Monday, September 30, 2019

Fall in Love with Writing Essay

Fall in Love with Writing When I was a little girl, I always loved listening to my parents telling me wonderful fairy tales before going to bed, and reading suspense storiesï ¼Å'which had surprising endings that I could never guess right . On my sixth birthday, my mother gave me a lovely notebook with delicate packaging and told me that I could write anything on it, even create my own stories. I was so exciting about it. I stayed up all night trying to write an interesting story. Amazingly, I found myself enjoy writing so much and I couldn’t stop. That’s when I fall in love with writing. When I grew older, writing became one of my favorite things. Writing brings me not only joy, but also a lot of help in my life. When I feel bad, I write my feelings down, and put it away. This is my way of letting go of my negative emotions. I like creating a world that I can breathe in, a world full of imagination, a world with no pain and sadness, a world where I can escape from real life for a fleeting moment, relax and just be myself. Writing helps me think calmly as well. Sometimes it is more logical than speaking. It gives me a chance to clear my thoughts and make my mind organized. When I start writing, unbelievably, the whole world seems to become quiet where new ideas keep jumping out from my mind to my fingers. I can express myself and my beliefs better through writing. Most importantly, I can get to know so many beautiful words. I love the way the words come together when I write, how they can flow effortlessly, and how they can submerse me. After learning about the great writers in history such as Victor Hugo, Hemingway and Scott Fitzgerald, I started to realize how powerful words can be and how writing can represent our society and redefine the world. I love writing for the reasons above. Sometimes I just enjoy writing by the way my pen hits the paper, or the way my fingers tap the keyboard. I think writing makes me know more about the world and myself. It gives me a hand when I lost myself and stimulates me to see the truth, to discover both the beauty and how unpleasant our world can be.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Diabetes Mellitus Syndrome Chronic Hyperglycemia Health And Social Care Essay

Diabetess mellitus was described more than 2000 old ages ago, one time regarded as a individual entity disease impacting persons of higher socio economic strata but now even the person of lower economic strata are besides affected. It is a disease characterized by a province of hyperglycaemia ensuing from diversenesss of etiologies, environmental and familial playing jointly. By definition, diabetes mellitus is a syndrome characterized by chronic hyperglycaemia and perturbation of saccharides, protein and fat metamorphosis associated with absolute or comparative lack in insulin secernment and action. Harmonizing to WHO, there are two chief types of diabetes mellitus ie insulin dependant diabetes mellitus ( type I ) and non insulin dependant diabetes mellitus ( type II ) . Type II diabetes mellitus is a syndrome holding heterogenous and is associated with hazard of figure of complication like neurological, cardiovascular, nephritic, optic and musculoskeletal jobs. Out of these neurological and cardiovascular systems are normally affected. Diabetess is systemic upset of energy metamorphosis in which hyperglycaemia is the cellular opposition to the consequence of insulin or both. Diabetes affects both the cardinal and peripheral nervous system. Diabetic neuropathies are a household of nervus upset caused by diabetes. Peoples with diabetes can develop nervus harm throughout the organic structure. About 60 to 70 per centum of people with diabetes have some signifier of neuropathy. Peoples with diabetes can develop nerve jobs at any clip, but hazard rises with age and longer continuance of diabetes for more than 5 old ages. They appear to be more common in people who have jobs commanding their blood glucose besides called blood sugar. Type II diabetes is the most common signifier of diabetes and normally appears in center aged grownups. Approximately 60-70 % of type II persons develop diabetic neuropathy. It is frequently associated with fleshiness and may be delayed or controlled with diet and exercising. Diabetic neuropathy appears to be more common in people over 45 – 55 old ages of age. Causes: – Prolonged exposure to high blood sugar ( glucose ) can damage delicate nervus fibres, doing diabetic neuropathy. High blood glucose interferes with the ability of the nervousnesss to convey signals. It besides weakens the walls of the little blood vass that supply the nervousnesss with O and foods. Metabolic factors, such as high blood glucose, long continuance of diabetes and perchance low degrees of insulin. Neurovascular factors, taking to damage to the blood vass that carry O and foods to nervousnesss. Autoimmune factors that cause redness in nervousnesss. Clinical characteristics: – Functional instability Deep hurting most normally in the pess and legs Numbness Muscle failing Loss of sense of warm or cold Based on this Clinical characteristic that is functional instability, capable were evaluated with berg balance graduated table, incorporating 14 balance undertakings. Balance preparation to be an effectual agencies of forestalling falls in patients with diabetic neuropathy.1.1 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMThis is a survey on the effectivity of balance exercising in bettering balance in patients with diabetic neuropathy.1.2 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDYTo happen out the effectivity of balance exercising in diabetic neuropathy patients1.3 NEED AND SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDYDiabetic neuropathy or nervus harm is a reasonably common diabetes related complication, approximately 60 % of individuals with diabetes have some grade of neuropathy and it is portion of regular tests and showings in individuals with diabetes about all individuals with diabetes will finally hold some signifier of neuropathy. Complication from neuropathy can run from mild to severe symptoms can include buzzing, firing o r prickling paraesthesia in the pess and increased hazard of falling. In this survey Berg balance graduated table was used to mensurate balance by measuring the public presentation of functional undertakings. This survey measure the effectivity of balance exercising to better balance in patients with diabetic neuropathy.1.4 HYPOTHESISNULL HYPOTHESISThere is no important difference in giving balance exercising to diabetic neuropathy patient.ALTERNATIVE HYPOTHESISThere is important difference in giving balance exercising to diabetic neuropathic patient.1.5 OPERATIONAL DEFINITIONSDIABETIC NEUROPATHY:Diabetic neuropathies are a household of nervus upsets that are associated with diabetes mellitus. These conditions are thought to ensue from diabetic micro vascular hurt affecting little blood vass that supply nervousnesss. Neuropathy is a nervus upset that consequences in deformation of nervus map.TYPE II DIABETES:Diabetess mellitus type II once called non insulin dependant diabetes mellitus or grownup oncoming diabetes is a upset that is characterized by high blood glucose in the context of insulin opposition and comparative insulin lack. It is a chronic disease characterized by high degrees of sugar in the blood. It develops when your organic structure does non react right to insulin.Balances:The ability to aline organic structure sections against gravitation to keep or travel the organic structure ( centre of mass ) within the available base of support without falling.2.REVIEW OF LITERATUREa ) Reappraisal of literature related to diabetic neuropathyRENUKA DHARMADHIKARI ( 2007 )Mellitus is a common disease in people with about 50 % of type 2 diabetic patients being over 45 to 55 old ages of age. Insulin opposition is common in people, with big Numberss besides have impaired insulin secernment. Exercise with a peculiar accent on balance and stableness is an of import constituent of the direction and intervention of diabetic neuropathy patients.D. FEEDLE, G. CUCINOTTA, DA GREENE ( 2005 )A common complication of diabetics called neuropathy was determined in diabetic patients recruited from 109 out diabetic clinics. An i ncreased consciousness of the high prevalence of neuropathy can take to early curative intercession and possible bar of ulterior neuropathic complication such as infection and pes ulcer.ALI CIMBIZ, OZGE ( 2004 )Diabetic neuropathy disturbed particularly the balance on the dominant leg. Done with 60 voluntary grownups of both sexes from Kuhatya, Turkey were divided in to two groups. A type 2 diabetic neuropathic group ( DG ) and a non diabetic control group ( CG ) . The CG was selected to fit the diabetic features such as age, organic structure mass and sex. Standing on dominant, non dominant leg and functional range were used for the appraisal.STEFANO BALDUCCIAN, GIAN LUCA, LEOLCA PARISIC ( 2004 )Exercise preparation can modify the natural history of diabetic neuropathy. This survey suggests for the first clip that long clip exercising preparation can forestall the oncoming or modify the natural history of diabetic neuropathy.MARK J BROWN, JOHN R. MARTIN, ARTHUR K, ASBURY ( 1996 )Di abetic patients whose neuropathy was characterized by hurting and autonomic disfunction with loss of balance and saving of musculus stretch physiological reactions.YASUDA H DYCK P ( 1987 )Hypothesized that neuropathy consequences from diseased developments in the little vass in diabetes by the observation of thickener of the walls of endoneurial capillaries in the nervus of diabetic patients as a consequence of an accretion of periodic Acid Schiff.B ) Reappraisal of literature related to balance and diabetic neuropathyANN V. SCHWARTZ AND TERESA A. HILLIER ( 2001 )Peoples with diabetic had increased hazard of falling in their survey conducted in patients with diabetic neuropathy. Postural stableness is the of import factor to keep the balance which reduces the hazard of autumn. Diabetic neuropathy topics may lose their Centre of force per unit area information for commanding postural sway in stance stage of pace.HORAK FBB, DICKSTERIN R AND PETERCA R.J. ( 1998 )Concluded that diabetic patients with neuropathy show higher scope and root mean square value compared with those of control topics and diabetic patients with out neuropathy quiet standing balance was investigated in 24 diabetic patients with or with out neuropathy with eyes opened and eyes closed.DANIK LAFOND, HELENE CORIVEA AND FRANCIOS PRINCE ( 1998 )Motor schemes at the mortise joint articulation are altered in diabetic neuropathy patients in his work subjected for postural control mechanism during quiet standing in patients with diabetic neuropathy.BEVERLEIGH H PIEPERSA ( 1996 )Many as one in two people with type 2 diabetes finally develops a status of chronic nervus harm in their pess known as diabetic neuropathy. Diabetic are at greater hazards for falls when they have fewer centripetal inputs to counterbalance for the loss of experiencing in their pess. Closing your eyes, or walking a across a dark room will ensue in more falls. Even standing on one pes is harder for a diabetic to make with their eyes closed, but easier if eyes are unfastened.TABASSOM GHANAVATI, ALI ASGHAR ARASTOO: ( 1995 )Diabetic neuropathy patients seems to do postural instability which may impact quality of maps and activities of day-to-day life of these patients.ROTHWELL ( 1994 )Ocular vestibular and proprioceptive subsystem response to somewhat different perturbation in balance. The visuo spinal system controls both inactive and faster inputs with proprioceptive system which is besides Sensitive to faster stimulation.LORD ET.AL ( 1994 )A survey in Australia reported that hapless balance is a factor in the causal tract between diabetes and increase hazard of falling. Thus the persons with diabetes had increased organic structure Celsius ) Review of literature related to consequence of exercising programme on balance upsetEMILY SPLICHAL: ( 1996 )Diabetic neuropathy causes loss of distal strength and esthesis. Research has shown that diabetics with neuropathy are 15 times more likely to descri be falling or faltering in a one twelvemonth period. Research has proven balance preparation to be an effectual agencies of forestalling falls in patient with diabetic neuropathy. All balance exercising can be done in a patient place with small or no equipment.RICHARDSON J.K, SANDMAN D, VELA S.A ( 1995 )Focused exercising regimen improves Clinical steps of balance in patients with diabetic neuropathy. Participants are 20 topics with diabetes mellitus and diagnostically confirmed patient. Ten subjects underwent a 3 hebdomad intercession exercising regimen designed to increase quickly available distal strength and balance. The other 10 topics performed a control exercising regimen. The intercession topics but non the control subjects, showed important betterment in all 3 clinical steps of balance that is impedal stance clip, Functional range and tandem stance clip.vitamin D ) Review of literature related to berg balance graduated tableTRINA SMITH ( 2005 )Berg Balance Scale used to qua ntify the balance of patients with diabetic neuropathy. Twenty one female and five males were selected. Participants completed each balance trial one time during 2 testing Sessionss for that inter rates dependability was good for the BBS. The balance trial showed moderate to good dependability for this population. The BBS appear to be valid steps of motor ability to keep balance.GATEV ( 1999 )Balance trials have been developed and presented to obtain appropriate information of balance measuring. The choice of mensurating clip and stance conditions is indispensableALEXANDER ( 1996 )Balance trial have been developed and presented to obtain appropriate information of balance capablenesss during standing. Functional balance graduated tables are easy to execute and suitable for daily clinical usage that give more elaborate information about balance.BEIG ETAL ( 1995 )Berg Balance Scale in patients with damage of balance. It is a staff completed assessment graduated table of ability to kee p balance either statistically or while executing assorted functional motions to assist do determinations about the patients equilibrate degree, comprises 14 discernible undertakings common to every twenty-four hours life.3. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY3.1 REASEARCH DESIGNThis survey belongs to experimental design.3.2 Variables USED IN THE STUDY3.2.1 Independent variablesBalance exercising Medical intervention3.2.2 Dependent variableBalance3.3 Setting OF THE STUDY:Physiotherapy Rehabilitation Centre, Kannur3.4 CRITERIA FOR SELECTIONInclusion standardsDiabetess with a continuance of more than 5 old ages Type 2 diabetes with diagnosed neuropathy Persons between the age group of 45-55 old ages were selected. Both males and females wee included in this survey. Patients who reported atleast one autumn in the past 6 monthsExclusion standardsLower appendage amputation Patients with inability to walk without any assistive devices Patients with musculoskeletal damage Patients with neurological damage Diabetess with any other systemic engagement3.5 SAMPLE POPULATION30 Capable and 15 in each group3.6 METHOD OF SAMPLINGRandom Sampling Technique.3.7 METHODOLOGY30 Subjects are selected and divided in to two groups The process was explained to subject. GROUP A: Balance exercising with medical intervention GROUP B: Medical intervention3.8 Materials USEDRuler Two standard chairs ( one with a arm rests, one without ) Foot stool Stop ticker or carpus ticker Berg balance graduated table Outcome measuring by utilizing Berg Balance graduated table3.9 DURATION OF THE STUDY:Four hebdomads3.10 ProcedureThe topics were given balance exercising like inactive and dynamic exercising for five yearss for four hebdomads. Entire intervention clip was 60 proceedingss /session/ twenty-four hours with 5 minute remainder after every 15 proceedingss.Balance exercisingImprove balance by executing simple balance exercising. The individual leg stance is a really effectual exercising for bettering balance. This exercising can be modified balance stableness. The exercisings are categorized in to two different types inactive and dynamic of balance preparation.Inactive exercisingToe base Tandum base One – legged base Heel baseDynamic exercising in walkingToe walk Tandum forward walk Heel walk Tandum backward walk1. Toe base†¢ Stand about one and a half pess off from the counter. †¢ Raise up every bit high as possible on the balls of your pess. Your pess should be shoulder width apart. †¢ Try to remain every bit still as possible. Make non travel your pess around to keep balance. †¢ Hold the toe base for 10 seconds. Rest. Repeat 5 times.2. Tandem Stand†¢ Stand about one and a half pess off from the counter. †¢ Place one pes straight in forepart of the other pes so that the heel of one pes is merely touching the toes of the other pes. †¢ Try to remain every bit still as possible. Make non travel your pess around to keep balance. †¢ Hold the tandem base for 10 seconds. Rest. Repeat 5 times.3. One-legged BaseStand about one and a half pess off from the counter. Slowly lift one leg off of the floor, while keeping your balance with the other leg. Try to remain every bit still as possible. Make non travel your pes around to keep balance. Keep the one-legged base for 10 seconds. Rest. Repeat with other leg 5 times.4. Heel StandStand about one and a half pess off from the counter. Raise up every bit high as possible on the heels of your pess. Your pess should be shoulder width apart. Try to remain every bit still as possible. Make non travel your pess around to keep balance. Keep the heel base for 10 seconds. Rest. Repeat 5 times.Dynamic exercising1. Toe walki »? †¢ Go to one terminal of a hall and easy raise up every bit high as you can onto your toes. Walk down the hall on your toes. †¢ When you reach the other side, come down onto your pess and stand usually. †¢ Rest. Repeat 5 times.2. i »? Tandem Forward WalkTravel to one terminal of a hall and topographic point one pes in forepart of the other so that the heel of one pes touches the toes of the other pes. Walk down the hall in a tandem walk. It is of import that with each measure the heel of one pes touches the toes of the other. If you make a error, merely topographic point one pes in forepart of the other and go on down the hall. When you reach the other side stand usually. Rest. Repeat 5 times.3. Heel WalkTravel to one terminal of a hall and easy raise up every bit high as you can onto your heels. Walk down the hall on your heels. When you reach the other side come down onto your pess and stand usually. Rest. Repeat 5 times.4. i »? Tandem Backward WalkTravel to one terminal of a hall and topographic point one pes behind the other pes so that the heel of one pes touches the toes of the other pes. Walk down the hall in a backward tandem walk. It is of import that with each measure the toes on one pes touch the heel of the other. If you make a error, merely topographic point one pes behind the other and go on down the hall. When you reach the other side, stand usually. Rest. Repeat 5 times.i »?3.11 Measurement ToolBERG BALANCE SCALEThe Berg Balance Scale ( BBS ) was developed to mensurate balance among people with damage in balance map by measuring the public presentation of functional undertakings. It is a valid instrument used for rating of the effectivity of intercessions and for quantitative descriptions of map in clinical pattern and research. The BBS has been evaluated in several dependability surveies. 14 points scale designed to mensurate balance of the grownup in a clinical scene.4. DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPREATIONThe information collected was subjected to partner off ‘t ‘ trial separately for group A and group B utilizing expressions.Formula 1vitamin D = ? d/n Where, vitamin D = difference between pre trial and station trial values vitamin D = is the average value of vitamin D n = is the figure of topicsFormula 2: ( d-d ) 2 ( n -1 ) Standard divergence SD =Formula 3:Standard Error ( S.E ) = SD N ‘t ‘ calculated value = vitamin D S.EFormula 4:‘t ‘ cal = vitamin D S.E Where, t cal is the ‘t ‘ calculated value dI†¦ = mean of divergence n = entire figure of topics s = criterion divergence d? = amount of squared divergence4. Independent ‘t ‘ trialWhere S == Mean of Control group = Mean of Experimental group n1 = Number of Subjects in Control group n2 = Number of Subjects in Experimental group S = Standard Deviation Datas were collected from 30 patients analysed utilizing paired ‘t ‘ trial and Independent ‘t ‘ trial to happen out within group difference. All information was analysed utilizing SPSS version 10.0.Table 1DESCRIPTIVE DATA OF EXPERIMENTAL GROUPS.NoAgeYearSexual activityBerg Balance ScalePre-testPost trial1 48 Meter 37 47 2 50 Meter 38 45 3 46 F 36 46 4 45 F 36 45 5 49 Meter 38 47 6 48 F 35 46 7 49 Meter 37 48 8 50 Meter 37 47 9 48 F 39 48 10 48 Meter 38 47 11 47 Meter 36 46 12 50 Meter 35 46 13 49 F 38 48 14 46 Meter 35 46 15 49 Meter 39 47TABLE-11DESCRIPTIVE DATA OF CONTROL GROUPS.NoAgeYearSexual activityBerg Balance ScalePre-testPost trial1 47 Meter 38 41 2 46 Meter 38 42 3 46 Meter 36 41 4 47 F 37 37 5 48 Meter 35 37 6 49 Meter 39 42 7 48 F 39 42 8 48 F 38 40 9 50 Meter 36 39 10 49 Meter 37 40 11 46 Meter 38 41 12 45 F 37 40 13 47 Meter 36 39 14 47 F 39 42 15 49 F 37 41TABLE – II1DEMOGRAPHIC PRESENTATION OF SEXContentControlEXPERIMENTALMale 9 10 Female 6 5 Entire 15 15GRAPH- ISexual activity WISE DISTRIBUTION IN CONTROL GROUP AND EXPERIMENTAL GROUPThe above saloon graph shows, in control group 9 males and 6 females were selected ; and in experimental group 10 males and 5 females were selected.Table FourPRE TEST MEAN AND STD. DEVIATION OF BBS CONTROL AND EXPERIMENTAL GROUPGroup N ( No. of Subjects ) Mean STD. Deviation Control 15 37.33 1.234 EXPERIMENTAL 15 36.93 1.387Table VoltPOST TEST MEAN AND STD. DEVIATION OF BBS IN CONTROL AND EXPERIMENTAL GROUPGroup N ( No. of Subjects ) Mean STD. Deviation Control 15 40.27 1.67 EXPERIMENTAL 15 46.66 1.051GRAPH-IIMEAN DIFFERENCE OF BBS IN CONTROL AND EXPERIMENTAL GROUPInterpretation OF DATA:Statistical ANALYSIS OF BERG BALANCE SCALE IN CONTROL GROUP USING PAIRED ‘t ‘ TrialTable — VIGROUP CONTROL Mean South dakota T DF Sig t value Bulletin board system PRE 37.3 1.234 10.33 14 2.1447 Post 40.27 1.67Interpretation-Berg Balance Scale in control group-Above tabular array shows the mean of the pre trial informations for the control group as 37.3+_1.234 ( SD ) and post trial value as 40.27 ±1..67 ( SD ) . The deliberate T value is 10.33. It indicates that there is important difference between pretest and station values of Berg Balance graduated table in control group.GRAPH-IIIMEAN DIFFERENCE AND STANDARD DEVIATION OF BBS IN CONTROL GROUPInterpretation of informationsStatistical analysis of Berg Balance Scale in experimental group utilizing paired ‘t ‘ trialTABLE – SevenGroupMeanS.D‘t ‘dfExperimental Pre trial 36.67 1.54 27.04 14 Post trial 46.13 1.45 Interpretation – Berg balance graduated table Above tabular array shows the mean of pre trial informations for the experimental group as 36.67 ± 1.54 ( SD ) and post trial value as 46.13 ±1.45 ( S.D ) the deliberate ‘t ‘ value is 27.04 which is greater than that of table value. It indicates that there is important difference between pre trial and station trial values of Berg balance graduated table in experimental group.i »?GRAPH- IVMEAN DIFFERENCE AND STANDARD DEVIATION OF BBS IN EXPERIMENTAL GROUPSTASTICAL ANALYSIS OF BERG BALANCE SCALE OF PRE TEST VALUE USING INDEPENDENT T TrialTable EightEXPERIMENTAL AND CONTROL GROUP PRE TEST VALUE Mean South dakota T DF Bulletin board system EXP 36.93 1.39 1.83 28 CTRL 37.33 1.23INTERPRETATION-BERG BALANCE SCALECONTROL AND EXPERIMENTAL GROUP PRETEST VALUEAbove TABLE shows the mean of pre trial informations for experimental group as 36.933  ±1.39 ( SD ) the deliberate T value is 1.8310 and command group mean 37.33 ±1.3810 and calculated T value is 1.8310 for both experimental and control group. It indicates that there is no important difference between experimental and control group.GRAPH-VMEAN DIFFERENCE AND STANDARD DEVIATION OF BBS IN EXPERIMENTAL AND CONTROL GROUP USING INDEPENDENT‘T ‘ TrialSTASTICAL ANALYSIS OF BERG BALANCE SCALEPOST TEST VALUE USING INDEPENDENT T TrialTABLE – NineEXPERIMENTAL AND CONTROL GROUP POST TEST VALUE Mean South dakota T df Bulletin board system EXP 46.6 1.0521 12.6626 28 CTRL 40.27 1.6701INTERPRETATION- BERG BALANCE SCALECONTROL AND EXPERIMENTAL GROUP POST TEST VALUEAbove tabular array shows the mean of station trial informations for experimental group as 46.6  ±1.058387 ( SD ) the deliberate T value is 12.6626 and command group mean 40.27 ±1.6701 and calculated T value is 12.6626 for both experimental and control group. It indicates that there is a important difference in experimental group value than control groupGRAPH-VIMEAN DIFFERENCE AND STANDARD DEVIATION OF BBS IN POST TEST VALUES OF EXPERIMENTAL AND CONTROL GROUP USING INDEPENDENT ‘T ‘ Trial5. ResultEffectiveness of Control Group ( Medical intervention ) While comparing the pre-test and station trial values of control group utilizing Paired ‘t ‘ trial, the deliberate T value is 10.33 whereas the tabular array value is 2.145, it states that there is important difference between the pre-test and post-test values of control group. When comparing the average values of both, the station trial mean value is 1.67 which are greater than the pre trial mean value 1.234. Hence it confirms that there is a important betterment group. Effectiveness of Experimental Group ( Balance exercising with medical intervention ) While comparing the pre-test and station trial values of experimental group utilizing Paired't ‘ trial, the deliberate value is 31.8590646 whereas the tabular array value is 2.145. Since the deliberate value is more than the critical value, it states that there is important difference between the pre-test and post-test values of experimental group. When comparing the average values of both, the post-test mean value 46.6 which is greater than the pre-test mean value 36.933. Hence it confirms that there is a important betterment in post-test experimental group than pre trial experimental group.6. DiscussionDiabetess Mellitus is a Chronic status which encroaches about all the systems in the organic structure. Diabetic neuropathy is a complication of long standing diabetes, which affects nervousnesss of the organic structure. Diabetic neuropathy can impact all the tissues and the variety meats of the organic structure. Approximately about 60-70 % of the people with diabetes suffer from neuropathy and the oncoming can be at any clip in life. The incidence of neuropathy in diabetic patients increases with the period of diabetes. This survey was an experimental attack, which studied the effectivity of balance exercising in diabetic neuropathy patients. The result was measured utilizing Berg Balance Scale. It has been shown to a valid and dependable tool for the measuring of balance by measuring the public presentation of functional undertakings. The control group was given medical intervention and the patient besides given balance exercising in experimental group. Harmonizing to Shahin Goharpey, diabetic neuropathy consequences in functional instability which cause these patients to danger of falling during activities of day-to-day life and becomes more terrible as the badness of neuropathy aggravates. Balance exercising improves clinical steps of balance in patients with diabetic neuropathy. Loss of force per unit area sensitiveness was independently associated with the hazard of falling more than one time a twelvemonth and histories for 3- 6 % of relationship between diabetes and falling. Based on above survey, the present survey concluded that balance preparation to be an effectual agencies of cut downing frequence of autumn in patients with diabetic neuropathy.MechanismThe mechanism by which balance preparation affect the balance of diabetic neuropathy is due to, 1. During exercise whole organic structure O ingestion additions in the musculuss. 2. Addition in the concentration of Na+ / K+ adenosine triphosphatase ( ATPase ) pumps. 3. Exercise works to cut down insulin opposition which lowers blood sugar degrees. So heavy insulin opposition will set less strain on the organic structure to do insulin. 4. Exercise is helpful in keeping strength, mobility, map and besides provides stableness7. DecisionThe survey concludes that balance exercising seemed to be good in bettering balance and thereby cut downing the frequence of autumn in patients with diabetic neuropathy.LIMITATIONS AND SUGGESTIONSRestrictionStudy was conducted for a short period of clip. The survey assessed merely short term advancement of the patients. Since survey clip was short merely limited sample since could be considered for the survey.SuggestionTo set up the efficaciousness of the intervention a big sample size survey is required. To do the consequence more valid a long term survey may be carried out. The same survey can be done by modifying the exercising by increasing the complexness. The same survey can be done by increasing the exercising by its repeats. The same survey can be carried out in males and females individually.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Organizational Communication Unit 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Organizational Communication Unit 4 - Essay Example Perhaps the most fundamental of these is organizational culture† (National Defence University) Organizational communication and culture has definite relationships. It is easy to understand the communication processes in an organization if the organizational culture analyzed properly. Organizational communication is meant for the improvement of organizational life and its output. â€Å"Research in social psychology has demonstrated that people often act out the roles in which they are placed. Various types of symbols elicit this behaviour. Many difficult and abstract issues in organizations are shrouded in discussions of dress codes, employment and product advertising, annual reports, logos, titles, or other organizational symbols† (Rafaeli & Worline) All the above organizational symbols are directly or indirectly revealing the organizational culture. Apart from the parameters mentioned above, location of various offices of different authority levels, display items both i n and outside the organizations, space allocations for different entities of organization, different methods employed for communication, the tone of the languages used in employee communications - all have definite relationships with the organizational culture. Space management or space allocation is important for an organization since effective management of the organizational activities can be accomplished through the judicious utilization of space. I have worked in a tire manufacturing unit for about 5 years and have a better idea about the functioning of this organization with respect to organizational culture and communication. This organization has three separate divisions for the tire manufacturing plant. Division A was meant for the mixing purpose, Division B for the green tire building and Division C for curing process. Each division has lot of machineries and

Friday, September 27, 2019

Producing creative solutions to business problems Assignment

Producing creative solutions to business problems - Assignment Example It can be observed that majority of the problems leading to high turnover stem from lack of motivation. Repetitive tasks, low wages, lack of appraisal and low opportunity for growth reduce employee motivation. Staff therefore quit their jobs and move to other organizations that pay and reward them well. High turnover indicates that the organization is facing challenges with human resource management, more specifically, with employee retention. Therefore the solution to the problem will focus on designing new rewards and compensation schemes, training and development programs, and task design, which will aim at improving motivation and enhancing job satisfaction. It is suggested that managers motivate their staff by encouraging them, understanding their social needs, and acknowledging their efforts (Stoner, Robbins, Chaturvedi, Coulter, Hitt, and Manjunath, 2011). A rewards system is a great way to acknowledge an employee’s efforts. A ‘pay for performance’ model of compensation should be implemented based on which employees with higher performance will get higher rewards. The staff will be motivated to work more productively and this will increase the overall performance of the organization. At the same time, annual performance evaluation should be carried out each year. The evaluation will help in the identification of high performing employees as well as those whose performance has been below satisfactory. This way the organization can reduce its low performing staff and save its cost which can be invested back in the company. The performance evaluation will be followed by bonuses that will reward high performing staff for their efforts and performance. The distribution of bonuses will occur according to a pre-planned tier system that will highlight various performance levels with a certain bonus reward. Additionally, employees who perform very well will have chances

Thursday, September 26, 2019

A Research on Case Study of ARM Holdings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

A Research on Case Study of ARM Holdings - Essay Example It operates in a moderately high competitive industry with strong players such as Intel, Toshiba, Samsung, and others (Tibken, 2011). The Industry Life cycle indicates that it is still enjoying growth and would continue to do so for the next decade or so. ARM Holdings tends to follow a market penetration strategy in order to increase the number of ARM chips in most of the consumer electronics items. The company has appeared to be following a narrow differentiation strategy but it is not trying to appeal to broader segments. Its intelligent positioning in the market with its unique business model has allowed ARM to generate a stable stream of cash flows with royalties and remain at an advantage in the future of economic uncertainty. Furthermore, its competitive advantage of being designing energy efficient chips is most likely to provide ARM much advantage as energy efficiency and ethical consumerism become topics that are more prominent (Crossan, et al., 2011, p. 241). Introduction S ince the year 1990, the year in which it was founded, ARM Holdings has shipped over 25 billion chips to companies and customers all over the world with the help of its 250 partners. ARM has licensed them its chips over 750 times. With design centers in India, US, UK, Sweden, Norway, Japan, France and other countries, the company now distinguishes itself as the world’s leading semiconductor intellectual property supplier (ARM Holdings, 2012a). This paper is an attempt to conduct a strategic analysis of ARM Holdings by looking at its industry structure and strategies employed. The paper would do the same with the help of different tools and frameworks such as Porter Five Forces Model, Industry Lifecycle Model, Porter Generic Strategies, and others. This section of the paper introduced ARM Holdings and explained the rationale of the paper. The second section of the paper would conduct a brief analysis of the semi conductor industry in order to capture a glance of the industry en vironment. The third section or chapter would aim to explore the strategy or strategies employed by ARM Holdings and the degree to which they are a perfect match. Furthermore, the section would also present a few recommendations for future strategies that could be employed by ARM Holdings. The paper would conclude by commenting on the sustainability and viability of ARM Holdings’ strategy and business model in the future. Analysis of the Industry structure of Semiconductor Industry The semiconductor industry enjoys an interesting industry life cycle, which has been going back and forth between the growth and maturity stage. The semiconductor industry is such that new chips, designs, and models become obsolete or out of demand very quickly, sometimes that is only a few weeks (Kipley and Lewis, 2011, p. 36). Therefore, whenever companies launch a new model, they attain quick growth however; the model soon dies in terms of demand pushing the industry to maturity. However, just w hen the industry is about to be pushed towards decline, the players would come up with new designs or models in order to bring back

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Managing Diversity Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Managing Diversity - Research Paper Example Over the years, diversity management has emerged as an essential tool of the management to match the modern business environment where everything is changing. Change is essential to allow matching of present organizational resources to meet unlimited and changing needs through diversification of the various business strategies. Diversity calls for the reorganization of the organizational structures and other components that have an impact on the performance of an organization. Corporate executives seeking to regain a competitive edge need to do more than improve efficiency and tighten control by executing a fundamental change to transform systems firmly along with established inhibitive cultures. The internal, external and organizational components influence the organizational diversity and performance outcome within an organization. Critical Analysis The managers should lead the way for the establishment of improved business practices through interaction with peers in other countrie s. Such managers should establish elaborate audit mechanisms and accounting to enhance professionalism, as well as transparency. Managing an organization that has a workforce from diverse cultures is not easy. ... The idea of behind teamwork and motivation in the company is to increase employee and customer satisfaction while lowering costs. They execute the principle of teamwork by encouraging management team and employees to pool resources across all departments, and with end users and suppliers, to identify areas that need improvement. The control process should take into consideration factors such as code of ethics, standards, and statements of good corporate governance in their business operations and regulations (Bell, 2012). At present, the management team in an organization should be aware that both internal and external environments of the organizations are subject to change at any point of time, and hence the need for strategic management. It is important to have flexible legal provisions have removed hurdles in the regulation of businesses as well as the improvement of business standards. The legal and political frameworks have tried to help in managing business risks through harmon ization of existing regulations. It is important for international business operators have a broad understanding of culture, management styles, and cultural orientations in the country of operation. A manager working in a firm that has employees from diverse cultures should develop prerequisite attributes that will help in meeting business objectives. These qualities include; quality control, interpersonal skills, communication skills, organizational skills among others (Von Bergen, Soper, & Parnell, 2005). Quality control involves measuring the variations of actual performance from the regular performance, identifies the causes of such deviations, and recommends appropriate measures (Lauring &

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Urban tourism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Urban tourism - Essay Example In fact after WWII, Haiti was among the leading countries that had taken advantage of the international tourism that had aroused from the global economic restoration. This had created in Haiti an estimate of more than 60,000 direct and indirect jobs, contributed a 3.5% share to the country’s GDP, and earned an annual income of $50 million. (International Monetary Fund 34) According to Americas, during 1950s and ‘60s Haiti had been one of the strongest competitors in the tourism industry in the Caribbean (qtd. in Pawlowski 1). However, the development of tourism in Haiti has been historically lopsided and marred with many setbacks. Even during the most auspicious times, Haiti’s tourism has never attracted a significant portion of the total Antilles tourist market. Only Labadie on the northern coast has achieved consistent success, being the docking site of tourist cruises in the Caribbean (Lundahl 64). It was in Labadie where the Royal Caribbean Cruise Line has been landing in Haiti for nearly 30 years, without informing tourists that it is actually part of Haiti, instead referring to it as an ‘island’ on Hispaniola (Lazar, par. 12-3; Pawlowski 2). Furthermore, the worsened political and social instability since the ending of Jean-Claude Duvalier’s dictatorial regime in 1986 (Hudman and Jackson 134) plus the inadequate infrastructure needed by a flourishing tourist industry – the focus of Duvalier’s later investments, have greatly pulled Haiti’s tourism indu stry backward, leaving a mere 800 hotel rooms available for tourists by the latter part of 1990s (Street 5). After Duvalier’s fall, though Haiti’s political leadership remains unstable, the second ascension to Presidency of Renà © Prà ©val in 2004 has brought a slow yet better changes to Haiti, such as, a stabilizing Haiti’s political climate; a

Monday, September 23, 2019

Where The Five Functional Areas Of Network Management (FCAPS) Are Not Essay

Where The Five Functional Areas Of Network Management (FCAPS) Are Not Adhered To - Essay Example They also have committed to provide business to the tune of 100 seats in the next two year. The organisation also wants to setup offices across many cities out of US. Presently the system of the company x is not good enough to cater the needs of the customers and the company x is also facing some problems because it has not implemented the OSI application functions namely, fault, configuration Accounting performance and security management. Due to this the present system of networking management is facing the following problems: First the fault management in the company x is not working properly i.e. not providing clear and correct report about the incident/fault which has occurred and therefore the problem arises about identifying the fault and its source. In this way the system cannot priorities the fault, which has occurred and cannot be able to restore services on time and properly. Some Hardware faults to be handled instantaneously through replacement to restore services cannot be attended immediately. Due to fault in network, a user is immediately affected and the better services could not be provided to the users. The most common and serious problems of networks are connectivity failure, which are in the category of fault management. The network failure is caused more often by a node failure than by failure of passive links. When this happens all downstream systems from the interface are inaccessible. Such failures are associated with the network interface card, which needs replacement. The nod failures manifest as connectivity failures to the user. Another cause of network connectivity failure is procedural but very common. Network connectivity is based on IP address, which is a logical address assigned by the network administrator. The IP address in uniquely associated with a physical MAC address of network component. However mistakes are made in assigning duplicate IP addresses, especially in an enterprise environment with many system administrators. A host or system interface problem is a shared medium can bring the entire segment down. It becomes nightmare for the network manager to isola te problem without causing interruption is services. The intermittent problem could also occur as a result traffic overload, which would cause packets to be lost. Sometimes the management system indicates failure, when in actuality data traffic is flowing normally. Power hits could reset network component configuration, causing network failure. The network has a permanent configuration (default) and a dynamic configuration (runtime) and thus a performance problem could manifest as a network delay. The company is using LAN networking system, which is not sufficient for the organization. Because of connection through wires / cables and switches, it is not useful. So without proper network connecting Architecture, Company is facing lots of problems. Due to circuit - switch connection security of data and information has always been at stake. Security conscious clients always looking for more security proof network. Security plays a crucial role in deciding network architectures. Due to multiple servers at single location cannot fulfill the requirement of the organisation. Organisation had a network having lesser bandwidth and this creates lots of problem. The network used at a time by number of concurrent users for various applications and which takes longer response time and at times posting websites will be more than that of an organisation processing manufacturing orders. (Also the cost of the LAN system where

Sunday, September 22, 2019

My dream computer Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

My dream computer - Research Paper Example Thinking of a dream computer is a delightful experience. I have been at computers since long and have worked on several types of computers ranging from old Pentium-III computers to present day state of the art computers. One thing common to all these experiences is the wish for an even faster computer. But now it is not only a wish and dream it is a genuine requirement to do several different tasks that cannot be accomplished without this machine or at least may have consumed time that cannot be afford. Therefore, now it is extremely important to work out the details of a computer that can meet day to day requirement of various task discussed ahead. Being a student I have to complete college assignments that may require word processing, presentation, picture editing, drawing, worksheet and equations writing facilities along with simple website development software. Beside this for writing technical reports I use some CASE tools. Math assignments are required to be written in some spe cialized software. Entertainment support is inevitable and special sound and graphic equipment are needed to fulfill the requirements of latest games and videos. Internet support software and hardware also form part of the requirements for a dream computer. Software Requirement Beside Microsoft Office 2007 I prefer to use MathType software which a very convenient way to prepare math assignments. MathType can insert complex equations and provide a wide range of mathematical symbols. It is easy to use and provide excellent edit environment. These math equations cannot be written in Microsoft Office because they are not specialized software for math equations. Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Web Premium is an excellent student adobe suite which available from adobe at special 80% discount. This is an ultimate solution for all web site and photo editing requirements. The software is a bit complex and requires special training and tutorials to be followed for extend uses and some meaningful con tribution. This software require extra bit of processing power and system resources but it pays off and provide a good value for the money. CloneDVD is my favorite DVD player. It is excellent software which can play nearly all types of media files. It also provides the recording facilities and can run in the background. The software is not resource hungry and can be used while other heavy applications are still running at the computer. The online help and support can help in understanding the software, while routine updates can also be downloaded when available. Software Operating System System Requirements Price Math Type Microsoft Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows XP 12 MB free hard disk space. MathType is not RAM-intensive so listing its requirements is not necessary $78.02 Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Web Premium Microsoft ® Windows ® XP with Service Pack 3; Windows Vista ® Home Premium, Business, Ultimate, or Enterprise with Service Pack 1 (Service Pack 2 recommended); or Windows 7 Intel ® Pentium ® 4 or AMD Athlon ® 64 processor 1GB of RAM or more. Recommended 1280x800 display with qualified hardware-accelerated OpenGL graphics card, 16-bit color, and 256MB of VRAM $449 CloneDVD Microsoft Windows 98/98SE/ME, Windows NT/2000/2003, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 Intel CPU with 350 MHz and MMX, or AMD CPU with 450 MHz or higher 64MB RAM or more $69 Computers Researched I have researched three major brands in the market. All of these laptops can fulfill the hardware requirements and support the software discussed in Part-II of this report. The price difference is based on the features and may also be change slightly if some extra features or capabilities are appended to the hardware details provided in the excel sheet. I have finalized the emachine laptop which can fulfills all requirements and will meet the advance requirements for one year. The machine offers some good upgrade options and can be considered for an upgrade later on. The pric e of the computer is neither too high nor too low and falls under

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Pearl Essay Example for Free

The Pearl Essay The book – The Pearl, paints numerous lessons to several disciplines, but more in business because the whole story revolves the selling of the pearl and the way the different stakeholders acted through. Kino the main character, together with his wife sets out to find a pearl to get money to treat their son Coyotito who has been bitten by a scorpion. They find a big precious pearl that changes the whole goal, from treating the child to educating him, buying a rifle, and improved life standards. This was quite too ambitious and so it was difficult to reach it. The pearl gives us the two perspectives about the nature of human beings. The virtuous type of people who have love and concern, especially for their family unit and their neighbourhood and those types of people who only focus on getting richer in spite of the means they use to amass property. At the beginning of the story, Kino is an innocent contented father who cares for his family in the best way possible (Steinbeck, Wagner-Martin, and Orozco, 1994). One point that demonstrates this is when Kino closed his eyes to listen to the song of the family song that was playing in his mind Steinbeck, Wagner-Martin, and Orozco, 1994). At the time his boy is stung by a scorpion the neighbours showed concern. On the other hand, human nature also has a weakness, of focusing on gaining wealth and not relation. The very first picture is the one portrayed by the doctor who never visited them but concentrated on the rich families only. As the story progresses we see the vulnerability that exists in all people, as Kino changes from an innocent loving husband to a criminal because of wanting to be rich. Here the doctor too shows the self-centeredness of people never minding, even if the lives of others are in danger. Coyotito could die but the doctor fist wanted money before treating him. These are the two major facets of human life. This book is also very important for all entrepreneurs and established business people. All business ventures are aimed at getting wealth but business ethics calls for a balance between relating with people well and getting money from good and genuine business deals. The book centers on the greed among business men, which will make them, use unscrupulous ways of getting wealthy, a practice that is very much against business ethics. Among these are middle men who get rich from trading with poor people, giving them so little as their returns for the hard work they have done. Kino represents the poor who work had to see their dreams, such as healthy and decent lives for their families, and education for their children (Steinbeck, Wagner-Martin, and Orozco, 1994). The middle men are the traders who had links abroad, who wanted to buy the pearl at a price that is not worth represent these greedy oppressive middlemen. It is also against business ethics that people should forget the corporate social responsibility and get imprisoned on the dehumanizing effects of gaining wealth. Kino turned away from his neighbours, and he too focused on providing materially for his son rather than keeping focus on emotional needs as material needs follow suite. Thinking about corporate social responsibility, this story evidently paints the existence of business men and organizations, which will not see the society, which is their target market as important stakeholders that need respect, but stepping stones to get richer. The pearl fortune that came Kino’s way did not add value to his community, but made him almost an outcast of the same community. Any business venture must have the characteristics of trustworthiness. In this, businesspeople must be honest and uphold integrity or possess fidelity in all things. The pearl buyers contributed to the crumbling of Kino’s dreams by not offering to buy the pearl at good price. In business too, people should always be responsible; in pursuit of excellence they should not be too ambitious and greedy. Kino’s was over ambitious amidst an oppressive society that would not allow him get the much he wanted from the pearl. Growth is always in small steps and Kino would have accepted to grow in wisdom from the little that he was offered. Business also muss bear the greatest sense of justice and fairness. This is to say that every procedure should be fair, have equity in all cases and impartiality in dealing with people of all lifestyles. Consistency and equality characterizes this point. The doctor neglected the poor people and wouldn’t do his business with them. This is clear because he only came to visit Kino to treat Coyotito because he knew the pearl would pay him. Every business venture must also show the caring attitude towards the people. In this story we see Kino slowly putting his whole self and might to the pearl forgetting that he should care for the family. Business and organizations should also value civic virtue and citizenship, which is aimed at looking at how the country as a whole will benefit from the company or the organization’s venture. They should therefore abide by the law, offer services to the community community services, and to endeavor in protecting the environment. In the Pearl’s case, every one eyed the pearl for their own purposes. Kino’s attackers wanted to get the pearl from him in unlawful means; Kino solely wanted the peal to benefit his family and had no plans to benefit the entire community, to level best of his ability (Steinbeck, Wagner-Martin, and Orozco, 1994). The story also shows that that those people biding for the pearl had no respect, a fundamental thing business or corporate world. In chapter four, when Kino was selling the pearl, some looked at it and rejected it as a mere oddity. The book, upon careful reflections gives us the idea about the virtuous, and the un-virtuous human nature. It also shows us specific values such as integrity, respect, contentment, community justice and impartiality, and good citizenship. By using the style of portraying a people who do not value business ethics, the book enforces in its readers a strong sense of corporate social responsibility.

Friday, September 20, 2019

What have we learned from obedience to authority

What have we learned from obedience to authority Within society, obedience to authority is an essential part of human behaviour. Without this behaviour, it would be difficult for society to function properly. Obedience to authority is used during different social settings. Examples of this would be, university lecturers having authority over their students, and parents having authority over their children. Although obedience to authority is essential, it also has issues, which cause conflict within society. Stanley Milgram conducted a series of experiments, raising awareness of how this behaviour is necessary in life, yet how conflicts can lead an obedient to follow a command from a high authority. This can cause an act of cruelty, such as murder on innocent victims. His main reason for conducting these types of experiments was to understand more about the Holocaust, and as a Jew himself, the reason behind why the Nazis caused such destructive behaviour due to obedience. (Benjamin Jr Simpson, 2009). Stanley Milgram (1963), developed a shocking experiment that was set out to look into obedience to authority. Male volunteers took part in an experiment in which they believed they had to shock another participant, (which in fact was an actor) from another room. The volts started at 15, all the way to 450. Every time they answered a question wrong, the volunteer had to give an electric shock. A voice recording of distressing behaviour was played as the voltage increased, making the volunteers believe the other participant (actor) was in serious discomfort. Some of the volunteers felt uncertain about participating further in the experiment, but when the scientific researcher used prods such as please continue, and it is absolutely essential for you to go on (Stanley Milgram, 1963, p 374), the majority of the volunteers would obey his commands, and proceed further. Although a few volunteers refused to participate once hearing the distressing behaviour on the tape recording, 65% of the volunteers continued to the end of the experiment. This obedience experiment has had a huge impact on ethical, personality and social psychology issues within scientific research and society. Milgrams (1963) experiment, has been proven to be one of the most influential of scientific research (Benjamin Jr Simpson, 2009), but it has also caused a lot of controversy on the grounds of ethical issues. Milgrams (1963) article expresses how his participants were subjected to extremely distressing behaviour throughout the experiment, such as trembling and stuttering (p.375). Diana Baumrind (1964) critised Milgrams experiment due to the lack of involvement of ethics, deception and informed consent. She explained that this behaviour experienced by the participants could lead to other future issues, such as the inability to trust anyone, low self-esteem/image and possible psychological harm. In Milgrams 1964 article (as citied in Benjamin Jr Simpson, 2009), he argued Baumrinds criticism by gathering data from his experiment, that provided high percentages of what people thought of the experiment, for example, they learnt a lot, and that more types of these experiments should be do ne in the future. The participants were also debriefed after the experiment, to make sure that the volunteers had not been subjected to potential harm. (Milgram, 1963). Milgrams obedience studies have had a huge impact on scientific research, so much, so that his experiments are not allowed to be replicated within scientific research. This is due to the changes in ethical guidelines. Many psychologists believe that Milgrams experiments are responsible for these ethical changes (Benjamin Jr Simpson, 2009), in order to protect the participants from potential harm when taking part in any form of scientific research. Although Milgrams obedience studies had an impact on ethics, is also impacted personality within scientific research. It initially focused on looking at internal explanations of individuals personality traits, such as their mood or attitude in which caused their behaviour at the given time of the situation. However, in the 1960s, due to political and social changes, it shifted to situational and environmental explanations. This therefore focused on how an individuals personality differs depending on the situation they are in, instead of just their internal characteristics. (Benjamin Jr Simpson, 2009). During the 1960s, Walter Mischels (as cited in Benjamin Jr Simpson, 2009) studies were the most modern and relevant to this shift from internal to situational explanations, in finding evidence that individuals personality traits had little affect on the outcome of their behaviour. It further developed in the 1970s by introducing the person-by-situation interaction, which looks at how people react or respond given the type of situation they are in, having more of an impact on how scientific research is viewed on the grounds of personality. (Benjamin Jr Simspon, 2009). Another impact on Milgrams studies for scientific research was social psychology. In the 1950s social psychology was studied by examining how different social situations could have an influence on how individuals behaviour changes (Benjamin Jr Simpson, 2009). Asch (as cited in Benjamin Jr and Simpson, 2009), influenced social psychology within Milgrams experiments, due to Aschs work conducted on conformity, which examined the power of a situation. Milgrams studies has also had an influence on further research, such as Zimbardos prison experiment, which examined conformity and also obedience (Zimbardo, as cited in Benjamin Jr and Simpson, 2009). The impact of social psychology has manipulated the way experiments are now conducted within scientific research. Before Milgrams obedience studies, many experiments were conducted in laboratory settings with high experimental realism, therefore not many experiments were conducted within real life settings, thus having a low mundane realism. (Benjamin Jr Simpson, 2009). Due to his studies, there has been a shift in how research is conducted, and there has also been changes in IRB rules and regulations, therefore allowing more experiments to be examined in real life settings, rather than laboratory settings. In laboratory settings, individuals are likely to follow researchers orders, due to believing they are of a higher authority. In addition, what they are wearing could have an influence on their behaviour, such as wearing a white lab coat. By conducting these experiments in real life settings, the research findings will have a higher ecological validity than of those in laboratory settings. (Benjamin Jr Simpson, 2009). Milgrams studies have also affected society. During the Holocaust, the Nazis said they were not responsible for the killings and destruct they caused as they were just following orders (Benjamin Jr Simspon, 2009). In March, 2010, a French game show replicated Milgrams experiment called the Game of Death (Chazan, 2010). This proved that 80% of participants continued to the end of the game, due to pressure off the audience members and commands from the presenter. Due to ethical issues from Milgrams studies, individuals are now aware of their human rights, and entitlements in life, for instance, choice of medical treatment. So, why do people still obey in society? As children we are learnt to obey from our parents and not disobey, therefore making it easier to obey someone of a high authority. This impacts personality and social psychology, as it suggests that the power of the situation is more likely to have an influence on an individuals change in behaviour. The impact on personality within society is manipulated dependent upon the situation, and not due to personality traits from upbringing. Having a structured situation, for example, hospitals, there is less likely to be changes in personality due to feeling safe, as the doctor is of high authority and can be trusted, than of unstructured situation such as the game show. (Benjamin Jr Simpson). People of high authority are aware of their influence within society, and are therefore not allowed to influence individuals, but who is believed to be of high authority? Milgrams studies were conducted in lab settings, thus proving he is of high authority, but in the game show the high authority seems to be the audience and presenter, suggesting the power of the situation impacts individuals behaviour. In conclusion, due to the impact of ethical, personality and social psychology within scientific research and society, Milgrams studies seemed to have more of an effect on scientists than members of society. Due to huge concerns on how he conducted his experiment, many things have been changed on the grounds of ethical issues, in order to protect participants. Also due to the nature of his experiment, it cannot be replicated, meaning further research on obedience is not allowed to be conducted. Even though Milgrams experiment has had an influence on these scientific changes, it has not seemed to have much of an influence on society. This is because people are still obeying orders off people they believe to be of a higher authority, for example, terrorist attacks, and people in the war, where acts of cruelty is caused, therefore thousands of innocent victims are dying.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Romeo And Juliet Essay :: essays research papers

Romeo and Juliet Essay There was action and there was tragedy, but put it all together to make the perfect comedy and a perfect tragic story. William Shakespeare wrote the play Romeo and Juliet, said to be the finest written play in history, for its originality and it's many plots. This story will take you through a lot of mixed emotion and will show you what a true feud is. This story is laid out perfectly because of its true holding and both family's passion for their children. William Shakespeare wrote the story to show how Romeo and Juliet's love for each other will show their youth and immaturity. Their over reacting cost them their life. At such a young age they thought they could never love another being again, and so, " A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life."(Act one scene one) The Capulet's and the Montague were the " Two households, both alike in dignity, in fair Varona".(Act one scene one) They were what separated Romeo and Juliet for their love for each other. Due to the fact that the two households were in this feud, Romeo's family would not allow him to be with Juliet because she was a Capulet, and he was a Montague. Juliet's family also would not let her be with Romeo because he was a Montague. Romeo and Juliet get married without the consent of their parent, and without them knowing. The only way Juliet could be with Romeo is to either die or run away. Unfortunately things backfire when Juliet is forced to be married to man of her fathers choice, when Romeo was banished for killing Tybalt. After that point things get tough for Juliet and she makes a plan to be with Rome and she takes a sleeping drug. When Romeo doesn't get the message that it is just a sleeping drug he goes to Varona and gets a deadly drug and drinks it next to Juliet 's death bed, knowing that it will soon be his to. As he is drinking it he said "O you the two doors of breath, seal with a righteous kiss a dateless bargain to engrossing death"(Act five scene three), he drinks the drug as Juliet is waking up, she finds him dead next to her and kills herself to be with Romeo once again, forever this time. Age was not a real big deal back then so when they were to get married or made to reproduce they did it under their parents authority.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Music as Clay :: Composers Musical Essays

Music as Clay In our study of Bach, we have seen how he was able to take traditional, sacred texts and write accompaniments for them that capture the meaning of those texts in a very unique way. Bach had the power to write music that was so expressive that it could actually make the listener feel what the text was saying. This power of Bach's music is often overlooked in our society, because the modern human culture it quick to judge the beauty of music. By doing this, we fail to hear the truths Bach wrote. The following is a close study of how Bach was able to combine text and harmonies in one specific movement of his Cantata No. 78 to express certain messages. Bach's tenor aria (movement 4) in Cantata No. 78 is a good example of how Bach uses the expressive power of text, harmonies, and instrumentation to speak to his audiences and really say things through his music. This way, he was able to make music not only more powerful, but more accessible. One way Bach uses Movement 4 to speak to the audience is through the form and tonal structure of the piece. Movement 4 is a binary aria with the text split evenly into a three-line A section and a three-line B section. The opening ritornello is in g minor, and the piece stays in g minor until the last cadence of the A section. The second ritornello is in Bb major followed by the B section, which moves from Bb major through many other keys and eventually ends up back in g minor. Then the final ritornello is also played in g minor. The form Bach has chosen seems, from the conventions mentioned by Crist, to be an irregular form for the text given. It is a very short text that could easily be repeated in the da capo form, but Bach must have chosen this form for another reason. Perhaps he was trying to accentuate more on the meaning of the words rather than portray its poetic sound. The actual meaning of the words do not really seem to fit well with a da capo form. The first three lines talk of how Jesus makes the heart light and the spirit free. Thus, a freer style makes sense. Also, the last three lines talk of how Jesus brings victory over the "Lord of Hell", so ending the song after that last line can somehow be paralleled to the victory.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Smacking of Children should be banned by Law :: Child Abuse Violence

I firmly believe that the smacking of children should be banned by law. For me, there is no real debate in this matter. Many parents abuse the right to smack their children, which can lead to severe consequences. Children grow up copying and learning from their parents from a young age. If parents drink and smoke, their children may want to copy them. If parents smack, their children will think that it is acceptable to be violent and will be more likely to smack their own children in the future. Surely the main consideration in this case is that, if parents choose to smack their children they are damaging them, not always physically but definitely psychologically. I don?t believe that smacking is in any way acceptable, as the smallest bit of violence against children could cause them to use it themselves when they are older. Today, the law states that parents are allowed to hit their children as long as they leave no mark, graze or bruise. There are constantly cases in the media, involving the abuse of the right to smack children in Northern Ireland. This is because parents have been abusing this right more frequently in the past couple of years. I believe the reason for this is that most children have been exposed to violence in their homes, which has led them to be violent in their future. It is a vicious circle. Also, by beating children we are telling them that it is acceptable to smack, which will create more violence in the future, therefore making the matter worse. In dealing with this issue can we ignore the fact that there is no debatable reason why it shouldn?t be made illegal? In everyday life, violence doesn?t need to be used to control children?s behaviour. Most parents say that they use smacking as a way of controlling their children when they are disobedient. For example, if a child kept reaching for an open fire even when they are repeatedly told not to by the parent, the parent would eventually resort to smacking the child. I think the better alternative to this situation would be to buy a fire guard. This way, the child would learn that the fire is out of bounds in a non-violent way. I believe smacking can affect children when they become adults in two ways. They could disagree with smacking their own children because they didn?

Monday, September 16, 2019

Human Relations Essay

Human relation is a thread which connects one human being with another. Such relations help us identify our position in society with respect to people around us. These relations provide ways to expose the hidden anthropological factor in all humans. Our appearances whether physical or emotional are often deceptive as they do not necessarily reflect true intentions. Studying human relations involves understanding the subconscious human thinking that influences our motivations (Henderson 17). The following essay deals with the importance of inter human relations on human growth and success. Keywords: social, interaction, people, relation, existence, communication, failure, understanding, business, knowledge, motive The evolution of human being from an unthinkable ape to a thinkable animal is a noteworthy phenomenon. We have learned, demonstrated and understood that man is a social animal. Several qualities which are dormant in him come to surface when man is exposed to similar creatures and situations which stimulate his brain cells. Communication capabilities and successful interaction with one another has made him share ideas and commodities for fulfilling his requirements since ancient times. Human existence is itself a struggle against our environmental conditions. To gain all that can be gained, to achieve all that can be achieved and to conquer all that can be conquered is the motto of human living today. Demand for success in every deed has become an inseparable aspect of human efforts. Man has tremendous potential to carve path for himself and achieve phenomenal success. We have known great people such as Edison, Newton, Einstein and many more who have stood rooted against all odds and such is their success that their names are at the tip of our tongue. It should be noted that although individual survival is possible but growth and success are fairly dependent upon establishing and maintaining human relations. For instance let us consider the case of a businessman trying to market a product to boost his company sales. Substantial improvement in productivity can be viewed with apt co-operation from people in various departments such as those concerned with product delivery, packaging, costing, advertising and ultimately the customer. A splendid combination of co-operation from everyone involved needs remarkable communication and a good understanding amongst participants. A failure in this will always have quantifiable repercussions on the businessman’s attempts to run his company. One also has to understand that entire chain of activities needs a wise action plan and wishful involvement of people. â€Å"It is a known fact that businesses become more effective as their employees become better adjusted emotionally† (Henderson 16). Maintaining an excellent rapport by keeping healthy human relations is significant for the success of every individual involved. As rightly suggested by Huczynski, human relations have the power and ability to firmly hold entire industrial society which was once considered a shaky fabric. This was considered possible because of inherent human desire for intimacy and predictability in day to day activities (127). We also know that unity adds strength. Unity arrives from strong bonding amongst a group of people. These strong bonds can be maintained by keeping good human relations. Maintaining good human relations facilitates co-operation and increases our power even as an individual. A good ensures support during adversities. Personal growth carries different meaning to different people. Few may find substantial growth and happiness in group work whereas some others may find it easier to tread their paths alone. Success and personal growth do not come on their own accord. They demand involvement, hard work, determination and perseverance. Success in certain field also requires knowledge of subjects from some other areas which are to be acquired with help from other people. This involvement from other people can only happen if a good quality of interpersonal relationship exists among them. Improper human relations create huge communication gap and dampen a person’s motivation and urge. What exactly is personal growth? Expanding our dimensions of knowledge and understanding without any involvement with others is nearly impossible. A bad relation stems from selfish motives, insufficient understanding between people and it often leads to conflicts. Such conflicts cause mental instability and are a major reason for war. A person is said to grow when he/she grows not only physically but also psychologically and spiritually. Let us understand this with the analogy of plants. A plant cannot grow on its own. Through years it has developed relations with sun, soil, water, fertilizers, oxygen, other plants for pollination, etc which are all essential for its growth. Same is the case with humans. The crux of entire discussion lies in attempting to focus on best possible human relations. A good human relation is very essential for individual growth and success. A good relation nurtures happiness, promises satisfaction and opens new horizons for success. As Butler-Bowdown writes about Covey; until one can understand others’ way of seeing, one cannot be truly successful. Personal growth isn’t always about doing something new but about doing something in new light and learning to see world with other’s eyes (93). An exemplary shift in human relations triggers personal achievements at a high level!

CELTA Assignment: Southern Cross Teacher Training

Southern Cross Teacher Training Cambridge University CELTA Skills Assignment |Name |Submission date |Word count | | | | | |Signature to confirm the assignment is your own work | | | These are the criteria by which this assignment is assessed.Before submitting the assignment, double check to make sure you have specifically addressed each area of assessment sufficiently. |Criteria |Trainer Comments | |Correctly use terminology that relates to language | | |skills and sub-skills, e. g. make sure a task you | | |design and name as skim reading is indeed a skim | | |reading task. | | |Relate task design to language skills development, | | |e. . make sure you provide a rationale for each task| | |(e. g. why is the initial task a reading for gist? ). | | |Find, select, and reference information learnt about| | |skills development from one or more sources. | |Use written language that is clear, accurate and | | |appropriate to the task. | | | | | | | | | |Pass 1st submission | Resubm ission required | | | |Fail | | | | | | | | | | | | Skills Related TasksSection 1: Justification of text The text that I have chosen, a critical review of ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2’, has the potential to be hugely engaging and I could create a very interesting and enjoyable lesson based from it. The film itself is very dramatic and universal to all audiences, and the text depicts this clearly. This allows learners to read the language on offer and use the video trailer in the lead-in as contextual background.Using a film review format, a format that the learners will be familiar with, means that there will be greater focus on the reading skills of the learners, as they maybe put off by an unknown format, such as a legal document or medical journal. In addition the format of a film review is one that all learners would have seen before in a ‘real-world’ context and therefore understand the purpose and delivery of this text. As the film is recent and the whole series of films and books are a worldwide phenomenon, learners may appreciate the relevance and understanding of the basic plot and characters in the film.This maybe an advantage than teaching a previously unknown book or film as extra class time may be required to explain the synopsis and context to the learners. As a film review, the text is specifically designed to inform and entertain the general public about the film in question. This means learners will hopefully enjoy reading the text and will be interested to find out the opinion of a professional film critic, and perhaps compare that to their own opinions of the film.I will get the learners to use their own opinions of films by asking them to write a film review of their own. The learners can use the given text as a film review model so that they know what sort of lexis, register and structure to use for their productive task. This task will allow for free practice, however with a modeled example and a lso practice on forming critical opinions. Section 2 – A means of developing receptive skills and sub skills I will be trying to develop the learners’ reading skills.I will vary the activities so sometimes they maybe reading for certain facts, or reading in depth for a full and detailed understanding of the text. The first task I will give the learners will be a simple and straightforward ‘gist-task’ where learners have to confirm their predictions they made in the lead in task. Learners will be reading for specific information so may not read the full text in detail. This type of ‘gist-reading’ or reading for basic understanding will hopefully get the learners engaged in the text and get them understanding the context of the text.Reading for pre-defined material is another subskill that I could use this text to develop, as Harmer states in Practical English Language Teaching[1] how vital â€Å"extensive reading for the development of our stu dent’s word recognition† is. He thinks that â€Å"students need to be involved in both intensive and extensive reading† and hence the reason why the gist task I have chosen focuses on extensive reading and the detailed task does so on intensive reading.I would ask learners to read again and set some basic comprehension questions, perhaps in a true/false format or multiple-choice format. They will then have the opportunity to confirm this by pair comparison and open class feedback, accompanied by delayed error feedback. Using both types of reading techniques helps to improve both types of reading skills, which is something that learners will need for practically using English outside of the classroom. For a lead-in to this text I would initially show the class the trailer of the film.This will give a good engaging context to the lesson and all learners, irrespective of those who have seen the film, are on a the same level of pre-existing contextual knowledge. This means a greater focus on reading skills and language can occur, rather learners being confused about the plot and characters. I could perhaps use the trailer to elicit predictions form the learners about what happens in the film. I would then go on to elicit predictions about the success of the film and whether it was it would get a positive or negative review.Learners will then be thinking about their own opinions of the film and would find an authentic film review very useful to compare their own ideas. This would then lead straight into me handing out the text and asking learners to complete the gist task. This lead-in should aim to get learners thinking about Harry Potter and then subsequently on the topic of film reviews and critical opinions. As this document is a published in an international newspaper there are a few words that will need clarification for intermediate learners.I plan on highlighting five previously unseen words that are crucial for understanding of the text and not possible for their meaning to be deducted from the context. Only after the gist task will I go to elicit the meanings from these words, perhaps using antonyms, connotations or example sentences, as most of the complex lexis in the text are adjectives. Using these type of methods to clarify meaning I will hopefully be able to increase the knowledge of the learners while giving the learners a higher level of detail in their comprehension.For example I would have to clarify the meaning of ‘grim’. In order to do this I explain it was the antonym of happy/cheery, it is usually meant to describe desperate/bleak situations, and show an example sentence such as â€Å"it was a grim situation when the engine stopped†. If the learners were having further problems with the lexis other than the five specific words, I would write some synonyms on the board. This will allow learners to be able to understand the entirety of the text as well as expand their vocabulary.Th e varied comprehension activities that focus on developing different types of reading skills are attached. The first task (Question 1) is the initial gist question, where the learners have to guess the probable title and subtitle of the text. This means the learners will have to read the content of the text quickly to find out what the theme and approximate content of the text. In addition I asked the learners to write the title in the same style as the text is written, therefore meaning the learners have to scan read quickly for what sort of the language the author is using.This is backed up by the familiarity of the type of text and the content, which gives learners a deeper contextual background. Even if the learners are unsuccessful in guessing the title and its form the pair work comparisons and controlled open class feedback will allow learners to be exposed to other learners ideas and language. Then I would move onto the detailed comprehension task. Once the learners have rea d the text once for the gist task they will have to go back and read it after reading the detailed questions (Question 2).The detailed comprehension questions results in learners having to read the text in depth. However the information in the questions are predefined information that directs the learner to the specific part of the text to read in detail. The learners should be able to complete this task individually but if there are any learners struggling I can pair them up with a stronger partner for the learner-to-learner feedback. After that is complete I will get the learners to mark their own answers by using the key.This is often one of the best way for learners to see their own errors and more importantly why the made the error that they did. After this I would bring the class together again in open class feedback and go through any of the harder questions and explain why the learners made the errors they did. Section 3 – Developing productive skills and sub-skills I am aiming to develop the writing skills, in particular the draft writing skills of the learners. The text I have chosen is a model of a film review, so I am going to ask the learners to write their own film review about a film they have seen recently.Therefore the learners know what type of language, register and lexis is needed to write a film review. The learners will need a good level of writing skills because, as Jim Scrivener in Learning Teaching[2] backs up, â€Å"many learners have a specific need to work on writing skills† and â€Å"writing involves a different kind of mental process, there is more time to think, to reflect, to prepare, to rehearse, to make mistakes and find alternative and better solutions†. After finishing the reading task I would get the learners to write down five different opinions they had about their chosen film.This preparation time would allow learners to formulate ideas and more importantly how to convey them, while also allowing the m to collect their ideas together without being under pressure. From the step I would then set a time pressured situation where the learners have to come up with a draft version of their review. The benefit of this they will not focus on grammar and language but on the actual content. In addition the time pressure means the actual draft writing skills of the learners will improve, as under no time pressure the learners could write an accurate film review but not increase their skills.The next stage would be to give the learners an opportunity to self correct their work. In this step they would focus on grammar and language mistakes. If they can recognize their own errors without prompting then this is an improvement in their writing skills, as they would have to know the correct language to identify a mistake. This also makes them aware of the errors they are making themselves so in future they can get it right first time.Depending on the practicality of the classroom layout, I woul d either put the film reviews on the wall and have the learners read each other’s in a gallery type format or have another learner read their review. This means other learners have the opportunity to correct other learner’s work and the errors that were not spotted in the first self-correction will be made obvious to the learners. I would finally finish the class with some open class feedback and delayed error correction. Again this adds to the learners writing skills development, as it is obvious where the learners can improve

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Mckinsey & Co. Managing Knowledge and Learning

Michelle Abbott Professor Jon Down December 10, 2002 Written Case Analysis McKinsey & Company: Managing Knowledge and Learning Evaluating Gupta’s Four Pronged Plan Rajat Gupta has recently inherited a fast-growing consulting firm with a strong knowledge base and a competitive market position.In order to ensure the future success of McKinsey & Company, however, Gupta faces a number of challenges: he must provide outstanding services to an increasingly sophisticated clientele, offer his employees ongoing education and upwardly mobile career paths, continually enhance McKinsey’s reputation as a leader in the consulting field, and, perhaps most significantly, continue to leverage his company’s knowledge base across divisions while still maintaining the unity and cohesive corporate culture that have always been important to McKinsey.Gupta seems determined to pursue knowledge as the company’s key business driver. Accordingly, his four-pronged plan includes an em phasis on practice development and organizational learning, an annual program called the Practice Olympics, six special initiatives focused on emerging issues, and the expansion of McKinsey’s research institute. But can Gupta successfully tend to all of these initiatives at once without fragmenting the company? And are there critical business areas that he overlooks with this approach? Source: The St. Martin's Handbook, 5th edition, by Andrea A. Lunsford (Bedford/St.Martin's, 2003) 1 Information Sharing & Corporate Unity vs. Cost-Effectiveness Despite its rapid growth, McKinsey & Company is attempting to maintain its â€Å"One Firm† policy in which responsibilities and profits are shared throughout the company rather than solely within offices. Though the company is divided into clientele sectors, centers of competence, and generalists and specialists, the philosophy of unity ensures that knowledge resources are continually distributed across these sectors. Considerabl e effort has been invested in an information infrastucture intended to optimize this sharing of resources.Gupta’s four-pronged plan is designed to further emphasize knowledge sharing in a variety of forums. Gupta should not pursue knowledge sharing without a thorough evaluation of its costs and benefits, however, as well as careful discussion about how knowledge sharing can be implemented most efficiently. While information sharing in an industry such as consulting is of utmost importance, it is an expensive practice. Each time information is documented and shared throughout the company – through whatever medium – costs are incurred, both in labor hours and material resources.There must be a comparable, tangible benefit to sharing information: namely, the knowledge must be usable to the recipient. If the knowledge is not useable to the recipient, sharing it is probably not costeffective. Additionally, Gupta might also reexamine McKinsey’s commitment to un ity in terms of cost-effectiveness. Is it efficient, in other words, to insist on continually sharing knowledge and information resources throughout the firm, or would it be wiser to simply allow some of the fragmentation that is occurring naturally as the company grows and diversifies?As the centers of competence and clientele sectors develop, perhaps some Source: The St. Martin's Handbook, 5th edition, by Andrea A. Lunsford (Bedford/St. Martin's, 2003) 2 would be more efficiently run as autonomous sub-units or even spin-off companies. With good strategy, these sub-units and spin-off companies might even still be able to optimize the parent company’s resources, including McKinsey’s impressive reputation and clientele base. Customer and Other Stakeholder Focus Gupta’s four-pronged plan may also be overlooking customer and market focus.Though benefit to the customer is implicit in his plan for the advancement and sharing of McKinsey’s information resources (i. e. , better knowledge ultimately benefits the client), the customer is not explicitly addressed in the agenda. Gupta’s plan might benefit from a more comprehensive evaluation of customer needs. For example, some clients might value not only cutting-edge information, but affordable rates, information that is sustainable in the long-term, and friendly, helpful, available onsultants who place a premium on customer satisfaction. Indeed, a business that fails, at any stage of strategic planning, to carefully consider customer needs is bound to lose customers in the long run. Similarly, the needs of other stakeholders deserve consideration and inclusion in Gupta’s plan. Those with equity in the company will want to see that Gupta’s emphasis on information sharing enhances the firm’s bottom line. Company employees will want to see that Gupta’s plan opens opportunities for continuing education and career promotion.Indeed, a clear career development an d succession plan will give employees additional incentive to participate in Gupta’s initiatives, such as the Practice Olympics in which employees present innovative ideas that have brought them success to a panel of senior executives. Source: The St. Martin's Handbook, 5th edition, by Andrea A. Lunsford (Bedford/St. Martin's, 2003) 3 Gupta’s Challenge Gupta’s commitment to a corporate atmosphere that values organizational learning is likely to keep McKinsey & Company at the forefront of the consulting industry.In order to guarantee that his four-pronged plan brings success to his company, however, McKinsey must be sure that information sharing is always accompanied by tangible benefits. Where information sharing fails to be useful and therefore costeffective, it should not be required – otherwise, Gupta risks jeopardizing his firm’s positive attitude toward organizational learning. This may necessitate some strategic separation of departments, a d eparture from McKinsey’s â€Å"One Firm† policy.Furthermore, Gupta must ensure that knowledge sharing within the company takes place through a variety of mediums, including traditional face-to-face interactions such as the Practice Olympics and the practice development. Technology should also be used toward this end – group support software systems, for instance, may provide a cost-effective and efficient way to share information across departments. Finally, Gupta should be sure that his approach to moving the organization forward includes a comprehensive evaluation of all the stakeholders’ interests in the firm.Cutting-edge knowledge should not be pursued at all costs. Rather, it should be pursued to the degree that it contributes a net benefit to the company, the company’s employees, and the company’s customers. A greater emphasis on the customer as well as careful analysis of all stakeholders’ interests will be necessary in order f or McKinsey & Company to continue to attract high-potential employees and a profitable clientele. Source: The St. Martin's Handbook, 5th edition, by Andrea A. Lunsford (Bedford/St. Martin's, 2003) 4

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Education and Richard Wright

During last week, I read 2 excerpts from Richard Wright and Malcolm X’ autobiographical writing. The interesting part is the authors both got self- educated by reading books while they were in tough situations because of racism. Although the way they accessed to education was different, they had a strong feeling that word could lift them up, and fight for their people after reading books. Ralph Ellison once said â€Å"If the word has the potency to revive and make us free, it has also the power to blind, imprison, and destroy. The similar quote is also right from Bel Kaufman, he said â€Å"Education is not a product: mark, diploma, job, money in that order; it is a process, a never ending one. † Words are the symbol human beings use to express what they want to say. It can be used in speaking and writing. Using words are the only thing people can do in order to communicate. Therefore when it comes to those who don’t have chance to learn in school, words will open the new whole world to them. That makes people escape from their ignorance, and enter to the world of education. Moreover, if people can use words fluently, it will be effective. Words do not have any physical power to kill, but mental power which can last in a long period of time. The quote of Ralph Elision is right, and it can apply in Richard Wright and Malcolm X’ situation. The criticism of people to Mencken makes Richard Wright curious, and brings him to books. The desire in writing letters, and the competition with his inmates bring Malcolm X to prison’s library to get dictionary and book. They both are brought to the new world, and find out their true feelings in reading books. With Richard, he thinks words can use as weapon to fight against unequal events in the world, reveal the truth of history, especially racism. On the other hand, Malcolm X tries to learn as many words as he can in order to fully understand the book, and gain more knowledge, which can help him gain respect of people around him. In the other quote, human come to education is not only for making money, it also helps people get the ideas how things work. Knowledge itself is the most important thing to make people realize the value of things, not just for making profit. Furthermore, knowledge is like the endless ocean, once people get into it, a lot of new things open to them. Thus, with Richard Wright and Malcolm X, whom dropped out of school, education is not a process to make money; it is the one that helps them understand what they lack of. As a writer, Richard Wright would think a lot about what needs to write. His mind would never end thinking to make more ideas, and give all he had into his books. Malcolm X was the same, he spent almost 15 hours per day to read, even though he was pretty successful at the time. Those two quotes are great philosophies. I learn a lot more from the quotes and through Richard Wright and Malcolm X’ self- educations. That’s good for me when I read them, and my mind opens wider.

Friday, September 13, 2019

American History Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

American History - Assignment Example According to this treaty the disputed land was divided equally into specific access areas. In the race of reaching India by travelling west the French aimed to find a north-west route to India. Later they started colonizing in North America in order to exploit the fur trades and in order to compete with the other European powers that were coming up with methods to take over the Americas. Also these colonies provided them with the opportunity to reallocate their population in new areas. Joint stock companies is a form of business organization where people buy stocks or shares in the company which allows them to participate and take share of the company’s profits and benefits from other activities. The London company which was forming colonies in North America used this method in Virginia to expand their control and also to get the people involved in the betterment of the society by sharing the