Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Pinciples of Assesment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Pinciples of Assesment - Essay Example The idea here is to ensure the complete transfer of knowledge to the learner and the purpose of assessment is to deduce the level of success that has been achieved in this transfer of facts, for e.g. a history teacher tested students on the topic of American Revolution in order to find the amount of information grasped by the students on the subject, an obvious affect of this assessment would be a feedback and a possible repetition of the lecture for students who scored poorly on the test. It leaves no ambiguity in the fact that The Victorian standards aim at helping out the appraisee rather than the appraiser. In comparison to this the Griffin & Gills principles of assessment aim to measure the collective affect on a group i.e. the person being evaluated and the group which is being affected by his/her performance. Moreover the Griffin & Gills methods can be utilized in the selection and recruitment or in case of students for admitting them into an institution as implied by the following principle "able to be used for purposes of selection and recognition; encourage learning of higher order skills", though the second part of the statement refers to the case of individuals who already a part of the institution or an organization the first piece is in contradiction to Victoria standards which intend to evaluate existing pupil. Victoria principles for assessment stress on the evaluation procedure to be an ongoing process i.e. students should be tested throughout the semester to use the test result attained throughout the period to be used as a basis for assessment. In contrast to this the Griffin & Gills seem to be referring to an episodic process of testing. Victoria's principles are open to moderation in times of need whereas the Griffin & Gills are based on fixed measures and these are beyond the influence of the appraiser unlike the Victorian standards. Assumptions Victorian Essential Learning Standards It has been assumed that assessments affect the students and parents and the outcome of assessment on the institutional goals and standards has been ignored. It can be seen throughout the course of points none of which relate to the effect on the teacher or the institution in the event of an unreliable or biased assessment. One major assumption made is that teachers could moderate their evaluation procedure if they cite the need for it. One should not forget that individuals have different personalities and thus they set different goals for the subject they teach moreover no two courses in the curriculum are exactly similar to have same goals. For e.g. History and Mathematics are in no way similar and the instructors in these courses might not have identical plans for assessing students. Under these circumstances the protocols of an institution would press on conformity in the procedure of assessment and hence the idea of moderation in techniques by individual teacher is rarely functional. Griffin & Gills set of principles It has been assumed that there exists a possibility of drafting plans that would completely reliable and would eliminate alternative explanation for results. This principle is a mere hypothesis which on test might not hold to be true. External influences always exist in the evaluation and research has proved that

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