Friday, September 13, 2019

American History Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

American History - Assignment Example According to this treaty the disputed land was divided equally into specific access areas. In the race of reaching India by travelling west the French aimed to find a north-west route to India. Later they started colonizing in North America in order to exploit the fur trades and in order to compete with the other European powers that were coming up with methods to take over the Americas. Also these colonies provided them with the opportunity to reallocate their population in new areas. Joint stock companies is a form of business organization where people buy stocks or shares in the company which allows them to participate and take share of the company’s profits and benefits from other activities. The London company which was forming colonies in North America used this method in Virginia to expand their control and also to get the people involved in the betterment of the society by sharing the

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