Saturday, June 15, 2019

Choosing the right personal to work with the elderly and handicap in Essay

Choosing the right individualized to rick with the elderly and handicap in Assisted Living Facilities - Essay ExampleIt is for this power that the processes that go into the weft of people to take up the task of taking fretting of the elderly and handicap in our various care homes and institutions motive to be done with a very high level of precision, effectiveness and mastery. The process must never be done with the aim of just filling up vacancies. If this happens, square pegs sh both be used to fill round holes and this will cause a lot of inconvenience. Research has shown that the effect of wrong placement into vacancies for personal to work with the elderly and handicap results in a lot of repelling effect and fashions a viscous cycle. For instance the personal become prone to high levels of employee turnover because they find themselves unfitting to the task. The elderly and handicap also become affected in the sense that they become deprived from the basic care and supp ort that they need and this may affect their health and longevity. Administrators and managers of various home cares also suffer the consequences of employee turnover. 1.1 Problem Statement There is the specific need for the selection of personal to the shoes of elderly and handicap care givers to be well scrutinized, structured and monitored. The problem at hand therefore has to do with effective recruitment and selection for care givers to take up the social responsibility of taking care of the elderly and handicap. In the opinion of the looker, a well managed recruitment and selection exercise for personal as care givers would need to improved health and general longevity for the elderly and handicap in society and make such people more useful to society. It is for this need that the present problem is very important to be studied. 1.2 Rationale for the Research The present study will seek to eliminate all forms of incompetence and ineptitude in the social work department, esp ecially those that has to do with the care of the elderly and handicap. The rationale that was used to determine the importance of this study was godlike by recent reports on the impact that knowledge, skills and experience has on care giving for the elderly and handicap. In recent times, reports have been made of how the need to create employment has resulted in the recruitment of graduates into care homes when those graduates actually studied nothing about that field in school (Altman, 2001).). These researches have also outlined the expiry consequences of such acts. It is with the need to eliminate all these inadequacies that the researcher finds the current research very useful and important to undertake. By every indication, such as research would not just derive the inmates of care homes who will be assured of the best of care from competent professionals but the society in general shall benefit because these elderly and handicap shall become very useful integrated members of society. 1.3 Statement of the Research Objectives There is a general aim of improving recruitment and selection of personal to work with the elderly and handicap. To achieve this general aim however, it is important that certain specific objectives be set. The exploit of these specific objectives would constitute the eventual achievement of the research aim. The objectives are 1. To identify specific inappropriate practices that go on as far as the recruitment and

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