Monday, June 17, 2019

Management Seminar Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Management Seminar - Essay Exampleial scandals from the leading companies such as the Enrons, Worldcoms, Adelphia and Tycos over spending as well as distortion of accounting statements.SOX stipulate that thither should be several checks and balances in the companies to provide accurate financial record to the public. Financial officers atomic number 18 required to provide accurate financial statements that should be monitored by both internal and external auditors. For that reason, they are held accountable for their actions and lest there be any incorrect financial information, and then they are liable for high fines and imprisonment.This act very important to both the public and the companies as well, this is by dint of establishing a more energetic shareholders environment. The common public has more confidence that organizations bequeath non swindle their money as they are subject to federal regulations. It is due to this reason the firm financial officials have opted to su bmit accurate financial statements. As required by this act, any unethical actions in the organization should be punished employees, therefore, have been encouraged to report any wrong doings in the organization because it is the same act that will defend them.However, The Sarbanes-Oxley Act has been challenged by a number of negative aspects. Many companies have decided not to go public as they do not need to be SOX compliant if they are privately held. Once this Act was passed, many companies have become privately held, and some public companies have in addition removed their names from the stock exchange list. Moreover, the exercise has also proved to be very expensive the cost involved in hiring the qualified accounting, legal, and engineering expertise to support maintaining accurate records of the organizations financial statements is high. In addition, the maintenance fee that is required for this act has really squeezed the bottom-line profits of many organizations as some mid-size companies are unable to afford the fee

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