Sunday, September 29, 2019

Diabetes Mellitus Syndrome Chronic Hyperglycemia Health And Social Care Essay

Diabetess mellitus was described more than 2000 old ages ago, one time regarded as a individual entity disease impacting persons of higher socio economic strata but now even the person of lower economic strata are besides affected. It is a disease characterized by a province of hyperglycaemia ensuing from diversenesss of etiologies, environmental and familial playing jointly. By definition, diabetes mellitus is a syndrome characterized by chronic hyperglycaemia and perturbation of saccharides, protein and fat metamorphosis associated with absolute or comparative lack in insulin secernment and action. Harmonizing to WHO, there are two chief types of diabetes mellitus ie insulin dependant diabetes mellitus ( type I ) and non insulin dependant diabetes mellitus ( type II ) . Type II diabetes mellitus is a syndrome holding heterogenous and is associated with hazard of figure of complication like neurological, cardiovascular, nephritic, optic and musculoskeletal jobs. Out of these neurological and cardiovascular systems are normally affected. Diabetess is systemic upset of energy metamorphosis in which hyperglycaemia is the cellular opposition to the consequence of insulin or both. Diabetes affects both the cardinal and peripheral nervous system. Diabetic neuropathies are a household of nervus upset caused by diabetes. Peoples with diabetes can develop nervus harm throughout the organic structure. About 60 to 70 per centum of people with diabetes have some signifier of neuropathy. Peoples with diabetes can develop nerve jobs at any clip, but hazard rises with age and longer continuance of diabetes for more than 5 old ages. They appear to be more common in people who have jobs commanding their blood glucose besides called blood sugar. Type II diabetes is the most common signifier of diabetes and normally appears in center aged grownups. Approximately 60-70 % of type II persons develop diabetic neuropathy. It is frequently associated with fleshiness and may be delayed or controlled with diet and exercising. Diabetic neuropathy appears to be more common in people over 45 – 55 old ages of age. Causes: – Prolonged exposure to high blood sugar ( glucose ) can damage delicate nervus fibres, doing diabetic neuropathy. High blood glucose interferes with the ability of the nervousnesss to convey signals. It besides weakens the walls of the little blood vass that supply the nervousnesss with O and foods. Metabolic factors, such as high blood glucose, long continuance of diabetes and perchance low degrees of insulin. Neurovascular factors, taking to damage to the blood vass that carry O and foods to nervousnesss. Autoimmune factors that cause redness in nervousnesss. Clinical characteristics: – Functional instability Deep hurting most normally in the pess and legs Numbness Muscle failing Loss of sense of warm or cold Based on this Clinical characteristic that is functional instability, capable were evaluated with berg balance graduated table, incorporating 14 balance undertakings. Balance preparation to be an effectual agencies of forestalling falls in patients with diabetic neuropathy.1.1 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMThis is a survey on the effectivity of balance exercising in bettering balance in patients with diabetic neuropathy.1.2 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDYTo happen out the effectivity of balance exercising in diabetic neuropathy patients1.3 NEED AND SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDYDiabetic neuropathy or nervus harm is a reasonably common diabetes related complication, approximately 60 % of individuals with diabetes have some grade of neuropathy and it is portion of regular tests and showings in individuals with diabetes about all individuals with diabetes will finally hold some signifier of neuropathy. Complication from neuropathy can run from mild to severe symptoms can include buzzing, firing o r prickling paraesthesia in the pess and increased hazard of falling. In this survey Berg balance graduated table was used to mensurate balance by measuring the public presentation of functional undertakings. This survey measure the effectivity of balance exercising to better balance in patients with diabetic neuropathy.1.4 HYPOTHESISNULL HYPOTHESISThere is no important difference in giving balance exercising to diabetic neuropathy patient.ALTERNATIVE HYPOTHESISThere is important difference in giving balance exercising to diabetic neuropathic patient.1.5 OPERATIONAL DEFINITIONSDIABETIC NEUROPATHY:Diabetic neuropathies are a household of nervus upsets that are associated with diabetes mellitus. These conditions are thought to ensue from diabetic micro vascular hurt affecting little blood vass that supply nervousnesss. Neuropathy is a nervus upset that consequences in deformation of nervus map.TYPE II DIABETES:Diabetess mellitus type II once called non insulin dependant diabetes mellitus or grownup oncoming diabetes is a upset that is characterized by high blood glucose in the context of insulin opposition and comparative insulin lack. It is a chronic disease characterized by high degrees of sugar in the blood. It develops when your organic structure does non react right to insulin.Balances:The ability to aline organic structure sections against gravitation to keep or travel the organic structure ( centre of mass ) within the available base of support without falling.2.REVIEW OF LITERATUREa ) Reappraisal of literature related to diabetic neuropathyRENUKA DHARMADHIKARI ( 2007 )Mellitus is a common disease in people with about 50 % of type 2 diabetic patients being over 45 to 55 old ages of age. Insulin opposition is common in people, with big Numberss besides have impaired insulin secernment. Exercise with a peculiar accent on balance and stableness is an of import constituent of the direction and intervention of diabetic neuropathy patients.D. FEEDLE, G. CUCINOTTA, DA GREENE ( 2005 )A common complication of diabetics called neuropathy was determined in diabetic patients recruited from 109 out diabetic clinics. An i ncreased consciousness of the high prevalence of neuropathy can take to early curative intercession and possible bar of ulterior neuropathic complication such as infection and pes ulcer.ALI CIMBIZ, OZGE ( 2004 )Diabetic neuropathy disturbed particularly the balance on the dominant leg. Done with 60 voluntary grownups of both sexes from Kuhatya, Turkey were divided in to two groups. A type 2 diabetic neuropathic group ( DG ) and a non diabetic control group ( CG ) . The CG was selected to fit the diabetic features such as age, organic structure mass and sex. Standing on dominant, non dominant leg and functional range were used for the appraisal.STEFANO BALDUCCIAN, GIAN LUCA, LEOLCA PARISIC ( 2004 )Exercise preparation can modify the natural history of diabetic neuropathy. This survey suggests for the first clip that long clip exercising preparation can forestall the oncoming or modify the natural history of diabetic neuropathy.MARK J BROWN, JOHN R. MARTIN, ARTHUR K, ASBURY ( 1996 )Di abetic patients whose neuropathy was characterized by hurting and autonomic disfunction with loss of balance and saving of musculus stretch physiological reactions.YASUDA H DYCK P ( 1987 )Hypothesized that neuropathy consequences from diseased developments in the little vass in diabetes by the observation of thickener of the walls of endoneurial capillaries in the nervus of diabetic patients as a consequence of an accretion of periodic Acid Schiff.B ) Reappraisal of literature related to balance and diabetic neuropathyANN V. SCHWARTZ AND TERESA A. HILLIER ( 2001 )Peoples with diabetic had increased hazard of falling in their survey conducted in patients with diabetic neuropathy. Postural stableness is the of import factor to keep the balance which reduces the hazard of autumn. Diabetic neuropathy topics may lose their Centre of force per unit area information for commanding postural sway in stance stage of pace.HORAK FBB, DICKSTERIN R AND PETERCA R.J. ( 1998 )Concluded that diabetic patients with neuropathy show higher scope and root mean square value compared with those of control topics and diabetic patients with out neuropathy quiet standing balance was investigated in 24 diabetic patients with or with out neuropathy with eyes opened and eyes closed.DANIK LAFOND, HELENE CORIVEA AND FRANCIOS PRINCE ( 1998 )Motor schemes at the mortise joint articulation are altered in diabetic neuropathy patients in his work subjected for postural control mechanism during quiet standing in patients with diabetic neuropathy.BEVERLEIGH H PIEPERSA ( 1996 )Many as one in two people with type 2 diabetes finally develops a status of chronic nervus harm in their pess known as diabetic neuropathy. Diabetic are at greater hazards for falls when they have fewer centripetal inputs to counterbalance for the loss of experiencing in their pess. Closing your eyes, or walking a across a dark room will ensue in more falls. Even standing on one pes is harder for a diabetic to make with their eyes closed, but easier if eyes are unfastened.TABASSOM GHANAVATI, ALI ASGHAR ARASTOO: ( 1995 )Diabetic neuropathy patients seems to do postural instability which may impact quality of maps and activities of day-to-day life of these patients.ROTHWELL ( 1994 )Ocular vestibular and proprioceptive subsystem response to somewhat different perturbation in balance. The visuo spinal system controls both inactive and faster inputs with proprioceptive system which is besides Sensitive to faster stimulation.LORD ET.AL ( 1994 )A survey in Australia reported that hapless balance is a factor in the causal tract between diabetes and increase hazard of falling. Thus the persons with diabetes had increased organic structure Celsius ) Review of literature related to consequence of exercising programme on balance upsetEMILY SPLICHAL: ( 1996 )Diabetic neuropathy causes loss of distal strength and esthesis. Research has shown that diabetics with neuropathy are 15 times more likely to descri be falling or faltering in a one twelvemonth period. Research has proven balance preparation to be an effectual agencies of forestalling falls in patient with diabetic neuropathy. All balance exercising can be done in a patient place with small or no equipment.RICHARDSON J.K, SANDMAN D, VELA S.A ( 1995 )Focused exercising regimen improves Clinical steps of balance in patients with diabetic neuropathy. Participants are 20 topics with diabetes mellitus and diagnostically confirmed patient. Ten subjects underwent a 3 hebdomad intercession exercising regimen designed to increase quickly available distal strength and balance. The other 10 topics performed a control exercising regimen. The intercession topics but non the control subjects, showed important betterment in all 3 clinical steps of balance that is impedal stance clip, Functional range and tandem stance clip.vitamin D ) Review of literature related to berg balance graduated tableTRINA SMITH ( 2005 )Berg Balance Scale used to qua ntify the balance of patients with diabetic neuropathy. Twenty one female and five males were selected. Participants completed each balance trial one time during 2 testing Sessionss for that inter rates dependability was good for the BBS. The balance trial showed moderate to good dependability for this population. The BBS appear to be valid steps of motor ability to keep balance.GATEV ( 1999 )Balance trials have been developed and presented to obtain appropriate information of balance measuring. The choice of mensurating clip and stance conditions is indispensableALEXANDER ( 1996 )Balance trial have been developed and presented to obtain appropriate information of balance capablenesss during standing. Functional balance graduated tables are easy to execute and suitable for daily clinical usage that give more elaborate information about balance.BEIG ETAL ( 1995 )Berg Balance Scale in patients with damage of balance. It is a staff completed assessment graduated table of ability to kee p balance either statistically or while executing assorted functional motions to assist do determinations about the patients equilibrate degree, comprises 14 discernible undertakings common to every twenty-four hours life.3. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY3.1 REASEARCH DESIGNThis survey belongs to experimental design.3.2 Variables USED IN THE STUDY3.2.1 Independent variablesBalance exercising Medical intervention3.2.2 Dependent variableBalance3.3 Setting OF THE STUDY:Physiotherapy Rehabilitation Centre, Kannur3.4 CRITERIA FOR SELECTIONInclusion standardsDiabetess with a continuance of more than 5 old ages Type 2 diabetes with diagnosed neuropathy Persons between the age group of 45-55 old ages were selected. Both males and females wee included in this survey. Patients who reported atleast one autumn in the past 6 monthsExclusion standardsLower appendage amputation Patients with inability to walk without any assistive devices Patients with musculoskeletal damage Patients with neurological damage Diabetess with any other systemic engagement3.5 SAMPLE POPULATION30 Capable and 15 in each group3.6 METHOD OF SAMPLINGRandom Sampling Technique.3.7 METHODOLOGY30 Subjects are selected and divided in to two groups The process was explained to subject. GROUP A: Balance exercising with medical intervention GROUP B: Medical intervention3.8 Materials USEDRuler Two standard chairs ( one with a arm rests, one without ) Foot stool Stop ticker or carpus ticker Berg balance graduated table Outcome measuring by utilizing Berg Balance graduated table3.9 DURATION OF THE STUDY:Four hebdomads3.10 ProcedureThe topics were given balance exercising like inactive and dynamic exercising for five yearss for four hebdomads. Entire intervention clip was 60 proceedingss /session/ twenty-four hours with 5 minute remainder after every 15 proceedingss.Balance exercisingImprove balance by executing simple balance exercising. The individual leg stance is a really effectual exercising for bettering balance. This exercising can be modified balance stableness. The exercisings are categorized in to two different types inactive and dynamic of balance preparation.Inactive exercisingToe base Tandum base One – legged base Heel baseDynamic exercising in walkingToe walk Tandum forward walk Heel walk Tandum backward walk1. Toe base†¢ Stand about one and a half pess off from the counter. †¢ Raise up every bit high as possible on the balls of your pess. Your pess should be shoulder width apart. †¢ Try to remain every bit still as possible. Make non travel your pess around to keep balance. †¢ Hold the toe base for 10 seconds. Rest. Repeat 5 times.2. Tandem Stand†¢ Stand about one and a half pess off from the counter. †¢ Place one pes straight in forepart of the other pes so that the heel of one pes is merely touching the toes of the other pes. †¢ Try to remain every bit still as possible. Make non travel your pess around to keep balance. †¢ Hold the tandem base for 10 seconds. Rest. Repeat 5 times.3. One-legged BaseStand about one and a half pess off from the counter. Slowly lift one leg off of the floor, while keeping your balance with the other leg. Try to remain every bit still as possible. Make non travel your pes around to keep balance. Keep the one-legged base for 10 seconds. Rest. Repeat with other leg 5 times.4. Heel StandStand about one and a half pess off from the counter. Raise up every bit high as possible on the heels of your pess. Your pess should be shoulder width apart. Try to remain every bit still as possible. Make non travel your pess around to keep balance. Keep the heel base for 10 seconds. Rest. Repeat 5 times.Dynamic exercising1. Toe walki »? †¢ Go to one terminal of a hall and easy raise up every bit high as you can onto your toes. Walk down the hall on your toes. †¢ When you reach the other side, come down onto your pess and stand usually. †¢ Rest. Repeat 5 times.2. i »? Tandem Forward WalkTravel to one terminal of a hall and topographic point one pes in forepart of the other so that the heel of one pes touches the toes of the other pes. Walk down the hall in a tandem walk. It is of import that with each measure the heel of one pes touches the toes of the other. If you make a error, merely topographic point one pes in forepart of the other and go on down the hall. When you reach the other side stand usually. Rest. Repeat 5 times.3. Heel WalkTravel to one terminal of a hall and easy raise up every bit high as you can onto your heels. Walk down the hall on your heels. When you reach the other side come down onto your pess and stand usually. Rest. Repeat 5 times.4. i »? Tandem Backward WalkTravel to one terminal of a hall and topographic point one pes behind the other pes so that the heel of one pes touches the toes of the other pes. Walk down the hall in a backward tandem walk. It is of import that with each measure the toes on one pes touch the heel of the other. If you make a error, merely topographic point one pes behind the other and go on down the hall. When you reach the other side, stand usually. Rest. Repeat 5 times.i »?3.11 Measurement ToolBERG BALANCE SCALEThe Berg Balance Scale ( BBS ) was developed to mensurate balance among people with damage in balance map by measuring the public presentation of functional undertakings. It is a valid instrument used for rating of the effectivity of intercessions and for quantitative descriptions of map in clinical pattern and research. The BBS has been evaluated in several dependability surveies. 14 points scale designed to mensurate balance of the grownup in a clinical scene.4. DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPREATIONThe information collected was subjected to partner off ‘t ‘ trial separately for group A and group B utilizing expressions.Formula 1vitamin D = ? d/n Where, vitamin D = difference between pre trial and station trial values vitamin D = is the average value of vitamin D n = is the figure of topicsFormula 2: ( d-d ) 2 ( n -1 ) Standard divergence SD =Formula 3:Standard Error ( S.E ) = SD N ‘t ‘ calculated value = vitamin D S.EFormula 4:‘t ‘ cal = vitamin D S.E Where, t cal is the ‘t ‘ calculated value dI†¦ = mean of divergence n = entire figure of topics s = criterion divergence d? = amount of squared divergence4. Independent ‘t ‘ trialWhere S == Mean of Control group = Mean of Experimental group n1 = Number of Subjects in Control group n2 = Number of Subjects in Experimental group S = Standard Deviation Datas were collected from 30 patients analysed utilizing paired ‘t ‘ trial and Independent ‘t ‘ trial to happen out within group difference. All information was analysed utilizing SPSS version 10.0.Table 1DESCRIPTIVE DATA OF EXPERIMENTAL GROUPS.NoAgeYearSexual activityBerg Balance ScalePre-testPost trial1 48 Meter 37 47 2 50 Meter 38 45 3 46 F 36 46 4 45 F 36 45 5 49 Meter 38 47 6 48 F 35 46 7 49 Meter 37 48 8 50 Meter 37 47 9 48 F 39 48 10 48 Meter 38 47 11 47 Meter 36 46 12 50 Meter 35 46 13 49 F 38 48 14 46 Meter 35 46 15 49 Meter 39 47TABLE-11DESCRIPTIVE DATA OF CONTROL GROUPS.NoAgeYearSexual activityBerg Balance ScalePre-testPost trial1 47 Meter 38 41 2 46 Meter 38 42 3 46 Meter 36 41 4 47 F 37 37 5 48 Meter 35 37 6 49 Meter 39 42 7 48 F 39 42 8 48 F 38 40 9 50 Meter 36 39 10 49 Meter 37 40 11 46 Meter 38 41 12 45 F 37 40 13 47 Meter 36 39 14 47 F 39 42 15 49 F 37 41TABLE – II1DEMOGRAPHIC PRESENTATION OF SEXContentControlEXPERIMENTALMale 9 10 Female 6 5 Entire 15 15GRAPH- ISexual activity WISE DISTRIBUTION IN CONTROL GROUP AND EXPERIMENTAL GROUPThe above saloon graph shows, in control group 9 males and 6 females were selected ; and in experimental group 10 males and 5 females were selected.Table FourPRE TEST MEAN AND STD. DEVIATION OF BBS CONTROL AND EXPERIMENTAL GROUPGroup N ( No. of Subjects ) Mean STD. Deviation Control 15 37.33 1.234 EXPERIMENTAL 15 36.93 1.387Table VoltPOST TEST MEAN AND STD. DEVIATION OF BBS IN CONTROL AND EXPERIMENTAL GROUPGroup N ( No. of Subjects ) Mean STD. Deviation Control 15 40.27 1.67 EXPERIMENTAL 15 46.66 1.051GRAPH-IIMEAN DIFFERENCE OF BBS IN CONTROL AND EXPERIMENTAL GROUPInterpretation OF DATA:Statistical ANALYSIS OF BERG BALANCE SCALE IN CONTROL GROUP USING PAIRED ‘t ‘ TrialTable — VIGROUP CONTROL Mean South dakota T DF Sig t value Bulletin board system PRE 37.3 1.234 10.33 14 2.1447 Post 40.27 1.67Interpretation-Berg Balance Scale in control group-Above tabular array shows the mean of the pre trial informations for the control group as 37.3+_1.234 ( SD ) and post trial value as 40.27 ±1..67 ( SD ) . The deliberate T value is 10.33. It indicates that there is important difference between pretest and station values of Berg Balance graduated table in control group.GRAPH-IIIMEAN DIFFERENCE AND STANDARD DEVIATION OF BBS IN CONTROL GROUPInterpretation of informationsStatistical analysis of Berg Balance Scale in experimental group utilizing paired ‘t ‘ trialTABLE – SevenGroupMeanS.D‘t ‘dfExperimental Pre trial 36.67 1.54 27.04 14 Post trial 46.13 1.45 Interpretation – Berg balance graduated table Above tabular array shows the mean of pre trial informations for the experimental group as 36.67 ± 1.54 ( SD ) and post trial value as 46.13 ±1.45 ( S.D ) the deliberate ‘t ‘ value is 27.04 which is greater than that of table value. It indicates that there is important difference between pre trial and station trial values of Berg balance graduated table in experimental group.i »?GRAPH- IVMEAN DIFFERENCE AND STANDARD DEVIATION OF BBS IN EXPERIMENTAL GROUPSTASTICAL ANALYSIS OF BERG BALANCE SCALE OF PRE TEST VALUE USING INDEPENDENT T TrialTable EightEXPERIMENTAL AND CONTROL GROUP PRE TEST VALUE Mean South dakota T DF Bulletin board system EXP 36.93 1.39 1.83 28 CTRL 37.33 1.23INTERPRETATION-BERG BALANCE SCALECONTROL AND EXPERIMENTAL GROUP PRETEST VALUEAbove TABLE shows the mean of pre trial informations for experimental group as 36.933  ±1.39 ( SD ) the deliberate T value is 1.8310 and command group mean 37.33 ±1.3810 and calculated T value is 1.8310 for both experimental and control group. It indicates that there is no important difference between experimental and control group.GRAPH-VMEAN DIFFERENCE AND STANDARD DEVIATION OF BBS IN EXPERIMENTAL AND CONTROL GROUP USING INDEPENDENT‘T ‘ TrialSTASTICAL ANALYSIS OF BERG BALANCE SCALEPOST TEST VALUE USING INDEPENDENT T TrialTABLE – NineEXPERIMENTAL AND CONTROL GROUP POST TEST VALUE Mean South dakota T df Bulletin board system EXP 46.6 1.0521 12.6626 28 CTRL 40.27 1.6701INTERPRETATION- BERG BALANCE SCALECONTROL AND EXPERIMENTAL GROUP POST TEST VALUEAbove tabular array shows the mean of station trial informations for experimental group as 46.6  ±1.058387 ( SD ) the deliberate T value is 12.6626 and command group mean 40.27 ±1.6701 and calculated T value is 12.6626 for both experimental and control group. It indicates that there is a important difference in experimental group value than control groupGRAPH-VIMEAN DIFFERENCE AND STANDARD DEVIATION OF BBS IN POST TEST VALUES OF EXPERIMENTAL AND CONTROL GROUP USING INDEPENDENT ‘T ‘ Trial5. ResultEffectiveness of Control Group ( Medical intervention ) While comparing the pre-test and station trial values of control group utilizing Paired ‘t ‘ trial, the deliberate T value is 10.33 whereas the tabular array value is 2.145, it states that there is important difference between the pre-test and post-test values of control group. When comparing the average values of both, the station trial mean value is 1.67 which are greater than the pre trial mean value 1.234. Hence it confirms that there is a important betterment group. Effectiveness of Experimental Group ( Balance exercising with medical intervention ) While comparing the pre-test and station trial values of experimental group utilizing Paired't ‘ trial, the deliberate value is 31.8590646 whereas the tabular array value is 2.145. Since the deliberate value is more than the critical value, it states that there is important difference between the pre-test and post-test values of experimental group. When comparing the average values of both, the post-test mean value 46.6 which is greater than the pre-test mean value 36.933. Hence it confirms that there is a important betterment in post-test experimental group than pre trial experimental group.6. DiscussionDiabetess Mellitus is a Chronic status which encroaches about all the systems in the organic structure. Diabetic neuropathy is a complication of long standing diabetes, which affects nervousnesss of the organic structure. Diabetic neuropathy can impact all the tissues and the variety meats of the organic structure. Approximately about 60-70 % of the people with diabetes suffer from neuropathy and the oncoming can be at any clip in life. The incidence of neuropathy in diabetic patients increases with the period of diabetes. This survey was an experimental attack, which studied the effectivity of balance exercising in diabetic neuropathy patients. The result was measured utilizing Berg Balance Scale. It has been shown to a valid and dependable tool for the measuring of balance by measuring the public presentation of functional undertakings. The control group was given medical intervention and the patient besides given balance exercising in experimental group. Harmonizing to Shahin Goharpey, diabetic neuropathy consequences in functional instability which cause these patients to danger of falling during activities of day-to-day life and becomes more terrible as the badness of neuropathy aggravates. Balance exercising improves clinical steps of balance in patients with diabetic neuropathy. Loss of force per unit area sensitiveness was independently associated with the hazard of falling more than one time a twelvemonth and histories for 3- 6 % of relationship between diabetes and falling. Based on above survey, the present survey concluded that balance preparation to be an effectual agencies of cut downing frequence of autumn in patients with diabetic neuropathy.MechanismThe mechanism by which balance preparation affect the balance of diabetic neuropathy is due to, 1. During exercise whole organic structure O ingestion additions in the musculuss. 2. Addition in the concentration of Na+ / K+ adenosine triphosphatase ( ATPase ) pumps. 3. Exercise works to cut down insulin opposition which lowers blood sugar degrees. So heavy insulin opposition will set less strain on the organic structure to do insulin. 4. Exercise is helpful in keeping strength, mobility, map and besides provides stableness7. DecisionThe survey concludes that balance exercising seemed to be good in bettering balance and thereby cut downing the frequence of autumn in patients with diabetic neuropathy.LIMITATIONS AND SUGGESTIONSRestrictionStudy was conducted for a short period of clip. The survey assessed merely short term advancement of the patients. Since survey clip was short merely limited sample since could be considered for the survey.SuggestionTo set up the efficaciousness of the intervention a big sample size survey is required. To do the consequence more valid a long term survey may be carried out. The same survey can be done by modifying the exercising by increasing the complexness. The same survey can be done by increasing the exercising by its repeats. The same survey can be carried out in males and females individually.

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