Because PG and EG have a similar lifetime cost, in this chapter the chemicals will be compared at a 50% concentration by volume in terms of their safety, de-icing speed and environmental impact because these are three of the most important needs the stakeholders.SafetyEth ylene glycol has a relatively high toxicity when compared to Propylene-Glycol. It has been classed by the US congress as a hazardous air pollutant (HAP), if 2268 kg or more escapes into the environment at bottom 24 hours users are obligated to report the event under the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCL). However propylene glycol is not classified as a HAP, and users are not required to inform CERCL if it is released.Both chemicals are said to be non-lethal if humans if they are voiceless in with air or adsorbed through skin. However, unlike PG, EG is toxic to humans and mammals if it is ingested directly. Even though PG it is regarded as non-toxic it is still a health hazard because it uses group O as it biodegrades which could cause some organisms to suffocate.De-icing SpeedThe freezing point of Propylene-glycol is -34oC which is slightly higher than ethylene-glycol which freezes at -37oC. This is one of the reasons why MSP airport still uses EG. Another is that a lower volume of antifreeze is required for EG to achieve the same freezing point depression as PG.MSP airport suffers severe weather extremes so it needs to use an ADF which is reliable, especially in extremely cold weather as this is generally when it takes longer to deice aircraftPropylene-glycols boiling point is 106oC whereas ethylene glycol has a boiling point of 102.2oC for ethylene glycol. In this case Propylene-glycol is the better choice because it can transplant heat to ice at a higher temperature than ethylene glycol. tidingsThere are some drawbacks with regard to using ethylene glycol as a de-icing fluid, especially concerning its environmental impact. But, overall EG and PG have a similar de-icing performance level.The Rate of Melting due to Heat Conduction AloneThe ADF is heated to 70oC before it is sprayed onto the plane, this heat simply will cause the ice to melt through heat conduction.The rate of this heating was calculated using equ ation 1a,1a)Where Q= is the heat flow rate in the X-direction in kJ/s, A is the area normal to the direction of heat flow in m2, dT/dx is the temperature gradient and K is the thermal conductivity of iceThe thermal conductivity of ice at -20oC is 2.39 W/mK, the area normal to the direction of heat flow is equal to the wing area of the Boeing 747 =541.2m2, the temperature change that occurs is (70oC- -20oc)=90oC and the thickness of the ice x is 0.01m.Hence the rate of heat transfer by the temperature of the de-icing fluid alone is2a)The sensible heat is kJ (App. 1, Eqn 12)The latent heat of fusion is 1652612.4 kJ, (App.1, Eqn 3)Summing the above gives the amount of het required to melt the ice on a Boeing 747 from a starting temperature of -20oC which isHence minimum time that it would take to melt the ice on the plane by heat conduction alone isThis is a very fast time, especially as according to the project brief, de-icing at MSP airport normally takes 10 minutes per plane. One re ason reason for this difference is due to the fact that the ADF fluid is not always in full contact with ice, only its bottom surface is. Additionally these calculations assume that heat transfer occurs over the whole of each wing evenly, which is not the case in real life because de-icing fluid is sprayed onto the wing in different locations systematically. A final cause of this difference could be due to the fact that snow has a lower heat conductivity, k, than ice and so any snow on a plane would lower the rate of heat transfer from the ADF.TOTAL SOLUTION TECHNOLOGYDrive-Through De-icingFigure 3 An illustration of the drive through de-icing technologyThe final design concept was to conduct de-icing operations as a drive through system.First the aircraft enters the Infrared hangar where and warm air blows snow of its wings whilst they are heated by infrared radiation for a typical duration of 5-10 minutes. Ice on the plane melts onto an inclined slope and the effluent is channell ed into the waste collection zone.Water is channelled through existing storm water pipes into infrastructure to the located under the floor of the spraying and waste collection area. The sewer water is pumped out and transferred by a truck into the airports detention ponds.When the wastewater has been removed compression plugs are removed and the plane moves into the spraying area. Here it is sprayed with propylene glycol for up to 5 minutes to help prevent any ice forming on it before takeoff.The propylene glycol drains into a separate area of the collection chamber and is pumped to a detention pond until it is due to be recycled. Finally the compression plus are reinstalled so the system is industrious to deice another plane.Recycling SolutionMinneapolis currently uses three Glycol Recovery Vehicles to collect wastewater. Using the IR facility eliminates the need to deice aircraft using glycol by around 90%, so no more of these vehicles will need to be bought if the new technolo gy is adopted. Also the airport has salvage capital costs by using their existing storm water drains to collect both glycol and storm water. These storm drains can and should continue to be used if MSP airport adopts the Drive-Through De-icing system to save cash and time during the installation of the new system. According to (Big book) Careful management of the retention systems enables the airport to collect abounding wastewater with high glycol concentrations to make glycol recycling/recovery economically viable. The majority of glycol which is recycled is sold to manufacturers who use it in other glycol-based products. abbreviation OF ECONOMIC VIABLITYRate of return on investment (ROI)3a)Payback Time3b)=2.5 yearsUnfortunately the payback time on the drive through de-icing method is not fast enough to satisfy the Airport Managers at MSP who expect a payback time of 1.5-2 years. A higher rate of return on investment would reduce the payback time so it would be wise to look into additional ways to reduce the cost of de-icing using this technology, and ways to improve its efficiency.Patent issuesBecause this total solution technology uses de-icing methods which have been used in industry previously, but it combines them in a unique way it is difficult to assess whether or not it can be patented. Moreover, it is expected that it would take a long time to patent the product even if it were possible because of its complexity and use of old de-icing ideas. The author has recommended that MSP airport consults a lawyer regarding these matters if they do not need to use the de-icing solution immediately. If MSP airport do need to use the technology immediately they might have to pay license fees to one or more patent owners.CONCLUSIONThe findings from this investigation have shown that the solution technology that MSP airport should use to improve its aircraft de-icing solution involves using infrared heating and a propylene glycol as a substitute chemical for eth ylene-glycol. The process is called the drive through method and the major advantages of this hybrid solution are that it meets the needs of its stakeholders by being safe, having a low lifetime cost, fast aircraft de-icing rate and low environmental impact. Evidence of this has been provided through a decision matrix and several mathematical evaluations.Unfortunately this solution has a payback time of 2.5 years, so research should be carried out to reveal how to make the annual rate of return on the investment higher. Finally, this hybrid system uses patented technology so MSP airport might have to pay licence fees for a number of years if it used the drive through method. However, after the payback period the annual saving of $70,844,300 per year outweighs any of these drawbacks.Further RecommendationsFind ways to cut the operating cost of the Drive-Through De-icing system as this will lift the annual rate of return that this technology provides. If the rate of return is high eno ugh the payback time will drop below 2 years and the airport managers in MSP will have this need fulfilled.Use hot air to blow snow off the aircraft in the IR hangar. This will help to melt the snow and ice too, however the cost of warmin+3.0g air may offset the benefit of a faster de-icing time. Nb, as shown by the weightings, w, in Table 1, the lifetime cost of the technology is more important that the de-icing speed that it provides.REFERENCESBooks and JournalsBird J.O., 2003, Science for engineering, pp. 205, Newnes, 2003, UKKetler P., Mosher M., Scott A., 2008, Chemistry The Practical Science, media enhanced edition, Cengage Learning, pp. 478, UKKotz J.C., Paul T., Townsend R.J., 2009, Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity, Cengage Learning, pp. 15, USATsokos K.A., 2010, Cambridge Physics for the IB Diploma, pp. 172, Cambridge University Press, UKSinnot R.K., 2005, Coulson and Richardsons Chemical Engineering Series Chemical Engineering Design, pp. 439, Butterworth-Heinmann, UKOnli ne ResourcesMSP Airport, 2010, About Us, http//, 24/10/2010RSS Weather, 2003, Minneapolis-St. Paul, http//, 23/10/10Airliners.Net, 2010, The Boeing 747-400, http//, 20/10/2010BBC, 25/10/2007, A380 superjumbo lands in Sydney, http//, 19/10/2010Energy Information Administration, October 2010, Electric Power Monthly, http//, 15/10/2010Wings Magazine, 2007, Infrared De-icing Giving glycol a run for its money, http//, 23/10/10APPENDICIESAppendix 1Specifications 2 -The case study aircraft and its ice coverageThe mass of ice on a plane was calculated using a worst case scenario, which was that one of the biggest commercial passenger planes the Boeing-747 (BBC, 2007) needed to be de-iced. It was assumed that the top are a of both its wings was covered by a 1cm thick layer of ice.Wing area (Boeing-747) = 541.2 m2Ice Thickness = 0.01mIce Coverage 100% of wing area(1)Density of ice, ice = 917kg/m3 (Kotz, 2009)(2)Specifications 3 -Heating DutyThe ice on the aircraft needed to be provided with enough energy to overcome its 333kJ/Kglatent heat of fusion, L, to melt.The amount of heat energy, Q, required to achieve this was calculated using Equation 3(3)(Bird, 2003)Specifications 4 The substitute de-icing fluidIn this section the volume of ethylene glycol and propylene glycol needed to deice a exclusive Boeing-747 will be calculated and compared. The metrics are based upon a 50% by volume solution of each chemical.Volume of Ethylene Glycol RequiredThe freezing point depression of an ideal solution is given by the formula(5)Where Tf represents the freezing point depression, m, is the solute concentration andKf represents the freezing point depression constant of water which is 1.86Kkg/ groyne (Kilter P., Mosher M. and Scott A. Andrew scott, 2008)The desired freezing point depression, Tf is 20oC because winter temperatures in MSP fall to that temperature, according to the project brief.(6)The number of moles of glycol required to achieve the freezing point depression(7)The chemical formula of ethylene-glycol is CH2OHCH2OHMr Carbon = 12, Oxygen=16, Hydrogen=1Mr ethylene glycol = 2*16+2*12 + 1*6= 62 g/molHence the mass of ethylene-glycol required per plane is(8)The density of UCAR ADF at 20oC is 8.9 lb/gal (US) (1.07 kg/L) (SAE AMS 1424 Ethylene Glycol-Based Type I Fluids varlet 8)Hence the volume of ethylene-glycol required is at least 408 US gallons(9)Because the de-icing fluid used in MSP airport is 50% ethylene-glycol and about 50% water, de-icing a single plane would need double the amount of ADF which works out at 6,184 litres.The cost of ethylene glycol per aircraftIn general the chemical components in de-icing fluids, such as water, have a total cost which is substantially les s than that of ethylene-glycol. Hence the cost of these components in de-icing fluid solutions as deemed insignificant and ignored.According to the airport manager that was interviewed the minimum cost of a gallon of ethylene glycol is $5 per US gallon(10)In MSP airport there is an average of 293 takeoffs per day from 5 de-icing pads (MSP Airport, 2010)Assuming that during the de-icing season in MSP lasts 157 days and every plane needs to be de-iced the annual cost of ADF is approximately(11)Sensible heat requiredAccording to the project brief winter temperatures in Minneapolis Saint Paul fall to-20oC. Ice must be brought to its melting point of 0oC before it can undergo a phase change from solid to liquid.Where Cp is the specific heat capacity of ice at -20oC which is 2 kJ/kg/K, (Tsokos KA, 2010), m is the mass of ice and T is the temperature difference(12)According to Wingsmagazine (2010) Ian Sharkey, the director of de-icing services, with Radiant Aviation Services stated that du ring an ice storm on March 15-16, 2007 his team had an average aircraft block time (aircraft brakes on to brakes off) of less than 43 minutes for large aircraft hence it was assumed that the Boeing 747 could be de-iced in this timeframe as well. This information was used to estimate the power that the IR deice would need to bring the ice on an aircraft from -15oC to 0oC in 43 minutes,(13)Latent heat requiredNext was calculated which is the power needed to melt the ice on the aircraft at 0oC in 47 minutes.(14)Hence the total power needed to melt ice on the aircraft in 43 minutes by using infrared deink technology, QIR is(15)To make the value of QIR more realistic some assumptions concerning the amount of energy loss, between the heat source and the wing were added. From this the extra power that the optical maser will need to give out in order to overcome the inferred energy lost as between the source and its destination (transport efficiency) and the energy lost due to reflection b y the ice on the surface of the wing (absorption efficiency) was calculated.Laser device efficiency, laser=0.33, Transport efficiency, transport = 0.75 Absorption efficiency, absorbtion =0.75The laser device, transport and absorption efficiencies reduce the amount of energy that heats the ice. This is called the efficiency loss, 1-i, and it was calculated as follows,(16)Hence,(17)Similarly,(18)Hence, the percentage extra energy, ,required to cover for these energy losses is(19)In real terms